This report will detailly explains about the start expense, marketing strategy, advertisement plan, target audience, employees and equipment required to a rage room business.
Rage room is a private place, where replicas of furniture’s and other things like T.V, desks will be placed, and people are allowed to smash and destroy those things as they wish. This may seem like nonsense, but breaking things will help to unleash all their suppressed anger, depression and make us feel more relaxed and lighter. It is a fully qualified company which provides imaginative, depression and rage management solutions. A plan is important while starting a business, so first thing we have to sketch is the start-up cost.
- RENTAL SPACE - Rentals differ considerably based on location, where we set up the activity, but it's probably the biggest expense. We dec
...ided to setup our business in the Warsaw centre as it is the best place to attract customers.
- INSURANCE - even though we are going to operate as secure as possible, there are chances for accidents to occur. So, it’s safe to have a building insurance.
- EQUIPMENTS – here the equipment is mostly like breakable goods which we can buy at online marketplaces at low cost. The other thing we need to buy is safety gears like goggles, gloves, hard hats so that the broken pieces won’t hurt our customers.
- ADVERTISEMENTS – we will use social media and free locanto pages to advertise our business but when it comes to beat competitors, we’ve to use paid advertising like creating banners, placing posters etc.
- EMPLOYEES - this business doesn’t need lot of employees; however, the structure consists of a cashier/receptionists/front des
officer, rage room instructor, and a cleaning team consists of a cleaner and other person to transport the broken things into garage.
Hence, we can start our business with the total initial costs kept to a minimum of 4000 euros. The most of this source is from bank business loan at an interest rate of 8% interest rate per annum. Once the business is started the variable expenses include only the salaries and cost for breakable goods (it can be bought at low costs). the name of our company is Egar Rage room shortly called as ERR. The slogan of our company will be “Smash your inner trash”.
- TARGET AUDIENCE - Adults under 45 are known to suffer under high work pressure and to face lots of social and family problems. The target audience for rage rooms, likely to fall around the individuals or groups from different aspects of life such as adults, parents of teenagers, recently unemployed, people unknowingly out of relationships and persons with unreleased rage.
- MARKETING STRATEGY - We are actually trying to impose as much of our abilities as we can. So that our customers will have a chance to feel the Vent rage environment this way. In fact, word of mouth marketing is an important aspect of our business strategy. That has been largely productive so far. Because Word of mouth studies have shown that people would trust their family and friends more often than they do commercials. Also, digital marketing is an important strategy to drive our company to tremendous heights. The key advantage of digital marketing is that it will enter the targeted people in a cost effective and
tangible manner.
We will place ads on magazines, newspapers, t.v, and also use social media platforms like Facebook, twitter, YouTube, Instagram and our official webpage to post our promotional offers. Put billboards in areas near companies and universities are placed. We will distribute our business cards and handbooks in all target areas around Warsaw. We also make sure that our employees were wearing our branded t-shirts painted with our company logo while on work. On our inauguration day we planned to throw a big party so that we can attract customers. Success of our business - in recent years this rage rooms were going in trend and each year number of customers approaching is increasing. The things I believe that we are doing better than other rage rooms are our services, facility we offer and finally our prices. “I would bet you to find some other place which offers better price than we do”.
The reason we started the business is to offer anger management service in a different way. We trust that this business will do better in future and offer more services to our customer.
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