Anger in the Workplace Disrupts Productivity and Unity Essay Example
What is Leadership? Leadership is more than simply just telling or showing someone what to do. It’s more than just barking orders and pointing fingers. Leadership refers to the ability to influence people in a positive and motivational way to succeed at a certain goal. When it comes to Leadership, there is different types of leadership styles. Not every style has the same method or technic. Autocratic leaders are clear in stating they are in charge and that others in the group have little to no say.
Even though this seem like the leader is being arrogant and dehumanizing the autocratic leader is often neither. Consultative leaders and Participative leaders have similar leadership styles, they both take the time to interact with their fellow followers. Both leaders try to understand what their groups opini
...on or concerns are on a particular subject. The leadership style differs because consultative leaders will spend a good amount of time to interact with their group/ followers, but when it comes down to it the consultative leader will make the final decision.
The participative leaders invites the group to share the power with the leader, but the participative leader will take the matter into his own hands if the group is not willing to give there input. Often through school whether it being middle school, high school, or even now in college we do assignments in a group with other students in class, they would call it team building. When I hear team building I assume that i’m working with a group of people on an assignment or project and our objective is to work together to achieve the same goal. Which mean
we are all contributing to the project or assignment. When this happens and everyone participates it can be great. Team Building is a process in which there are different steps to take to build a functional team. One of these steps is implementation which pretty much means asking people in your group questions such as; what skills, abilities, or talents they have to benefit the group. Also when building a team there has to be trust.
For instance, what would a quarter back on a football team do if a he didn’t trust his wide-receivers? More than likely he would hesitate to throw the ball to them. It’s important to build trust between one another in your group so you can feel comfortable with your teammates. Lastly, I believe it is important to discuss what your groups main goal is to increase productivity and unity. Anger in the the work place can be the most potentially harmful thing to be around or even to deal with. One of the ways we can solve this problem and make it less likely to take place is to have and outlet for those who need to let someone know why they are anger and the steps to take to get rid of there aggression, this is called anger management.
Anger management has five steps for dealing with anger, one is to find the inner cause of your anger and to figure out why you feel this way. Next is learn what makes you mad, this is called figuring out your flash points, once you figure out what causes you to be mad, you can better deal with it. Then look
at what your anger has damaged in the pass and whether it was a relationship or with other people. Try to build your conflict management skill face it in your career or job people will get on your nerves, but you can’t just freak out on them try. You have to take more of and professional route. Last figure out what relaxes you or calms you down, so if you were to get anger you can cool off by taking a deep breathe.
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