Abnormal Psychology-Chapter 7 – Flashcards

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1. Repetitive thoughts and behaviors that are so extreme that they interfere with everyday life are referred to as a) generalized anxiety disorder. b) phobic disorder. c) obsessive-compulsive disorder. d) social phobic disorder.
Ans: c Type: Factual Section ref: Introduction Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Define the symptoms and epidemiology of the obsessive-compulsive related disorders and the trauma-related disorders.
2. Conditions that are triggered by exposure to severely stressful events are referred to as a) trauma-related disorders. b) generalized anxiety disorder. c) obsessive-compulsive disorder. d) somatoform disorder.
Ans: a Type: Factual Section ref: Introduction Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Define the symptoms and epidemiology of the obsessive-compulsive related disorders and the trauma-related disorders.
3. One way the DSM-5 differs from the DSM-IV-TR is that it a) put OCD and trauma-related disorders part of the anxiety disorders category. b) put OCD and trauma-related disorders their own category. c) eliminated OCD and trauma-related disorders. d) none of the above.
Ans: b Type: Factual Section ref: Introduction Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Define the symptoms and epidemiology of the obsessive-compulsive related disorders and the trauma-related disorders.
4. Which of the following disorders is NOT organized as part of the DSM-5's new category OCD related and trauma related disorders? a) body dysmorphic disorder b) hoarding disorder c) obsessive-compulsive disorder d) panic disorder
Ans: d Type: Factual Section ref: Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Define the symptoms and epidemiology of the obsessive-compulsive related disorders and the trauma-related disorders.
5. Intrusive, irrational and unwanted thoughts are called a) irrational beliefs. b) generalized anxiety. c) obsessions. d) compulsions.
Ans: c Type: Factual Section ref: Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Define the symptoms and epidemiology of the obsessive-compulsive related disorders and the trauma-related disorders.
6. Oscar feels the urge to turn a light switch on and off 12 times before leaving a room. This would be referred to as a) an irrational belief. b) generalized anxiety. c) an obsession. d) a compulsion.
Ans: d Type: Factual Section ref: Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Define the symptoms and epidemiology of the obsessive-compulsive related disorders and the trauma-related disorders.
7. Which of the following is an obsession? a) repeatedly checking that the water is turned off. b) humming a tune over and over. c) having a recurring fear that one is giving others illnesses when they actually are not. d) having excessive worry over finances.
Ans: c Type: Applied Section Ref: Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Define the symptoms and epidemiology of the obsessive-compulsive related disorders and the trauma-related disorders.
8. Which of the following is a compulsion? a) A persistent fear of getting dirty. b) Having persistent doubts about whether the stove was turned off that morning. c) Persistent checking for one's keys. d) Persistent thoughts about harming one's spouse.
Ans: c Type: Applied Section Ref: Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Define the symptoms and epidemiology of the obsessive-compulsive related disorders and the trauma-related disorders.
9. People who compulsively check their appearance and spend countless hours staring at themselves in the mirror will likely be diagnosed as having a) obsessive-compulsive disorder b) body dysmorphic disorder c) generalized anxiety disorder d) specific phobia
Ans: b Type: Factual Section Ref: Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Define the symptoms and epidemiology of the obsessive-compulsive related disorders and the trauma-related disorders.
10. Which of the following is a new disorder in the DSM-5: a) post-traumatic stress disorder. b) OCD. c) hoarding disorder. d) Body dysmorphic disorder
Ans: c Type: Factual Section Ref: Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Define the symptoms and epidemiology of the obsessive-compulsive related disorders and the trauma-related disorders.
11. The most common foci for obsessions include all of the following EXCEPT a) contamination. b) travel. c) sexual or aggressive impulses. d) symmetry or order.
Ans: b Type: Factual Section Ref: Clinical Descriptions and Epidemiology of the Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Define the symptoms and epidemiology of the obsessive-compulsive related disorders and the trauma-related disorders.
12. Commonly reported compulsions include all of the following EXCEPT a) pursuing cleanliness and orderliness by requesting help from others. b) performing repetitive, magical protective acts. c) repetitive checking to ensure that certain acts are carried out. d) engaging in elaborate rituals.
Ans: a Type: Factual Section Ref: Clinical Descriptions and Epidemiology of the Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Define the symptoms and epidemiology of the obsessive-compulsive related disorders and the trauma-related disorders.
13. A common symptom associated with OCD is a) trying unsuccessfully to suppress, ignore, or neutralize the obsession. b) self-soothing. c) insecurity and separation anxiety. d) volatile mood swings.
Ans: a Type: Factual Section Ref: Clinical Descriptions and Epidemiology of the Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Define the symptoms and epidemiology of the obsessive-compulsive related disorders and the trauma-related disorders.
14. OCD tends to begin a) between middle childhood and adolescence. b) between adolescence and middle adulthood. c) between infancy and middle childhood. d) between middle childhood and early adulthood.
Ans: d Type: Factual Section Ref: Clinical Descriptions and Epidemiology of the Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders Difficulty: Hard Learning Objective: Define the symptoms and epidemiology of the obsessive-compulsive related disorders and the trauma-related disorders.
15. OCD tends to be a) more common in men than in women. b) more common in women than in men. c) as common in men as it is in women. d) most common in older men.
Ans: b Type: Factual Section Ref: Clinical Descriptions and Epidemiology of the Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Define the symptoms and epidemiology of the obsessive-compulsive related disorders and the trauma-related disorders.
16. How is body dysmorphic disorder similar to OCD? a) both engage in compulsive behaviors b) both have obsessive preoccupations c) both spend inordinate amounts of time of their obsessions d) all of the above
Ans: d Type: Factual Section Ref: Clinical Descriptions and Epidemiology of the Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Define the symptoms and epidemiology of the obsessive-compulsive related disorders and the trauma-related disorders.
17. Approximately __________ percent of people diagnosed as having body dysmorphic disorder are unable to work. a) 10 b) 25 c) 40 d) 65
Ans: c Type: Factual Section Ref: Clinical Descriptions and Epidemiology of the Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders Difficulty: Hard Learning Objective: Define the symptoms and epidemiology of the obsessive-compulsive related disorders and the trauma-related disorders.
18. Among women seeking plastic surgery, approximately __________ percent meet the criteria for diagnosis with body dysmorphic disorder. a) 1-2 b) 3-4 c) 5-7 d) 8-10
Ans: c Type: Factual Section Ref: Clinical Descriptions and Epidemiology of the Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders Difficulty: Hard Learning Objective: Define the symptoms and epidemiology of the obsessive-compulsive related disorders and the trauma-related disorders.
19. Body dysmorphic disorder is most likely to begin in a) early childhood. b) middle childhood. c) adolescence. d) adulthood.
Ans: c Type: Factual Section Ref: Clinical Descriptions and Epidemiology of the Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Define the symptoms and epidemiology of the obsessive-compulsive related disorders and the trauma-related disorders.
20. Symptoms and outcomes of body dysmorphic disorder may be common across cultures, but __________ tends to differ. a) focus on specific body parts b) number of body parts c) frequency of checking behaviors d) there are no differences across cultures
Ans: a Type: Factual Section Ref: Clinical Descriptions and Epidemiology of the Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Define the symptoms and epidemiology of the obsessive-compulsive related disorders and the trauma-related disorders.
21. The compulsive need to acquire objects and the inability to discard any objects is known as a) hoarding disorder. b) collecting disorder. c) refuse disorder. d) none of the above.
Ans: a Type: Factual Section Ref: Clinical Descriptions and Epidemiology of the Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Define the symptoms and epidemiology of the obsessive-compulsive related disorders and the trauma-related disorders.
22. Approximately one third of people with hoarding disorder also engage in a) food hoarding. b) animal hoarding. c) collectibles hoarding. d) all of the above.
Ans: b Type: Factual Section Ref: Clinical Descriptions and Epidemiology of the Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Define the symptoms and epidemiology of the obsessive-compulsive related disorders and the trauma-related disorders.
23. People diagnosed as having hoarding disorder or body dysmorphic disorder likely had a relative with a) OCD. b) social anxiety disorder. c) mood disorder. d) identity disorder.
Ans: a Type: Factual Section Ref: Etiology of the Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the commonalities in the etiology of obsessive-compulsive related disorders, as well as the factors that shape the expression of the specific disorders within this cluster.
24. All of the following brain regions are involved in OCD EXCEPT: a) orbitofrontal cortex b) caudate nucleus c) anterior cingulate d) cerebellum
Ans: d Type: Factual Section Ref: Etiology of the Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders Difficulty: Hard Learning Objective: Describe the commonalities in the etiology of obsessive-compulsive related disorders, as well as the factors that shape the expression of the specific disorders within this cluster.
25. The estimated heritability for OCD ranges from __________ to __________ percent. a) 10; 20 b) 30; 50 c) 60; 80 d) 90; 100
Ans: b Type: Factual Section Ref: Etiology of the Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders Difficulty: Hard Learning Objective: Describe the commonalities in the etiology of obsessive-compulsive related disorders, as well as the factors that shape the expression of the specific disorders within this cluster.
26. The subjective feeling of knowing is called a) ESP. b) Yedasentience. c) clairvoyance. d) destiny.
Ans: b Type: Factual Section Ref: Etiology of the Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the commonalities in the etiology of obsessive-compulsive related disorders, as well as the factors that shape the expression of the specific disorders within this cluster.
27. Behavior models of the etiology for obsessive-compulsive and related disorders emphasize a) classical conditioning. b) operant conditioning. c) punishment. d) stimulus-response relationships.
Ans: b Type: Factual Section Ref: Etiology of the Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the commonalities in the etiology of obsessive-compulsive related disorders, as well as the factors that shape the expression of the specific disorders within this cluster.
28. Attempting to stop an obsession is called a) thought suppression. b) compulsive suppression. c) ceasing behavior. d) reinforcement attempts.
Ans: a Type: Factual Section Ref: Etiology of the Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the commonalities in the etiology of obsessive-compulsive related disorders, as well as the factors that shape the expression of the specific disorders within this cluster.
29. Substantial evidence shows that symptoms of OCD are a) adaptive. b) related to over activity in the locus ceruleus. c) a result of increased worry. d) related to over activity in the orbitofrontal cortex, caudate nucleus and the anterior cingulate.
Ans: d Type: Factual Section Ref: Etiology of the Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders Difficulty: Hard Learning Objective: Describe the commonalities in the etiology of obsessive-compulsive related disorders, as well as the factors that shape the expression of the specific disorders within this cluster.
30. Behavioral models consider compulsions to be a) classically conditioned responses. b) operantly conditioned responses. c) a result of suppressed obsessions. d) related to deficient locus coeruleus activity.
Ans: b Type: Factual Section Ref: Etiology of the Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the commonalities in the etiology of obsessive-compulsive related disorders, as well as the factors that shape the expression of the specific disorders within this cluster.
31. Diane has repetitive thoughts that her house will catch on fire. She repeatedly checks the stove to make sure it is turned off. Diane's compulsive behavior serves to a) provide immediate relief from the anxiety associated with her repetitive thoughts. b) reinforce her checking behaviors. c) lower her psychophysiological arousal. d) all of the above.
Ans: d Type: Applied Section Ref: Etiology of the Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the commonalities in the etiology of obsessive-compulsive related disorders, as well as the factors that shape the expression of the specific disorders within this cluster.
32. A study of compulsive checkers (people who continually check to see if they have done something such as turning off the stove) found that these individuals a) mistrust their memory for actions they have performed. b) are likely to confront sources of threat. c) are more likely to live alone. d) have a vulnerability schema.
Ans: a Type: Factual Section Ref: Etiology of the Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the commonalities in the etiology of obsessive-compulsive related disorders, as well as the factors that shape the expression of the specific disorders within this cluster.
33. __________ is defined as the subjective feeling of knowing and is thought to be deficient in __________. a) Assuredness; Panic Disorder. b) Assuredness; OCD. c) Yedasentience; Panic Disorder d) Yedasentience; OCD.
Ans: d Type: Factual Section Ref: Etiology of the Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders Difficulty: Hard Learning Objective: Describe the commonalities in the etiology of obsessive-compulsive related disorders, as well as the factors that shape the expression of the specific disorders within this cluster.
34. Efforts to inhibit obsessive thoughts a) may increase obsessional thinking and negative mood. b) may be a helpful strategy for obsessive-compulsives to use. c) result in other problems, such as stress-induced illnesses. d) are easier if a significant other is involved to encourage and reinforce the suppression of obsessive thoughts.
Ans: a Type: Factual Section Ref: Etiology of the Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the commonalities in the etiology of obsessive-compulsive related disorders, as well as the factors that shape the expression of the specific disorders within this cluster.
35. People diagnosed as having body dysmorphic disorder are more attuned to a) facial symmetry b) attractiveness c) distortions d) both a and b
Ans: d Type: Factual Section Ref: Etiology of the Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the commonalities in the etiology of obsessive-compulsive related disorders, as well as the factors that shape the expression of the specific disorders within this cluster.
36. According to the cognitive behavioral model, hoarding is related to all of the following EXCEPT: a) poor organizational abilities. b) unusual beliefs about possessions. c) poor planning skills. d) avoidance behaviors.
Ans: c Type: Factual Section Ref: Etiology of the Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the commonalities in the etiology of obsessive-compulsive related disorders, as well as the factors that shape the expression of the specific disorders within this cluster.
37. All three OCD related disorders respond well to a) serotonin reuptake inhibitors b) dopamine inhibitors c) GABA enhancers d) norepinephrine enhancers
Ans: a Type: Factual Section Ref: Treatment of the Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders Difficulty: Hard Learning Objective: Describe the medication and psychological treatments for the obsessive-compulsive related and trauma-related disorders.
38. The most widely used psychological treatment for OCD related disorders is a) interpersonal psychotherapy. b) psychoanalysis. c) exposure and response prevention. d) operant conditioning.
Ans: c Type: Factual Section Ref: Treatment of the Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the medication and psychological treatments for the obsessive-compulsive related and trauma-related disorders.
39. Confronting one's worst fears, such as contamination by dirty objects, is used during a) exposure response prevention therapy. b) psychoanalysis. c) classical conditioning. d) interpersonal therapy.
Ans: a Type: Factual Section Ref: Treatment of the Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the medication and psychological treatments for the obsessive-compulsive related and trauma-related disorders.
40. Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding exposure and ritual prevention treatment for OCD? a) it is considered the first-line treatment approach. b) it is especially effective when hoarding is present. c) it is very intensive, causing as many as 25% of patients to refuse treatment. d) it is at least partially effective for over half of the patients treated.
Ans: b Type: Factual Section Ref: Treatment of the Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the medication and psychological treatments for the obsessive-compulsive related and trauma-related disorders.
41. Which of the following treatments has been shown to be more effective than either medication or supportive psychotherapy in treating posttraumatic stress disorder? a) progressive muscle relaxation. b) exposure that focuses on trauma-related events. c) EMDR. d) group psychotherapy with other trauma victims.
Ans: a Type: Factual Section Ref: Treatment of the Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the medication and psychological treatments for the obsessive-compulsive related and trauma-related disorders.
42. Iris was in an automobile accident. She goes to a psychologist one week after the accident. If she is experiencing nightmares, flashbacks, headache, and is ruminating about the accident, she will likely receive which diagnosis? a) acute stress disorder b) generalized anxiety disorder c) posttraumatic stress disorder d) anxiety disorder not otherwise specified
Ans: a Type: Applied Section ref: Clinical Description and Epidemiology of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Acute Stress Disorder Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Summarize how the nature and severity of the trauma, as well as biological and psychological risk factors, contribute to whether trauma-related disorders develop.
43. As many as __________ of people with PTSD continue to experience diagnosable symptoms when interviewed several years later. a) 10% b) 25% c) 50% d) 75%
Ans: c Type: Factual Section ref: Clinical Description and Epidemiology of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Acute Stress Disorder Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Summarize how the nature and severity of the trauma, as well as biological and psychological risk factors, contribute to whether trauma-related disorders develop.
44. Extreme response to a severe stressor that includes increased anxiety, avoidance of stimuli associate with an event, and symptoms of increase arousal are symptoms of which disorder? a) OCD b) PTSD c) BDD d) MDD
Ans: b Type: Factual Section ref: Clinical Description and Epidemiology of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Acute Stress Disorder Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Summarize how the nature and severity of the trauma, as well as biological and psychological risk factors, contribute to whether trauma-related disorders develop.
45. The most common type of trauma for women that invokes PTSD is a) homelessness. b) widowhood. c) rape. d) natural disasters.
Ans: c Type: Factual Section ref: Clinical Description and Epidemiology of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Acute Stress Disorder Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Summarize how the nature and severity of the trauma, as well as biological and psychological risk factors, contribute to whether trauma-related disorders develop.
46. The DSM-5 has symptoms for PTSD divided into __________ categories. a) 2 b) 4 c) 6 d) 8
Ans: b Type: Factual Section ref: Clinical Description and Epidemiology of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Acute Stress Disorder Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Summarize how the nature and severity of the trauma, as well as biological and psychological risk factors, contribute to whether trauma-related disorders develop.
47. Which of the following is NOT one of the DSM-5 categories for PTSD? a) intrusively re-experiencing the traumatic event b) avoidance of stimuli associated with the event c) mood and cognitive changes following the trauma d) forgetfulness and disorientation following the trauma
Ans: d Type: Factual Section ref: Clinical Description and Epidemiology of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Acute Stress Disorder Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Summarize how the nature and severity of the trauma, as well as biological and psychological risk factors, contribute to whether trauma-related disorders develop.
48. Irritable or aggressive behavior, reckless or self-destructive behavior, difficulty falling or staying asleep, and hyper vigilance are all symptoms associated with the DSM-5's ___________ category of PTSD. a) intrusively re-experiencing the traumatic event b) avoidance of stimuli associated with the event c) mood and cognitive changes following the trauma d) symptoms of increased arousal and reactivity
Ans: d Type: Factual Section ref: Clinical Description and Epidemiology of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Acute Stress Disorder Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Summarize how the nature and severity of the trauma, as well as biological and psychological risk factors, contribute to whether trauma-related disorders develop.
49. Acute stress disorder differs from PTSD in that the symptoms a) are more severe. b) last longer. c) last only a short period of time. d) are hard to define.
Ans: c Type: Factual Section ref: Clinical Description and Epidemiology of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Acute Stress Disorder Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Summarize how the nature and severity of the trauma, as well as biological and psychological risk factors, contribute to whether trauma-related disorders develop.
50. According to the DSM-5, all of the following are symptoms of ASD EXCEPT: a) recurrent, involuntary, and intrusive distressing memories since the trauma. b) recurrent distressing dreams about the trauma. c) dissociative reactions (flashbacks) since the trauma. d) all of the above are symptoms of ASD.
Ans: d Type: Factual Section ref: Clinical Description and Epidemiology of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Acute Stress Disorder Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Summarize how the nature and severity of the trauma, as well as biological and psychological risk factors, contribute to whether trauma-related disorders develop.
51. Which of the following is NOT a likely comorbid diagnosis for those with PTSD? a) major depression b) social anxiety disorder c) substance abuse d) other anxiety disorders
Ans: b Type: Factual Section ref: Clinical Description and Epidemiology of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Acute Stress Disorder Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Summarize how the nature and severity of the trauma, as well as biological and psychological risk factors, contribute to whether trauma-related disorders develop.
52. The two-factor model of conditioning for PTSD involves classical conditioning and a) operant conditioning. b) socialization c) a neutral stimulus. d) modeling.
Ans: a Type: Factual Section ref: Clinical Description and Epidemiology of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Acute Stress Disorder Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Summarize how the nature and severity of the trauma, as well as biological and psychological risk factors, contribute to whether trauma-related disorders develop.
53. The __________ of the trauma influences whether or not a person will develop PTSD. a) severity. b) frequency. c) source. d) difficulty.
Ans: a Type: Factual Section ref: Clinical Description and Epidemiology of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Acute Stress Disorder Difficulty: Hard Learning Objective: Summarize how the nature and severity of the trauma, as well as biological and psychological risk factors, contribute to whether trauma-related disorders develop.
54. As with other anxiety disorders, PTSD appears to be related to a greater activation of the amygdala and diminished activation of the a) temporal lobes. b) occipital lobes. c) frontal cortex. d) medial prefrontal cortex.
Ans: d Type: Factual Section ref: Clinical Description and Epidemiology of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Acute Stress Disorder Difficulty: Hard Learning Objective: Summarize how the nature and severity of the trauma, as well as biological and psychological risk factors, contribute to whether trauma-related disorders develop.
55. Feeling removed from one's body, one's emotions, or being unable to remember an event is predictive of a) PTSD. b) OCD. c) GAD. d) all of the above.
Ans: a Type: Factual Section ref: Clinical Description and Epidemiology of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Acute Stress Disorder Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Summarize how the nature and severity of the trauma, as well as biological and psychological risk factors, contribute to whether trauma-related disorders develop.
56. Norepinephrine and __________ are typically present during periods of extreme stress, which leads to stronger memory formation. a) serotonin b) cortisol c) testosterone d) none of the above
Ans: b Type: Factual Section ref: Perspectives on Memory: Integrating Neurobiology and Cognition - Focus on Discovery 7.1 Difficulty: Hard
57. People diagnosed with PTSD consistently demonstrated deficits on neuropsychological tests of verbal memory even while performing adequately on tests of a) visual memory. b) auditory memory. c) sensory memory. d) cortisol memory.
Ans: a Type: Factual Section ref: Perspectives on Memory: Integrating Neurobiology and Cognition - Focus on Discovery 7.1 Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Summarize how the nature and severity of the trauma, as well as biological and psychological risk factors, contribute to whether trauma-related disorders develop.
58. Treatment of acute stress disorder is a) unnecessary, as most people recover anyway with time. b) dangerous, as reliving the event increases the trauma. c) important, as it reduces the risk of developing PTSD. d) difficult, as it is hard to recreate the original trauma.
Ans: c Type: Factual Section Ref: Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Acute Stress Disorder Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the medication and psychological treatments for the obsessive-compulsive related and trauma-related disorders.
59. Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) a) is the best treatment available for PTSD b) is very controversial. c) has been empirically proven to work better than exposure or cognitive therapy. d) is supported by strong theoretical explanations.
Ans: b Type: Factual Section Ref: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing - Focus on Discovery 7.2 Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the medication and psychological treatments for the obsessive-compulsive related and trauma-related disorders.
60. __________ is the primary treatment for PTSD. a) exposure treatment b) flooding c) classical conditioning d) affective rehearsal treatment
Ans: a Type: Factual Section Ref: Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Acute Stress Disorder Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the medication and psychological treatments for the obsessive-compulsive related and trauma-related disorders.
61. When the person deliberately remembers the event in therapy it is called a) treatment exposure. b) imaginal exposure. c) cruel treatment. d) reactivation treatment.
Ans: b Type: Factual Section Ref: Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Acute Stress Disorder Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the medication and psychological treatments for the obsessive-compulsive related and trauma-related disorders.
62. __________ therapy is designed to help victims of rape and childhood sexual abuse to dispute tendencies towards self-blame. a) Exposure b) Imaginal exposure c) Cognitive processing d) None of the above
Ans: c Type: Factual Section Ref: Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Acute Stress Disorder Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the medication and psychological treatments for the obsessive-compulsive related and trauma-related disorders.
63. __________ involves immediate treatment of trauma victims within 72 hours of the traumatic event. a) Emergency therapy b) Critical incident stress debriefing c) Victim distancing therapy d) All of the above
Ans: b Type: Factual Section Ref: Critical Incident Stress Debriefing - Focus on Discovery 7.3 Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: Describe the medication and psychological treatments for the obsessive-compulsive related and trauma-related disorders.
73. Which of these diagnoses is new in the DSM-5? a.Hoarding Disorder b.Body Dysmorphic Disorder c.Obsessive Disorder NOS d.Compulsive Disorder Without Obsessions
Ans: a Type: Knowledge Section: Etiology of the Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the commonalities in the etiology of obsessive-compulsive related disorders, as well as the factors that shape the expression of the specific disorders within this cluster
74. Which of the following symptoms is not part of the diagnosis of Hoarding Disorder? a.Perceived flaw or flaws in the appearance of the home or workplace. b.Difficulty discarding items regardless of their value. c.Compromise in the usefulness of living spaces due to the accumulation of possessions. d.Distress when thinking about discarding useless items.
Ans: a Type: Knowledge Section: Etiology of the Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the commonalities in the etiology of obsessive-compulsive related disorders, as well as the factors that shape the expression of the specific disorders within this cluster.
75. If hoarding symptoms develop as part of schizophrenia, hoarding disorder ________ A.should not be diagnosed. B.probably will be considered instead. C.must be listed as a co-morbid diagnosis. D.should not be diagnosed unless the individual is particularly unaware of the problem.
Ans: a Type: Knowledge Section: Etiology of the Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: Describe the commonalities in the etiology of obsessive-compulsive related disorders, as well as the factors that shape the expression of the specific disorders within this cluster.
76. True or False? Hoarding Disorder is commonly comorbid with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.
Ans: True
77. In spite of strong ethics that would prevent it, Tony experiences recurrent and unwanted thoughts that he might behave inappropriately toward a supervisor at work. To be given a diagnosis of OCD, he must also: a.actively attempt to ignore the thoughts. b.engage in a ritual to superstitiously prevent the behavior from occurring. c.be unaware that the worry about behaving in such a way is irrational. d.have difficulty discarding possessions regardless of their value.
Ans: a
78. Body Dysmorphic Disorder moved from the _________ chapter in the DSM-IV to the ____ chapter in the DSM-5. a.Somatoform Disorders; Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders b.Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders; Somatoform Disorders c.Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders; Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders d.Somatoform Disorders; Culturally-Bound Disorders
Ans: a
79. In the DSM-5, symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder are divided into ____ main categories. a. 4 b. 3 c. 6 d. 2
Ans: a
80. Symptoms of PTSD are grouped into which of the following major categories? a.Re-experiencing of traumatic event, avoidance of stimuli associated with event, negative alterations in mood or cognition, and increased arousal or reactivity b.Re-experiencing of traumatic event, avoidance of stimuli associated with event, and anxiety c.hypervigilance, avoidance of stimuli associated with event, and exaggerated startle response d.avoidance of stimuli associated with event, symptoms of increased arousal, and symptoms of suicidality
Ans: a
81. Short Answer: Why is it that individuals experiencing PTSD will sometimes have difficulty remembering some aspects of the trauma while at the same time suffering from intrusive memories of other aspects of it?
Ans: Although the person is using avoidance to try to prevent reminders, the strategy often fails, and so re-experiencing occurs.
82. Short answer: Why was the criterion that the individual experience horror, extreme fear, or helplessness at the time of the original trauma removed from the DSM-5 criteria for PTSD?
Ans: Rather than experiencing these strong reactions at the time of the trauma, many people with PTSD symptoms report having felt as though they were detached from their self or emotions at the time of the trauma.
83. In PTSD, criteria for negative alterations in mood or cognition include all of these except: a.Social withdrawal in women b.More frequent negative mood in children c.Blaming others d.Inability to recall specific aspects of the trauma
Ans: a
84. Rather than be considered as part of the avoidance cluster of symptoms, the DSM-5 considers numbing symptoms such as feeling distant from others to be part of the ___________ category. a.Negative alterations in cognition and mood b.Re-experiencing the trauma c.Increased social withdrawal d.Decreased arousal and increased reactivity
Ans: a
85. Taken as a whole, the criteria for Acute Stress Disorder and the criteria for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder are __________ in the DSM-5 than in the DSM-IV-TR. a.more similar b.more distinct c.particularly different in terms of severity of symptoms d.unchanged
Ans: a
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