Health Effects of Transport-related Air Pollution Essay Example
Health Effects of Transport-related Air Pollution Essay Example

Health Effects of Transport-related Air Pollution Essay Example

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  • Pages: 5 (1216 words)
  • Published: July 15, 2021
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Have you ever experienced traffic in a certain place and you have no choice but to wait until the car moves? One of the intolerable problems that Philippines faces aside from poverty and corruption is suffering from the many ills of excessive street traffic in Manila also known as Road Traffic Congestion, wherein the number of cars exceed road capacity, resulting in longer travel times and characterized by slower speeds, longer trip times or movement. It has resulted in a rapidly increasing congestion of the streets, especially in cities where the urban fabric is traditionally made of narrow roads not suitable for heavy traffic in Manila. In terms of local consequences, this issue is important to Metro Manila because it covers the direct environmental, economic, and social costs to Philippine society. Among many things, this issue involves cons


idering the environmental cost of using up gasoline while waiting for traffic to move, the economic cost of people being stuck in traffic for a significant part of their day, and the social cost of allocating so much time in the day to being on the road. Congestion not only slows down considerably the speed of travel, and therefore diminishes the efficiency of the overall economy, but also has nefarious effects on the environment (air pollution) and contribute to risks of morbidity and mortality for drivers, commuters and individuals living near roadways, as shown by epidemiological studies (World Health Organization (WHO), 2005. With the current modes of transport available, Most of Filipino commuters are suffering and left with no choice but to leave their houses hours in advance, endure the long chaotic trips, and squeeze themselves in packe

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trains, buses, jeepneys just to get to their destination on time with the polluted air that they inhale every day. Going home, usually during peak hours, means having to go through the same battle just like what happened in the morning. Occasional train breakdowns, unpredictable bus schedules, and heavy traffic make the experience for daily commuters more challenging. It’s not only the economy that is losing productivity but also commuters, mostly workers and students who suffer from negative health impacts (such as chronic asthma, bronchitis, eye irritation) and time wasted they get in Traffic Congestion. This paper focuses only on the Factors affecting the health of commuters and drivers in Traffic Congestion of the Philippines specifically in Metro Manila that will be discussed in the next sections.

Transport plays an important role in the lives of every individuals in our society: how every Filipinos interact, work, play, organize production, develop cities, and get access to services, and goods is inseparably linked with the development of mobility and the choices people make about it. The increased intensity and reliance on transport also increase the risk of road-traffic injuries, exposure to noise and sedentary lifestyles. These risks are a threat to the most vulnerable groups in the population, such as children and the elderly. A review of this evidence indicates that transport-related air pollution contributes to an increased risk of death, particularly from cardiopulmonary causes. It increases the risk of respiratory symptoms and diseases that are not related to allergies. Laboratory studies indicate that transport-related air pollution may increase the risk of developing an allergy and can worsen symptoms particularly to vulnerable Filipinos. Some studies have been conducted

on the effects of transport-related air pollution on cardiovascular morbidity, they report a significant increase in the risk of myocardial infarction following exposure. Other studies and the experimental evidence indicate that exposure results in changes in autonomic nervous system regulation and increased inflammatory responses. A few studies suggest an increased incidence of lung cancer in people with long-term exposure to transport-related air pollution. Some studies suggest that it also causes adverse outcomes in pregnancy, such as premature birth and low birth weight, but the available evidence is inconsistent. Emissions from road traffic, from both combustion and friction processes, result in a complex mixture of air pollution, which is known to have adverse effects on health (Hoek et al., 2002). The pollutants of greatest concern at present, because of their impact on human health are ground-level ozone and nitrogen dioxide. Including black smoke and ozone are connected with increased risks of mortality and respiratory morbidity, while exposure to nitrogen dioxide, ozone and PM has been linked to allergic responses. Other indicators of exposure to transport- related air pollution – such as distance to or residence near major roads and, partly, self-reported traffic intensity at a residence – are associated with several adverse health outcomes. Despite the need for further research, the expected health benefits thoroughly justify measures to reduce exposure to transport-related air pollution. Traffic management is one of the instruments that can significantly reduce the exposure of residents of urban areas. In addition, the integration of environmental and health considerations into urban planning can be improved. Urban planning may aim at integrative measures that lower emission rates, such as the promotion of highly efficient, service-oriented

and clean public transport and improvements in the flow of traffic. Several technologies show promise in lowering emission levels from conventional vehicles, and their development should be promoted, along with effective control mechanisms (such as mandatory car inspections) for eliminating gross polluters and badly maintained vehicles. Finally, alternative vehicle technologies and fuel substitutes could lead to substantial future reductions in emissions of hazardous air pollutants

Therefore, as a citizen of our capital city, Transport as important as it may be, getting from point A to point B is easier said than done. It is the main factor of how a city can be so productive, and have its citizens healthy and capable, but due to traffic congestions automobiles tend to move very slowly on highways, leading to inefficient gasoline usage and severe air pollution. The thick black smoke engines create are harmful to the human body and may cause health complications specially in elders, kids, and pregnant women. Good news is several new technologies show promising effects on the problem such as lowering carbon emission and fuel substitutes that are less toxic than regular gasoline. We had a fair share of experiencing traffic jams and the stress that comes with it. Being stuck in traffic is truly an agonizing experience that Filipinos have learned to bear with and traverse smoke-filled highways just for their life to progress. We would like to end this essay proposing somewhat feasible solutions to eliminate or just lessen congestions as a whole. Widen roads, it may seem simple but most of the time it’s actually effective. Add Bus lanes, buses are big blocks of annoyance to commuters specially if the drivers

are bumps that like to cut off cars or switch lanes frequently. Build Subways, subways are underground train stations that can lessen the number of people travelling by car, as a result, it can reduce traffic on the surface. Enforce existing traffic laws, illegal parking can block 'should-be' used car lanes leading to the slow flow of traffic. These are just some solutions among many others that can be achieved if our government makes better decisions, pays attention to its people, and care what the people need. As our essay comes to a close we would like to commend all the commuters of manila for their understanding on the condition of our high air polluted roads.

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