Do Mobile phones affect our health Essay Example
Do Mobile phones affect our health Essay Example

Do Mobile phones affect our health Essay Example

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  • Pages: 4 (945 words)
  • Published: January 9, 2018
  • Type: Essay
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My physics coursework centered on the effects of mobile phone radiation. To produce a case study, I investigated public opinion and examined both sides of the ongoing argument concerning whether or not mobile phones are detrimental to our well-being. Using varied sources and corroborating evidence, I will present my evaluation of this topic alongside my own stance. It is worth noting that in the US, cell phones are colloquially referred to as such due to their cellular makeup.

Transmitting and receiving phone calls is the primary duty of base stations located in each cell. Macrocells, Microcells, and Picocells are the three different types of base stations available, which differ in size and coverage area. The largest coverage is provided by Macrocells.

Antennas for macrocells can be installed on various structures, including ground-based masts and rooftops, to ensure obstruction-free communication. The coverage rang


e of macrocells depends on factors like frequency, call volume, and environment. When mobile phone traffic is high in areas like shopping centres, microcells are deployed to boost capacity. Microcell antennas are typically placed at street level.

Picocell antennas, which are smaller than macrocell antennas, can be camouflaged to prevent vandalism. They have a limited range of only a few hundred meters, making them ideal for enhancing weak signals in large structures or densely populated areas like airports, train stations, and shopping centers. Communication between base stations and phones is achieved via radio waves that are generated by various transmitters based on the wavelength and are also produced by celestial bodies, electric sparks, and lightning. As a result, radios experience interference during thunderstorms. Radio waves possess the least frequency among electromagnetic frequencies and they're mainly employed for

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communication goals.

There are different types of electromagnetic radiation, with radio waves being just one. Although radio waves have the longest wavelengths, they possess the smallest frequencies. Conversely, gamma radiation has the shortest wavelengths but highest frequencies. Wavelength and frequency are both important characteristics of electromagnetic radiation; wavelength refers to the distance between two successive waves while frequency is how many complete waves a source produces per second or how many pass by a point in that duration. Visible light emitted from sources like light bulbs and candle flames travels to our eyes where it is detected.

All forms of electromagnetic radiation, such as light, transmit energy via photon "packets". The quantity of energy carried by photons varies with the color of light. Although there is concern about the potential health risks of mobile phones, which are now popular with "over 300,000 UK children who use them daily", there is conflicting evidence. While some fear that malfunctioning phone components in extreme heat may do harm, this occurrence is very rare.

Despite concerns that mobile phone radiation may cause cancer and other brain problems, Professor Barker, a Consultant Clinical Scientist with 30 years of experience in researching electromagnetic field effects at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, argues that wireless transmissions have been common for over eight decades. These concerns often arise when base stations - which are also radio transmitters - are proposed, despite the presence of large TV and broadcast radio transmitters. offers an article addressing the safety of mobile phones. The article presents several bullet points that provide evidence for the safety of mobile phones. It discusses the inconclusive evidence on the relationship between brain tumors or

cancer and mobile phone use while also highlighting that claims of loss of concentration, fatigue, or headaches caused by mobile phones cannot be verified in laboratory testing. Despite concerns about the potential dangers of mobile phones,'s article presents a convincing argument in support of their safety.

While there are claims that mobile phones can be detrimental to health, com presents a more balanced perspective with factual evidence supporting this notion. For instance, com highlights the potential increased risk of brain tumors or cancer with regular use of mobile phones, though the evidence remains inconclusive. Mobile phone usage also involves magnetic fields that have been shown in some studies to impact living cells. Moreover, newspapers have reported that mobile phones are even more hazardous than smoking.

Although the health hazards related to mobile phone usage remain unclear despite many investigations, Dr. Vini Khurana's recent research has delivered the harshest evidence thus far. As a renowned neurosurgeon who has scrutinized over 100 studies on the subject, Khurana cautions that using handheld devices for more than ten years can heighten the chances of brain cancer by twofold. While he acknowledges their usefulness in emergencies, mounting proof associates their use with particular brain tumors and predicts that this correlation will be undoubtedly demonstrated within a decade.

There is a debate among scientists about the potential harm that radiation from mobile phones can cause. Some researchers believe that using mobile phones can result in overheating of body parts, leading to tissue damage and an increased risk of developing brain cancer in areas near the ear where users hold their phone. Others argue that radio waves emitted by mobile phones are not

strong enough to cause tissue damage or cancer. Currently, there is insufficient evidence linking mobile phone use and cancer. The Mobile Operators Association has criticized Professor Khurana's research as selective interpretation by one person.

After examining all available information and applying my expertise, I conclude that there is no connection between using mobile phones and the development of brain cancer.

The reliability of tests supporting the theory about mobile phones is doubtful and lacks credibility. The evidence presented by scientists and newspapers is subjective, lacking dependable statistics or scientific proof. It is crucial to moderate the use of mobile phones but prohibiting them may cause more problems than it solves.

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