King Lear Notes Essay Example
King Lear Notes Essay Example

King Lear Notes Essay Example

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  • Pages: 2 (342 words)
  • Published: May 22, 2018
  • Type: Article
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In prison, Lear tries to console Cordelia by comparing themselves to birds in a cage. This simile highlights Lear's persistent denial of reality throughout the play, as he cannot come to terms with the fact that both he and his daughter are unlikely to survive.
Lear expresses his profound sorrow over Cordelia's death through animal imagery and howling, as well as references to heaven cracking. This imagery represents the chaos caused by Lear's retirement.
Despite having concrete evidence suggesting otherwise, Lear clings onto hope that Cordelia is still alive, which is a common response to traumatic loss.

In the same way, Lear is unable to accept Cordelia's tragic death and persuades himself that it is not true. The feather symbolizes Lear's denial, which is a common aspect of grief. A significant quote states "Jesters do oft prove prophets," indica


ting that individuals may possess hidden qualities that contradict their typical behavior. Someone who frequently jokes and jests often possesses wisdom and understanding about the world and the universe that may not be immediately evident.

The wise fool in King Lear, despite his constant joking, reveals profound insight: “All friends shall taste / The wages of their virtue, and all foes / The cup of their deserving” (V. iii. 358-359). He discusses justice and karma, suggesting that the Gods will dispense punishment to those who have acted immorally and reward those who have shown righteousness throughout the play. Albany promises a powerful form of justice that will ensure rewards for all good characters (Cordelia, Lear, Kent, and Edgar) and punishments for all bad characters (Goneril, Reagan, and Edmund).

The lines (V, iii, 322-325) emphasize

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the importance of expressing one's true emotions and thoughts after experiencing a tragedy. They suggest that when confronted with a traumatic event, it is necessary to acknowledge and respect one's deepest feelings about the witnessed tragedy. Regardless of societal expectations and moral beliefs (what "we ought to say"), it is crucial to prioritize genuine emotional expression, even though it may be challenging to articulate clearly.

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