Psychology Blind Man and the Elephant Essay Example
Psychology Blind Man and the Elephant Essay Example

Psychology Blind Man and the Elephant Essay Example

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  • Pages: 2 (482 words)
  • Published: October 27, 2017
  • Type: Essay
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The poem "the blind men and the elephant" teaches us that there are different approaches in psychology. Each blind man creates his own version of reality from that limited experience and perspective. So even though the men are all touching the same elephant, they are only experiencing a certain part of the elephant not as a whole and as a result they're all left with different descriptions because they are only approaching the elephant from one perspective. 2. The word psychology meaner the study of the mind.

It comes from two Greek words 'psyche' and 'logy. 3. The subject of psychology has been developing since over the last century where different ideas have been developed to explain how the mind works. Time line : Social approach Late 20th century sass's onwards Cognitive approach 20th century onwards sass's onward Learning approach 1920-60 Psychodram


a approach 20th century Biological approach 18th-19th century 5. Definitions: * Neurotransmitter: A chemical that is released from a nerve cell which thereby Aryanism an impulse from a nerve cell to another nerve, muscle, organ, or other tissue.

A neurotransmitter is a messenger of neurological information from one cell to another. * Schizophrenia: A long-term mental disorder of a type involving a breakdown in the relation between thought, emotion, and behavior, leading to faulty perception, inappropriate actions and feelings, withdrawal from reality and personal relationships into fantasy and delusion, and a sense of mental fragmentation * The Unconscious Mind: that part of the mind wherein psychic activity takes place of which the person is unaware. Cognition: The mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses.

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Discrimination: The unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, esp.. On the grounds of race, age, or sex. 6. Lotus, Freud, Watson Ana late working In ten Deterrent approaches AT sinology such as; * Loft's worked in the cognitive approach of psychology * Freud worked in the psychodrama approach of psychology * Watson worked n the learning approach of psychology and * Taffeta worked in the social approach of psychology 7.

The two approaches in psychology that use animal experiments to explore behavior are the learning approach and the biological approach. 8. One of the strengths of the psychodrama approach is that is provides a valuable insight into how early experiences or relationships can affect our adult personality. 9. One of the weaknesses of the cognitive approach is that many dysfunctions cannot be resolved through thoughtful analysis and dependence on pure logic.

Many patients will not respond to reason when they choose to only see the world through their feelings. 10. The two scientific methods psychologists use to investigate human behavior are Classical conditioning and Operant conditioning. * Classical conditioning is the process in which learning causes a reflex action to happen in response to different stimulus. * Operant conditioning a process in which an animal changes its behavior as a result of experiencing rewards or unpleasant experiences.

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