Individual Reflection Paper Analysis Essay Example
Individual Reflection Paper Analysis Essay Example

Individual Reflection Paper Analysis Essay Example

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  • Pages: 3 (750 words)
  • Published: June 1, 2017
  • Type: Essay
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Write a 350- to 700-word paper reflecting on what art means to you and how culture and art are related. Include at least two examples that illustrate the relationship between art and American culture. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Upload your final paper to the Plagiarism Checker (Turnitin) found at the Center for Writing Excellence.

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your paper to the Plagiarism Checker. Submit your final paper AND the Turnitin report as attachments. Your paper will not be accepted without the Turnitin report. what art means to you and how culture and art are related two examples that illustrate the relationship between art and American culture.

Paul Cezanne Post-Impressionist painter was quoted saying “A work of art which did not begin in emotion is not art. " I absolutely agree with this statement. I will further describe what art means to me and what I feel art is. I will also review how art relates to culture. As well as give examples of the relationship between art and American culture Two examples that clearly illustrate the relationship between art and American culture are architecture and literature. t is the process or product of deliberately

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arranging elements in a way to affect the senses or emotions.

It encompasses a diverse range of human activities, creations, and modes of expression, including music, literature, film, photography, sculpture, and paintings. The meaning of art is explored in a branch of philosophy known as aesthetics. Traditionally, the term art was used to refer to any skill or mastery. This conception changed during the Romantic period, when art came to be seen as "a special faculty of the human mind to be classified with religion and science". (Gombrich) Generally, art is made with the intention of stimulating thoughts and emotions.

The definition and evaluation of art has become especially problematic since the early 20th century. An object may be characterized by the intentions, or lack thereof, of its creator, regardless of its apparent purpose. A cup, which ostensibly can be used as a container, may be considered art if intended solely as an ornament, while a painting may be deemed craft if mass-produced. Art and Culture In book form, art has many definitions. Art can be defined as an external manifestation by means of colors, lines, sounds and movement. Art is a means of union among men, joining them together in the same feelings, and indispensable for life and progress towards well-being of individuals and of humanity. ” (Margolis) I feel that art is something that has no concrete definition. The true beauty of art is that it is subjective, which means it can anything you want it to be, as long as it provides you with the result you are looking for. Each piece of art that I look at causes me to enter into a

relationship with that piece of work. Just as reading transmits thoughts, art transmits feelings.

Art often reflects someone’s personal taste. When you go to a person’s home and see pictures and paintings on the wall, you get a sense for the value that person places on art. Many pieces of art are personal. Their monetary value might be small, but the meaning behind you have to remember that not everyone is going to like the piece of artwork you select, not everyone is going to see or appreciate the time you spent finding the piece of art, and not everyone is going to appreciate the unique taste that you might have.

So I feel that art exhibits a person’s strength if they have a unique personal taste that might not be well received. It takes courage to be artistic, whether you are creating the art yourself or displaying a piece of artwork in your home or office. I feel that culture and art are mainly related in the form of expression. Culture changes constantly and can get lost because it exists in our minds. Buildings and man made items are products of culture and are...

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