Organized Crime Group Analysis Essay Example
Organized Crime Group Analysis Essay Example

Organized Crime Group Analysis Essay Example

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  • Pages: 6 (1384 words)
  • Published: January 5, 2017
  • Type: Essay
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In this paper it was asked of us as a team to give an in-depth historical analysis of an organized crime group. With this class being about organized crime one would think to write about mobsters, but we decided to think outside the box. Even though when thinking of organized crime the first thought is The Italian Mafia and groups of that sort, one has to remember that organized crime comes in many different forms of organizations. From this class we were able to understand more on organized crime and who can be classified as an organized crime organization.

Organizations that one would never really think of as having ties to organized crime may have some involvement. By having knowledge of how organized crime began we have a better understanding of where it is today. So as a team we dec


ided to research the organization The Aryan Brotherhood. Originally named the Diamond Tooth Gang in 1967, a group of men gathered in the prison yard of San Quentin, to form their own racially motivated prison gang. These men mostly consisted of neo-Nazi, white supremist, long haired biker types.

They formed an alliance to protect themselves and strike against the group of black militants known as the Black Guerilla Family (Grann. , 2004). Prior to the 1960’s prisons were segregated. After the desegregation of the prisons, inmates sought safety and security from the violence inflicted by racial prejudice from the other inmates of various races. Although these prisoners may have come from a variety of gangs outside the prison walls, they banded together while incarcerated. The original members of the Aryan Brotherhood

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were members of the Bluebird gang.

They underwent several name changes over the years. The original name Diamond Tooth Gang was chosen because they had a piece of glass embedded into their front teeth. Eventually, adopting the name the Aryan Brotherhood and also known as AB. The Aryan Brotherhood is known for their violent nature. To become a member of the gang, a potential member must meet the criteria of killing a designated person that is chosen by the members of the gang, this task is labeled “making your bones”.

There must be a unanimous vote in order to be accepted as a member. Actual membership is limited because all potential members are not voted in. These individuals continue to follow the gang, although they do not always become official members. Recruitment will only be sought from the most violent and most capable of men (Grann, 2004). The criteria for membership is to murder the targeted victim. Once membership is granted, it is lifelong. This membership is known as “blood in, blood out” which means the only way out of the gang is by death.

If an individual attempts to voluntarily leave the gang, he will be murdered by the other members, unless he dies of natural causes. The gang’s violence and motivation to kill was originally focused on racial differences, but developed into an organized crime group by the 1990’s. They partake in criminal activities that include prostitution, drug-trafficking and sanctioned murders. They are currently the most violent and feared prison gangs that have grown beyond San Quentin prison and are now seen in prisons throughout the United States (Grann, 2004).

style="text-align: justify">The “Brand” a. k. a. Aryan Brotherhood was once the most ruthless of all organized crime in the prison system with well known documented ties to the Asian cartels and also the Mexican Mafia. These ties had the Brotherhood well connected from the inside of the walls to being a force to be or reckoned with in the streets; they also served as hit men cleaning up debts that were owed to the Mexican Mafia. Also through my readings it stated that the Tijuana Cartel had collaborated with the Aryan Brotherhood to smuggle illegal drugs into state and federal prisons.

The Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives confirms that its own research indicates that white supremacist gangs are currently collaborating with Mexican cartels in car theft operations and arms trafficking to Mexico, primarily in Texas, California and Chicago (B. G. Bite, 2012). The structure of the Aryan Brotherhood was built on race and control to protect its white members in prison but on the outside its street distribution saw only one color green. As for its political gain the group says it has no political ties what so ever.

Through my readings I found that there is a link between the Aryan brotherhood and KKK and that’s in the military. Scott Barfield a defense department investigator said “Recruiters are knowingly allowing neo-Nazis and white supremacists to join the army forces, and commanders do not remove them from the military even after we positively identify them as extremists or gang members”. In the U. S there have been members of the Klan that held political ground Robert Byrd Dem U. S

senator and David Duke Louisiana St. legislature are some.

It’s a latter effect from prison to politics but within my readings the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Now-a-days The Aryan Brotherhood is dwindling in groups and more are being spread out and held in isolation all over the U. S to dismember groups (B. G. Bite, 2011) The Aryan Brotherhood run illegal businesses as themselves or allied with other gangs (Aryan Brotherhood, 2012). In 1972 it is said that the Aryan Brotherhood formed an alliance with the Mexican Mafia so that they could all import drugs into the U. S.

The Mexican Mafia and the Aryan Brotherhood were together involved in drug trafficking as well as other economic activities that were not stated. But what is known about the Aryan Brotherhood is that they were involved in drug trafficking as well as extortion, prostitution and murder for hire. If we are not mistaken, murder for hire means; they would get paid for killing certain targets (The Aryan Brotherhood, 2009). The Aryan Brotherhood then got together with the Asian gang and both would bring in heroin from Thailand into the United States.

To some point it seems that the Aryan Brotherhood get a feeling of euphoria in killing people because the reading states that they were a White Supremacist Organization whose number one priority was crime. Their second priority or goal was racial hatred, this gang was said to cover up their gang meetings and their business practices with the Odinist religion (The Aryan Brotherhood, 2009). So as far as their interest in business goes, they were really more involved in

importing drugs when it comes to being associated with the Asian gang and the Mexican Mafia.

Alone, the Aryan Brotherhood were involved in other illegal activities than just drugs. One of the Aryan Brotherhood gang members had killed a pregnant woman and while in prison; his own gang would not protect him from the other inmates because they saw his crime as offensive to them. But because of their motto and what they believe in they started protecting him so that certain information would not be leaked out to law enforcement, in other words, so that he would keep his mouth shut (The Aryan Brotherhood, 2009) (The Aryan Brotherhood, 2009).

The Aryan Brotherhood has been around for many years, since before the 1970’s and since then they have been criminals, killers, drug traffickers and narcissists. These gang members had many tattoos such as the Nazi symbol, the 666 Satan number, as well as different mottos they would go by, if someone wanted out of the gang he would be killed or assaulted, it was just their way of life (The Aryan Brotherhood, 2009) (The Aryan Brotherhood, 2009). Through our research we can conclude that The Aryan Brotherhood is an organized crime organization in the U. S. ith a lot of history dating from 1967 to the present day. It is pretty safe to say that the majority of organized crime organizations main goal and ambition is money, power, and respect. Even though crime organizations may see themselves different than the rest is obvious to see they are actually very much alike. In the beginning The Aryan Brotherhood banded together for protection in prison

from other races. A hatred for other races is linked to The Aryan Brotherhood, but through our research we found they worked with The Mexican Mafia and Asian Cartels; which proves that money is the main interest.

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