Continuous Professional Development Courses Essay Example
Continuous Professional Development Courses Essay Example

Continuous Professional Development Courses Essay Example

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  • Pages: 8 (2117 words)
  • Published: October 1, 2017
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Introduction: This proposal is for Continuous Professional Development classes for instructors, which has been suggested by the Ministry of Education and is being addressed to the Secretary General of Education. The target audience for these classes is primary and secondary instructors in Malaysia. In Malaysia, it is crucial for every educational system to have qualified instructors in order to achieve and measure the goals of the system.

It is of utmost importance to prioritize teachers responsible for the system. The teaching profession mandates ongoing professional training for all educators throughout their careers. When planning these activities, it is crucial to take into account individual needs and circumstances. Teachers should be assisted in engaging in both formal and informal activities that can enhance their practice. They should exhibit emotional and mental dedication. It is vital for all teachers to instill in their students a solid work ethic


and a lifelong love for learning, as this will contribute to developing a skilled workforce for Malaysia.

Instructors must show their dedication and passion for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) to stay informed about changes in Malaysia and remain knowledgeable in instructional methods and curriculum. Moreover, CPD is vital for improving and maintaining the quality of instructors and the responsibilities undertaken by school leaders.

The text discusses various aspects of education in Malaysia, including competency, experiential learning, and classroom and school development. It also mentions the availability of formal accelerated learning opportunities through in-service training and preparation activities. However, the education system in Malaysia faces several challenges. These challenges include teachers' resistance to new teaching methods, a weak correlation between school enrollment rates and teacher employment, and some educators lacking proficiency in ICT

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These issues prevent Malaysia from competing globally on the information superhighway.

In addition to these challenges, instructors often work in unfavorable environments compared to other professions. Government schools lack proper furniture for both teachers and students. They also have dilapidated classrooms and staff rooms that can hinder the teaching and learning process. Furthermore, Malaysian teachers receive lower compensation than other professionals which can affect their commitment to professional development.The Continuous Professional Development Courses for Teachers aim to address concerns by enhancing teachers' abilities to effectively teach using problem-solving techniques and student-centered methods. These courses align teaching methods and curriculum content with the improvement of higher-order thinking skills. They also support teachers in developing positive attitudes, adopting cooperative approaches, and strengthening their professional identity at the secondary school level. The main goal is to improve teachers' performance and increase students' achievement by introducing them to action research and reflective practice. This process encourages teachers to study their own practices in order to enhance them and recognizes them as professionals through new opportunities for learning, exploration, growth, and development within the local context and classroom practice over a long-term period.

The Continuous Teachers Professional Development Proposal emphasizes the importance of teachers actively engaging in their own learning process. This involves collaborating with colleagues and recognizing their individual needs, as well as participating in a variety of formal and informal activities to enhance their teaching practice.

The proposal's key principles are as follows:

1) Professional development courses focus on what students are learning and how to address their challenges.
2) Tailored professional development is based on analyzing differences between student learning standards/goals and actual performance.
3) Instructors are encouraged to identify their own

learning needs and create experiences that enhance their skills.
4) Professional development primarily occurs within the school setting, integrated into teachers' everyday work.
5) Collaborative problem-solving is emphasized throughout professional development.
6) Professional development is an ongoing process that includes follow-up support, additional learning opportunities, and input from external sources for new perspectives and essential resources.

Additionally, the Ministry of Education in Malaysia has acknowledged concerns within the education system that may affect students' learning capabilities and future prospects. In response to this, they have decided to offer Continuous Professional Development courses specifically for primary and secondary school teachers.The main objective of these courses is to enhance teaching attitudes, skills, knowledge, and capabilities. This initiative aims to improve teacher quality overall as it plays a crucial role in ensuring high-quality student learning programs. The proposal also involves regularly assessing current and future knowledge and skill requirements pertaining to teachers' responsibilities. Moreover, it includes implementing an ongoing development and training program that effectively addresses these needs.

The procedure, when embraced and adopted, offers advantages to instructors. These include promoting excellence in teachers’ leading and instruction pattern, staying current in teachers’ pattern to enhance the profession's credibility with the public, improving professional repute and image, progressing teachers’ careers, investing in future development and reflecting on personal attainments, learning from others and exchanging thoughts, experience, accomplishment and cognition, benchmarking teachers’ performance, planning and designing instructors' own professional development, developing the skills needed to work more efficiently, and learning flexibly by making the most of available development opportunities. The selected university for Continuous Teachers Professional Development Courses in Malaysia is the Open University Malaysia. This university is considered appropriate for implementing this program for

primary and secondary school instructors because it is located throughout Malaysia, making it convenient for all instructors to participate.All primary and secondary school instructors in East Malaysia and West Malaysia must participate in the Continuous Professional Development class. The chosen university for this proposal is Open University Malaysia, so that instructors from both regions can attend the class. Open University Malaysia offers the best lectors, classrooms, facilities, and environment to implement the Continuous Professional Development class. The university also provides suitable time for instructors to practice, train, practice, learn, and take tests. Moreover, Open University Malaysia offers the most affordable fee for this class. Instructors can continue working as usual at their primary and secondary schools, as Open University Malaysia accommodates their work and study schedules. The university selects lesson times that fit each teacher's availability. Additionally, Open University Malaysia offers online learning for instructors. If some instructors are unable to attend a lesson, the lecturer will upload the information for that day's lesson on the Open University Malaysia forum, allowing instructors to access it online.The Open University Malaysia not only provides past year exams, assignments, and course information on its website, but also offers online learning opportunities for instructors. Additionally, the Continuous Professional Development strategy allows for the accumulation of hours through both structured activities, such as courses, seminars, workshops, and conferences organized by Open University Malaysia or other professional bodies with Board of Governors' approval, and non-structured activities, including published books or articles by Open University Malaysia, serving as a speaker or trainer, and being a commission member for Open University Malaysia activities.

Who is required to maintain

the Continuous Professional Development hours?

The Continuous Professional Development Requirement will apply to all Fellow and Professional Members of Open University Malaysia, according to the proposal.

How many Continuous Professional Development hours are necessary?

Instructors are encouraged to complete 120 CPD hours over a two-year period. Open University Malaysia will review the Continuous Professional Development records every two years, based on the calendar year from 1 January to 31 December.

Can instructors carry forward their Continuous Professional Development hours?

Instructors can carry forward their Continuous Professional Development hours for a period of 2 years if they exceed the minimum requirement.

How do instructors keep track?

Instructors are required to keep records of their Continuous Professional Development activities and the time spent on them. Records may include certificates of attendance, attendance lists, receipts, publications, affidavits, or supporting letters from employers. Notification letters and reporting forms will be sent to instructors scheduled to report each year.

Duly completed study must be submitted to the Institute by 31 March. Recording for new instructors will commence based on the date of joining:

Join before 30 June Continuous Professional Development requirement will begin on 1 January of that year.

Join after 30 June

Continuous Professional Development requirement will begin on 1 January the following year. CPD hours accumulated during the year of joining are allowed to be carried forward to the next year.

What happens if instructors fail to meet the requirement?
Teachers who fail to meet the Continuous Professional Development Requirement will receive guidance on appropriate CPD activities and an action plan for completing the deficit within a reasonable timeframe. The Board of Governors has the final decision on disciplinary action for teachers who fail to provide evidence of sufficient CPD commitment.

Are there any exemptions?
The following instructors are exempted from the CPD Requirement: Full exemption is granted to Senior Members.

Temporary freedom can be granted in case of illness, but it requires a written application along with a certification from an accredited doctor or infirmary, and an official verification from the employer.

Structured Activities CPD Hours
Training Programs such as workshops, seminars, negotiations, and other activities conducted by IIA Malaysia 1-2 CPD per hour
Registration and Completion of CIA Certification CIA enfranchisement 10 CPD
National Conference Max 30 CPD

Non-structured Activities CPD Hours
Publications A maximum of 50 hours can be awarded in the Publications category for each biennial period. Generally, one full diary page of single-spaced print equals 2 hours of CPD recognition, with the following limits for each type of publication:
a. Books - 50 hours
b. Articles - 25 hours
c. Other types (unspecified) Research documents - 25 hours

Contributions to publications should pertain to

internal auditing or topics associated with the Common Body of Knowledge.

If members can demonstrate that published articles or books unrelated to internal auditing contribute to their professional audit proficiency, they are acceptable for CPD with a maximum limit of 50 hours. In the Oral Presentations category, a maximum of 50 CPD hours can be awarded per biennial period. For the first presentation, the reported hours will be based on the presentation clip, plus recognition for the preparation time equivalent to three times the presentation clip. Subsequent presentations on the same topic can only be reported as presentation clip hours, with a maximum of 10 CPD hours per biennial period. For Engagement, Governors, commission members, or volunteers can earn 2-4 CPD hours per meeting. Members representing IIA Malaysia at a national or international meeting/function can earn a maximum of 20 CPD hours. Examination Proctors, who assist in invigilating the examination, can earn 2-4 CPD hours per session with a maximum of 25 CPD hours per biennial period. Award winners can earn a maximum of 20 CPD hours. Maximum 20 CPD

Notes: CPD recognition will be granted for full hours, but with a minimum requirement of 50 minutes to count as 1 hour. To clarify, 100 minutes of uninterrupted instruction would count as 2 hours; however, if the instruction is between 50 and 100 minutes, it will count as only 1 hour.

Only the contact category or acceptable self-study hours are permitted. For conferences and conventions that have individual sections lasting less than 50 minutes, these sections should be treated as one complete plan. For instance, five 30-minute presentations would amount to 150 minutes and should be

considered as 3 contact hours.

The proposal aims to enhance Malaysia's educational system by suggesting several recommendations. Firstly, teacher development establishments in Malaysia should strengthen their response to teachers' needs and demands. Secondly, opportunities for ongoing professional development of instructors should be maximized and provided to the fullest extent possible. Thirdly, greater efforts should be made to cultivate a positive professional attitude among instructors, which includes respecting the profession, adhering to the teachers' code of behavior, and avoiding any actions that may harm the reputation of the profession. Lastly, Information and Communications Technology (ICT) should be effectively utilized by instructors to facilitate teaching and learning. It is crucial for teachers to possess a solid understanding of how ICT can effectively contribute towards achieving educational goals. Additionally, it is recommended that the government review teachers' salary packages in order to motivate them to give their best efforts for every student's benefit.Teachers should be appropriately rewarded with promotions and incentives. The education community, including school authorities and education agencies, should provide comfortable work environments for teachers. This includes providing beautiful offices, comfortable tables and chairs, and sufficient facilities. References: 1.Desalegn Chalchisa.(n.d).Continuous Teacher Professional Development.Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: //[2014, June 1] 2.R. Essel.(2000).

An essential component in the professional development of teachers is Continuing Professional Development (CPD). The Institute of Internal Auditors Malaysia provides information on CPD. For more information, visit here. Last accessed on June 1, 2014.

[Online]. Available at: [2014, June 3]

  • Dorcas Oluremi Fareo. (2013).
  • Professional Development of Teachers. [Online]. Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // [2014, June 3]

    Ministry of Social and Family Development. (n.d). Achieving Excellence through Continuous Professional

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