internaitonal ch4 – Flashcards
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1. The sum total of knowledge, beliefs, art, morals, laws, customs, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by humans as members of society is called _____. A. sensitivity B. congruence C. culture D. reference groups E. aesthetics
32. When designing a product, the style, uses, and other related marketing activities must be made _____ if they are to be operative and meaningful. A. culturally acceptable B. politically acceptable C. technically efficient D. compatible to the present economy E. indifferent to societal conditions
Culturally acceptable
33. When marketers first introduced the personal digital assistant (PDA) to the American consumer, they performed the role of being _____ because the cultural impact of the product became widespread. A. gatekeepers B. role players C. creators of supply D. agents of change E. promoters
agents of change
34. In the context of culture's pervasive impact, which of the following is true about birthrates? A. A service economy usually has a higher birthrate than an industrial economy. B. Government policies and birth control technologies have caused a decline in birthrates. C. The economic status of a country has minimal impact on the birthrates in that country. D. Countries that move from agricultural economies to service economies experience increased birthrates. E. Agricultural economies find it hard to support high birthrates than industrial economies.
Government policies and birth control technologies have caused a decline in birthrates.
35. Which of the following actions is important for foreign marketers in order to be effective in a foreign market? A. Learning to appreciate the intricacies of cultures different from their own. B. Ensuring that the promotions for the product are indifferent to social beliefs. C. Adhering to the prominent prejudices in the foreign society. D. Creating product differentiation by being indifferent to the culture of the foreign market. E. Making the product relate to the most prominent religion in the foreign culture.
Learning to appreciate the intricacies of cultures different from their own.
36. According to Dutch management professor Geert Hofstede, culture is referred to as the: A. "software of the mind." B. "defining factor of life." C. "conflict of civilization versus the masses." D. "tool of the elite." E. "art's triumph over banality."
software of the mind."
37. Which of the following reflects Dutch management professor Geert Hofstede's perception of culture? A. It is a weapon that is often used on the poor. B. It is a problem-solving tool. C. It is a bias that is used to justify racial inequality. D. It is a relationship enhancer. E. It is a reflection of a nation's evolution.
It is a problem-solving tool.
38. James Day Hodgson, former U.S. ambassador to Japan, describes culture as a(n) _____, which according to him is tough to get through, but with effort and patience could often lead to success. A. culturally neutral market B. maze C. intelligence test D. thicket E. perseverance test
39. According to Edward Hall's comments on culture, which of the following could hurt companies and careers in foreign markets? A. Adherence to the social norms of the foreign market. B. Being agents of change in the new market. C. Ignorance of cultural differences in the foreign market. D. Strict following of the political rules of the foreign society. E. Consideration of the economic system of the new market.
Ignorance of cultural differences in the foreign market.
40. The process of adjusting to a new culture is known as: A. diffusion. B. culture transfer. C. acculturation. D. assimilation. E. transference.
41. Which of the following is a way individuals learn culture from social institutions? A. Anarchy B. Socialization C. Cultural apathy D. Etiquette awareness E. Social rebellion
42. Most traditional definitions of _____ center around the notion that it is the sum of the values, rituals, symbols, beliefs, and thought processes that are learned, shared by a group of people, and transmitted from generation to generation. A. congruence B. sensitivity C. rituals D. demography E. culture
43. Mike grew up learning a great deal about his culture from his school, the church, the mass media, and his family. This kind of learning of culture is called: A. acculturation. B. socialization. C. naturalization. D. emancipation. E. adaptation.
44. Mervin is excited about his new home in the Philippines. Though native of Los Angeles, he has been given the opportunity to learn about a new culture, form new friendships, and capitalize on opportunities that were not available in his previous home or workplace. He will go through what is known as _____ as he adjusts to living in the Philippines. A. acculturation B. socialization C. naturalization D. emancipation E. standardization
45. Family, religion, schools, the media, government, and corporations are all examples of a(n): A. social institution. B. cultural icon. C. internal variable. D. external variable. E. demographic variable.
social institution
46. Which of the following is true with respect to Professor Jared Diamond's ideas regarding the influence of geography on history and cultural values? A. People in the plains are more likely to invade than those settled in higher altitudes. B. Historically, societies in the north are more developed than those in the south. C. Civilizations near major rivers are more developed than those settled near major oceans. D. Historically, innovations spread faster east to west than north to south. E. Historically, invasions from warrior tribes have always happened from the west to the east.
historically, innovations spread faster east to west than north to south
47. Which of the following thinkers is famous for his statement on the deep influence of geography on history, economics, and consumer behavior? A. Jared Diamond B. Philip Parker C. Desmond Morris D. Noam Chomsky E. Jacques Derrida
philip parker
48. New cola alternatives (Mecca Cola, Muslim Up, Arab Cola, and ColaTurka) sprang up after the military conflicts in the Middle East in 2003. This is an example that shows how: A. Coca-Cola played an important role in easing the cultural divide among the warring nations. B. American beverage companies diversify to cater to various markets. C. specific events in history can influence consumer behavior. D. businesses exploit cheap human labor during war-times. E. cultural aspects influence the development and acceptance of products.
specific events in history can influence consumer behavior
49. Which of the following technological innovations has had a great impact on the gender-based determining of responsibilities and roles? A. Mobile phones B. Computers C. Aircraft D. The Internet E. Birth control pills
Birth control pills
50. Which of the following is an unfavorable outcome of the usage of birth control pills? A. Educational institutions are finding it tougher to fill in seats. B. Midwifery, as a profession, is soon becoming extinct. C. More men and women are opting for a "one-child family." D. Women are increasingly taking up job roles traditionally reserved for men. E. Schools are forced to address issues like abstinence and condom distribution.
Schools are forced to address issues like abstinence and condom distribution.
51. The _____ in India is a social institution that influences the roles and status positions found within Indian society. A. country club B. church C. Taj Mahal D. hijab E. caste system
caste system
52. One of the advantages of the emergence of gender equality is the _____ gap between the sexes being narrowed in many places around the world. A. intelligence B. biological C. identity D. education E. language
53. In most cultures, the first social institution infants are exposed to outside the home takes the form of a: A. day care center. B. school. C. religious institution. D. shopping mall. E. government agency.
religious institution.
54. Numerous studies indicate a direct link between the literacy rate of a country and its: A. ability to conduct foreign trade. B. capability for rapid economic growth. C. ability to eradicate social prejudices. D. capability to promote secular political values. E. potential to support gender equality.
capability for rapid economic growth.
55. What has been the impact on American culture, of women joining the workforce in growing numbers for the past thirty years? A. An increase in the desire for large families in the American population. B. An increase in the underestimation of women in the American culture. C. A decrease in economic development. D. A reduction in the influence of family in the American culture. E. An increase in divorce rates in the country.
A reduction in the influence of family in the American culture.
56. Which of the following social institutions is considered to have had a detrimental effect on American culture? A. School B. Government C. Religion D. Family E. Media
57. Which of the following social institutions that influence culture has comparatively the least impact on culture? A. Media B. School C. Government D. Family E. Religion
58. Governments influence thinking and behavior through the: A. enforcement of a variety of laws affecting consumption and marketing behaviors. B. increasing of the literacy rate of the country. C. adopting of a secular government with separation of the church and state. D. supporting of a selected number of religious sects within the society. E. promotion of egalitarian principles.
enforcement of a variety of laws affecting consumption and marketing behaviors.
59. Which of the following social institutions introduce innovations to society? A. Corporations B. School C. Government D. Family E. Religion
60. Which of the following is the main reason for corporations being the forerunners of innovations in society? A. The use of propaganda to form "favorable" public opinions. B. The access they have to ideas from around the world. C. The understanding that they have of foreign markets. D. The religious tolerance that they possess as a requisite for foreign trade. E. The fact that all merchants and traders are required to be literate.
The access they have to ideas from around the world.
61. The most useful information on how cultural values influence various types of business and market behavior comes from work done by: A. Sigmund Freud. B. George Gallup. C. Geert Hofstede. D. Ayn Rand. E. Milton Friedman.
Geert Hofstede.
62. In the context of linguistic distance, which of the following languages is the most distant from English? A. French B. German C. Spanish D. Arabic E. Thai
63. In the context cultural values, the _____ Index refers to the preference for behavior that promotes one's self-interest. A. Individualism/Collectivism B. Power Distance C. Uncertainty Avoidance D. Masculinity/Feminity E. Linguistic
64. The Uncertainty Avoidance Index measures the tolerance of uncertainty and _____ among members of a society. A. inequality B. subjugation C. ambiguity D. oppression E. hierarchy
65. On the basis of Hofstede's four dimensions, cultures with high Power Distance Index (PDI) scores tend to be: A. secular. B. hierarchical. C. flat in organization. D. fragmented. E. Mexico
66. Wayne is working at the overseas branch of his organization. He needs some clarification about a project. He approaches a senior manager thinking he would get a good explanation. However, he is instructed to follow protocol and sent away. Also, he is informed that only team leads are allowed to approach senior managers. This implies that the organization has a ______ score. A. high Individualism/Collective Index B. high Power Distance Index C. low Individualism/Collective Index D. low Power Distance Index E. high Uncertainty Avoidance Index
high Power Distance Index
67. People from which of the following cultures are more likely to have a general distrust of others (not those in their groups) because power is seen to rest with individuals and is coercive rather than legitimate? A. Cultures with a high Individualism/Collective Index score. B. Cultures with a high Power Distance Index score. C. Cultures with a low Individualism/Collective Index score. D. Cultures with a low Power Distance Index score. E. Cultures with a high Uncertainty Avoidance Index score.
Cultures with a high Power Distance Index score.
68. Cultures with high _____ scores tend to have a high level of anxiety and stress and a concern with security and rule following. A. Power Distance Index B. Individualism/Collectivism Index C. Distance from English Index D. Uncertainty Avoidance Index E. Masculinity/Femininity Index
Uncertainty Avoidance Index
69. Cultures which are low in Uncertainty Avoidance index: A. seek absolute truth. B. accord a high level of importance to rules as a means of avoiding risk. C. tend to be distrustful of new ideas or behaviors. D. dogmatically stick to historically tested patterns of behavior. E. take a more empirical approach to understanding and knowledge.
take a more empirical approach to understanding and knowledge.
70. For a culture, a low score in the _____ reflects more egalitarian views. A. Power Distance Index B. Individualism/Collectivism Index C. Distance from English Index D. Uncertainty Avoidance Index E. Masculinity/Femininity Index
Power Distance Index
71. Which of the following terms pertains to societies in which people from birth onward are integrated into strong, cohesive groups? A. Power distance B. Individualism C. Uncertainty D. Collectivism E. Masculinity
72. Cultural values can predict such consumer behaviors as _____ and impulsive buying. A. ethnocentrism B. family planning C. word-of-mouth communications D. immigration E. resource-sharing
word-of-mouth communications
73. Based on the Individualism/Collectivism Index, in which of the following cultures will the "virtual social" activity of online chatting be most acceptable? A. One in which individualism reigns supreme. B. One in which collectivism is adopted. C. One that has a high tolerance for ambiguity. D. One which has a willingness to take risks. E. One with no separation between the church and the state.
One in which individualism reigns supreme.
74. Hofstede's data on cultural values suggest that: A. countries that are high on individualism and low on uncertainty avoidance tend to be more innovative. B. diffusion of innovations will be slower in countries that are low on individualism and high on uncertainty avoidance. C. individuals from individualistic cultures tend to respond more favorably to other-focused appeals. D. self-focused appeals tend to attract people from collectivistic cultures. E. collectivistic cultures tend to be more emotionally bent than individualistic cultures.
diffusion of innovations will be slower in countries that are low on individualism and high on uncertainty avoidance.
75. In the context of the elements of culture, rituals are patterns of behavior and interaction that are: A. learned and repeated. B. scientifically verified for effectiveness. C. enforced by governments. D. unique to each individual. E. universally accepted as proper behavior.
learned and repeated.
76. The anthropologist, Edward T. Hall tells us that culture is: A. all-encompassing. B. relatively minor in the scheme of life. C. communication. D. strongly linked to physiology. E. standard throughout the world.
77. In some parts of the world, language is itself thought of as a social institution, often with political importance. Which of the following countries best exemplifies the above statement? A. Australia B. United States C. France D. Mexico E. Switzerland
78. In the context of the relationship between language and international marketing, recent studies indicate that a new concept, _____, is proving useful to marketing researchers in market segmentation and strategic entry decisions. A. paralinguistics B. linguistic distance C. language parallels D. language roots E. linguistic accents
linguistic distance
79. Linguistic distance is an important factor that helps in determining differences in values across countries and the amount of trade between countries because: A. the closer the languages the tougher the interactions. B. crossing "wider" language differences increases transaction costs. C. the more distant a language from the other, the more valuable the brand becomes in the new territory. D. major languages have "syntactical superiority" over minor languages that help in brand positioning. E. a 'neutral' language is required to address the differences arising out of linguistic distances.
crossing "wider" language differences increases transaction costs.
80. The aesthetics of a culture must be taken into account by marketers when: A. styling the product and its packaging. B. determining the linguistic distance of a culture. C. assessing if a culture is individualistic or collectivistic. D. trying to quantify the influence media has on the culture. E. trying to comply with the rituals of a culture.
styling the product and its packaging.
81. Feng shui is a Chinese ____, considered to be the process that links humans and the universe to ch'i, the energy that sustains life and flows through our bodies and surroundings, in and around our homes and workplaces. A. illusion B. ritual C. belief D. symbol E. myth
82. Based on Richard Nisbett's metaphor involving Confucius's worthy picture, what is his analysis regarding the thought process or perceptual process of Westerners? A. Westerners can provide great details about central figures but see relatively little in the background. B. Westerners observe things sequentially, thus fail to comprehend the larger picture. C. Westerners are good at observing details but fail to comprehend the central message. D. Westerners prefer larger than life figures to convey messages. E. Westerners tend to focus on the brighter colors in the image and fail to see the lines and finer drawings.
Westerners can provide great details about central figures but see relatively little in the background.
83. _____ refers to being attuned to the nuances of culture so that a new culture can be viewed objectively, evaluated, and appreciated. A. Cultural integration B. Acculturation C. Counter culture D. Cultural sensitivity E. Culture transfer
Cultural sensitivity
84. _____ is a responsible effort to learn from others' cultural ways in the quest for better solutions to a society's particular problems. A. Acculturation B. Cultural borrowing C. Cultural sensitivity D. Cultural aestheticism E. Cultural assimilation
Cultural borrowing
85. To the foreign marketer, the similar-but-different feature of cultures has important meaning in gaining cultural _____. A. tolerance B. acceptance C. leverage D. empathy E. heritage
86. Which of the following is the most important factor in determining what kind and how much of an innovation will be accepted by a culture? A. The time required for the change to occur. B. The number of people that could be benefited. C. The degree of interest in the particular subject. D. The power or authority of the change agent. E. The financial impact, immediate and long-term, of accepting the change.
The degree of interest in the particular subject.
87. With regard to resistance to change, observations indicate that those innovations most readily accepted are those that: A. cater to the values of the predominant religion of the society. B. propagate faith in a set of beliefs different from the existing beliefs. C. are apathetic to the existing cultural beliefs. D. hold the greatest interest within the society and those that are least disruptive. E. offer some insight into the aesthetics of the existing culture.
hold the greatest interest within the society and those that are least disruptive.
88. Modern medicine has thrived in the United States together with the use of herbal remedies from South America. This is an example of: A. cultural ombudsmanship. B. cultural congruence. C. cultural hegemony. D. cultural sensitivity. E. cultural borrowing.
cultural borrowing.
89. _____ refers to a strategy that involves marketing products similar to ones already on the market thereby minimizing resistance. A. Flank attack B. Cultural congruence C. Guerilla marketing D. Lateral marketing E. Culture equalization
Cultural congruence
90. The strategy of _____ deliberately sets out to change those aspects of the culture offering resistance to predetermined marketing goals. A. planned change B. top-down change C. guerilla marketing D. differentiated marketing E. disruptive marketing
planned change
91. Marketing strategy is judged culturally in terms of _____. A. inclusion or exclusion B. cultural intensity or cultural sublimity C. acceptance, resistance, or rejection D. sensitivity to the hidden aspects of culture in a society E. speed, intensity, and degree of change required
acceptance, resistance, or rejection
92. The first step in bringing about planned change in a society is to: A. determine which cultural factors conflict with an innovation. B. create a resistance to the cultural factor hindering acceptance. C. wait for eventual cultural changes that prove their innovations of value to the culture. D. market the products similar to ones already on the market. E. leave acceptance to a strategy of unplanned change.
wait for eventual cultural changes that prove their innovations of value to the culture.
93. Morton Foods has decided to introduce a new line of turkey products to the American consumer. Turkey steaks resemble beefsteak in taste but are made from turkey meat, and are leaner and healthier for a variety of reasons. However, the company is concerned that the product will not be accepted in America. If Morton Foods follows a strategy of _____, they are more likely to have a successful introduction of the new product. A. unplanned change B. cultural adiaphora C. cultural syncopation D. cultural congruence E. continuous change
cultural congruence
94. Nexar Energy is advocating the use of solar power to replace all petroleum-based energy sources. The company holds demonstrations to show how solar power could be used in all major petroleum-based products—automobiles, power sources, and heating and cooling. Nexar Energy is employing a strategy of _____, a deliberate attempt to change the way we do things with respect to energy sources. A. unplanned change B. planned change C. parallel change D. syncopated change E. synergistic change
planned change
95. The Westernized diet has caused many Japanese to become overweight. This is an example of _____ change. A. top-down B. planned C. central D. unplanned E. bottom-up