World History-HIST 1111-CH. 12 – Flashcards

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The coming of Islam to South Asia signaled an epochal historical change because a)Islam was the most important element in Indian civilization during the period. b)Islam had no competition among other religious practices and faiths. c)Islam became the majority in most regions of South Asia. d)none of these answers are correct.
d) none of these answers are correct.
The Druze a)Are widely recognized as a Muslim sect b)professed belief that one of the Fatimid caliph was the last incarnation of God. c)used hashish to undertake suicidal missions against Islam's enemies d)Muslim religious scholars who maintained order and unity.
b)professed belief that one of the Fatimid caliph was the last incarnation of God
According to Jalaluddin Rumi, a Sufi has all of the following attributes except a)purity of heart b)The ability to find the goodness in all emotional states c)appreciation of beauty d)ability to control and direct anger
d)ability to control and direct anger
The Fatimids were a)a Shi'ite dynasty in Tunisia, Morocco, and Egypt. b)a Isma'ili dynasty who ruled from Baghdad c)a Sunni dynasty that destroyed the Druze and Isma'ili "assassins" d)a Druze dynasty in modern day Lebanon
a)a Shi'ite dynasty in Tunisia, Morocco, and Egypt.
The language of intellectual and court life for the initial Muslim dynasties of North India was a)Urdu b)Arabic c)Bantu d)Persian
The madrasa was a)The private branch of the Islamic church b)a college of higher learning based on personal teachings from the Qur'an c)a name given to the merchant class to reflect their increasing status d)a corporate organization designed to standardize the faith
b)a college of higher learning based on personal teachings from the Qur'an
One of the most important contributions of the Ghaznavid Dynasty was to a)make Persian the official language of the Qur'an b)fuse Shi'ite and Sunni beliefs into an all-compassing form of Islam known as Druze. c)defeat the Mongols and prevent them from invading the Muslim Near East. d)introduce Islam into northern India through conquest.
d)introduce Islam into northern India through conquest.
One of the most important developments in the eastern half of the Islamic world between 1000 and 1500 C.E. was a)The growing popularity of Hindu ideas among lower class Muslims. b)The violent invasions of the region by the Mongols and their successors c)The collapse of long-distance trade and the return to local self-sufficiency. d)all of these answers are correct
b)The violent invasions of the region by the Mongols and their successors
The last great nomadic conqueror from the steppes was a)Saladin b)Hulagu Khan c)Timur-i Lang d)Ghengiz Khan
c)Timur-i Lang
Muslim orthodoxy is best defined a)as a set of rigid theological controls imposed by the Qur'an b)In terms of what Muslims do rather than what they believe c)as intolerance within the Muslim ulama d)as "prophet-dominated" rather than "idea-dominated" theology
b)In terms of what Muslims do rather than what they believe
The most important contribution of the Hanbalite school of legal thought to Sunni Islam was that it a)stressed reliance only on a literal reading of the Qur'an and the Hadith b)pioneered new directions in Islamic theology and doctrinal change during the 11th century c)established the first codified Islamic law d)none of these answers are correct
a)stressed reliance only on a literal reading of the Qur'an and the Hadith
The followers of the Isma'ili branch of Shi'ism are best described as a)philosophical esoterics who were often revolutionary in nature b)those who recognized their founder as the twelfth imam. c)those who recognized the radical theocracy of the Nizari "assassins" d)none of these answers are correct.
a)philosophical esoterics who were often revolutionary in nature
The Muslim scholar Umar Khayyam, who was patronized by the Saljuq rulers, is best known in the West for his a)passionate religious tracts b)astronomical observations c)lyrical poetry of the Ruba'iyat d)poetry about the campaigns of El Cid
c)lyrical poetry of the Ruba'iyat
Ibn al-Athir, a Muslim historian, describes the mongol invasions as a)not as quick as the conquests of Alexander the Great b)The most terrible event ever to befall the Muslim world c)a pathetic attempt to invade a land defended by God's chosen people. d)all of the above are correct.
b)The most terrible event ever to befall the Muslim world
The cultural center of the western Europe in the 10th and 11th centuries was a)Naples in southern Italy under the Fatimid Dynasty b)Cordoba in Spain under the Umayyad Dynasty c)Athens in Greece under the Saljug Dynasty d)none of these are correct
b)Cordoba in Spain under the Umayyad Dynasty
Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism all expanded in the period from 1000 - 1500 because a)religious conversion was required after conquest b)of their ability to adapt to local customs c)of the expansion of missionary traditions d)of the translation of holy scripture into many languages
b)of their ability to adapt to local customs
The grandeur of Moorish Islamic architecture is still visible at the a)Museo Dr Barcelona b)Alhambra c)crusader castle in Antioch d)Pharos lighthouse in Alexandria
The first major Turkish-speaking dynasty of Islam was the a)Ottoman b)Mamluk c)Salijug d)Barbar
Sufi brotherhoods or fraternal orders became the a)enforcers of Islamic theological unity b)basic organizational element of the theological schools at Madrasa c)chief instruments for the spread of Islam d)basis for Islamic doctrinal hersey in the 14th century
c)chief instruments for the spread of Islam
Shiites made up a significant part of the population in all of the following areas except a)Spain b)Sind c)Iran d)Iraq
The early Arab conquerors in Sind (711 C.E.) treated the Hindus as a)slaves b)protected people c)second-class citizens d)outcasts
b)protected people
All of the following were major agents or contributing factors of the endurance of Islam in Indian culture except a)The activities of Sufi orders b)political and social stability resulting from successful defense from the Mongols c)force of arms d)Sanskrit
The Hulagu Khan, in his conquest of the Islamic heartlands, spared which of the following? a)The Hindus because of their lack of resistance b)the Christians because of his wife's influence c)The Shi'ites because of their cooperation d)The Sufis because of their solitary nature
b)the Christians because of his wife's influence
The coming of large numbers of Muslims to the subcontinent led to the emergence of which new language? a)Perso-Hindi b)Urdu-Hindi c)Perso-Arabic d)Dakani-Arabic
The Saljuqs were supporters of which Muslim religious sect? a)Sunni b)Shi'ite c)Sufi d)Centrist
The religion that virtually disappeared under Muslim control in India was a. Christianity. b. Hinduism. c. Buddhism. d. Jainism.
c. Buddhism.
Ibn al-Athir, a Muslim historian, describes the Mongol invasions as a. not as quick as the conquests of Alexander the Great. b. the most terrible event ever to befall the Muslim world. c. a pathetic attempt to invade a land defended by God's chosen people. d. a necessary evil to save the world from sin and corruption.
b. the most terrible event ever to befall the Muslim world.
The Mongol leader Hulagu Khan's drive toward the Mediterranean and North Africa was slowed by his rivalry with a. his Mongol kinsman, Berke, who ruled the Golden Horde. b. Timur the Lame, who resisted incursion into Tatar lands. c. Ibn al-Athid, the most successful Arabic caliphate of the period. d. Nizam al-Mulk, the Seljukvizier.
a. his Mongol kinsman, Berke, who ruled the Golden Horde.
According to Map 12-1, by 1500 C.E. the Christians had reconquered a. Spain. b. Greece. c. Ethiopia. d. Italy.
a. Spain.
The Ghaznavids established their power in modern a. India. b. Afghanistan. c. Iran. d. Egypt.
b. Afghanistan.
The original Assassins were a. a sect of radical Sunnis that sought to eliminate their religious rivals. b. a Sunni sect stressing the need for harsh laws to make people live morally. c. Mongols who systematically tried to kill Muslim religious leaders. d. None of these answers are correct.
d. None of these answers are correct.
Conversion of people in central Eurasia, India, and Africa to Islam and the absorption of Muslim cultural influences came about mainly through the efforts of a. Sufi orders. b. the Herat school. c. the Turkoman dynasties. d. All of these answers are correct.
a. Sufi orders.
Which of these statements is not true regarding "Twelvers"? a. They believe in the Mahdi or "guided one." b. They believe in the martyrdom of the twelve imams. c. They anticipate the intercession of Muhammad on the Day of Judgment. d. They controlled Iranian state religion in the sixteenth century.
c. They anticipate the intercession of Muhammad on the Day of Judgment.
The Kingdom of Vijayanagar (1336-1565 C.E.) a. eventually reigned supreme over Muslim armies. b. controlled the northern areas of India. c. was one of India's most lavishly developed cities. d. became a center for European colonization of India.
c. was one of India's most lavishly developed cities.
Based on Map 12-2, the main powers competing for control of the Middle East in the eleventh century were the a. Parthians and Romans. b. Gupta India and the Saljuqs. c. Byzantines and Saljuqs. d. the Fatimids and Georgian states.
c. Byzantines and Saljuqs.
The Mamluk sultans a. were descendants of Turkish and Mongol slave officers. b. established a state based on a military fief system. c. successfully resisted the Mongol invasions. d. All of these answers are correct.
d. All of these answers are correct.
According to Muslim scholar Al-Biruni all of the following are reasons why Muslims and Hindus do not get along except a. the Sanskrit and the Arabic languages are very complex and difficult to learn. b. Hindus focus their religious disputes against those of other faiths. c. India and the Islamic empires are trade rivals. d. Indian children are taught that Islamic customs are evil.
c. India and the Islamic empires are trade rivals.
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