Topic Aid Environmental Health The – Flashcards

Exercise safety relies significantly on choosing clothing appropriate for both the type of exercise and the environment of your exercise. Please select the best answer from the choices provided.
Over the past 20 years, the efforts of the United States have decreased the amount of pollutants in the environment. Please select the best answer from the choices provided.
Environmental pollution does not affect an individual's health. Please select the best answer from the choices provided
The ABCs of first aid stand for __________. A. airway, breathing, and circulation B. accident, bruising, and caution C. allergy, bleeding, and CPR D. airway, bruising, and CPR Please select the best answer from the choices provided.
Paint and solvents pose no potential hazard to human health. Please select the best answer from the choices provided
Compare and contrast heat exhaustion and heat stroke. (Side Note: I made this person answer.. doesn't mean it can be correct)
(Side Note: I made this person answer.. doesn't mean it can be correct) heat exhaustion is milder form of heat-related illness marked by nausea, dizziness, and weakness; caused by the depletion of body fluids and electrolytes. heat stroke a potentially life threatening condition caused by exposure to extreme heat; marked by headache, fever, and sometimes coma. Both are similar because its due to the heat and or sun. ANSWER: Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Heat exhaustion and heat stroke are both caused by prolonged exposure to the Sun with very high temperatures. Heat exhaustion is typically less severe with symptoms of headache, nausea, pale skin, and fatigue. Heat stroke results when the body cannot regulate its body temperature any longer, and it is life threatening. Immediate medical assistance should be obtained if you suspect heat stroke.
Name the three pollutants that have decreased the most since 1990. (Side Note: I made this person answer.. doesn't mean it can be correct)
(Side Note: I made this person answer.. doesn't mean it can be correct) Lead, carbon monoxide, and sulfur dioxide have decreased the most since 1990. ANSWER: Responses will vary, but should include the information that follows: Lead, carbon monoxide, and sulfur dioxide have decreased the most since 1990.
Discuss the importance of fluid balance while exercising. (Side Note: I made this person answer.. doesn't mean it can be correct)
(Side Note: I made this person answer.. doesn't mean it can be correct) we want to make sure that the amount of fluid in our body is maintained at the proper levels. We want to make sure that we have just enough water and just enough electrolytes, those positive and negatively charged ions in our blood, to maintain a healthy balance. ANSWER: Responses will vary. A sample response follows: While exercising, the body loses fluids through perspiration and respiration. The more rigorous the exercise, the more fluids are lost. It's important to replace these fluids both during and after the exercise.
Which of the following is not a potential source of contamination for agricultural products? a. insecticides b. herbicides c. sun exposure d. hormones Please select the best answer from the choices provided
Electrolytes serve several purposes in the body, including __________. A. brain function and nerve sensitivity B. nerve and muscle function and fluid balance C. fluid balance and efficient circulation D. nerve sensitivity and efficient circulation Please select the best answer from the choices provided.
First aid is important because it __________. A. improves the chances of survival B. reduces the risk of permanent injury C. reduces the risk of infection D. all of the above Please select the best answer from the choices provided.
Why are labor unions able to negotiate effectively with companies where individual workers can't? (Side Note: I made this person answer.. doesn't mean it can be correct)
(Side Note: I made this person answer.. doesn't mean it can be correct) Because its much organized and more people then one person and also for the worker demands to come under negotiation with the business. ANSWER: Labor unions can use the power of collective bargaining and strikes to make management listen. Instead of using the power of one, easily replaced worker, the union uses the power of all workers for leverage. If the company refuses to negotiate fairly with management, then the unions will declare a strike, which means that all workers will refuse to work until negotiations have been reopened.
How can knowing common first aid skills help prevent infection and facilitate the healing process? (Side Note: I made this person answer.. doesn't mean it can be correct)
(Side Note: I made this person answer.. doesn't mean it can be correct) By using hydrogen peroxide on the sore and clean it out then put some antibiotics on it the cove it with a bandage to keep germ from getting in the wound and causing it to get infected ASNWER: Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Skills such as applying bandages and antibiotic ointment are important not only at the time of injury but also afterwards during the recovery process. Knowing the proper procedure for cleaning and dressing a wound can help prevent infections during the recovery process, which aids healing. Knowledge of first aid also helps an individual know what actions and behaviors are more and less conducive to recovering from an injury.
Compare and contrast the three different classifications of burns. (Side Note: I made this person answer.. doesn't mean it can be correct)
(Side Note: I made this person answer.. doesn't mean it can be correct) There 3 kinds of burns. First degree burn, second degree burn and the third degree burn. First degree burn is the most minor burn among the three. it only burns the skin Second degree burn is quite serious, it burns the skin and even deeper on it. Third degree burn is the most dangerous burn because it burns even the tissues. ANSWER: Responses will vary. A sample response follows: First-degree burns are the most minor burns, such as mild sunburns and scalding by hot but not boiling water. They redden the skin and cause a small amount of pain. Second-degree burns are more severe than first-degree burns and are typified by blisters and increased pain. Third-degree burns are the most severe and result in a large loss of skin and damage to the nerves in the skin, which actually can make them less painful than second-degree burns despite being far more damaging.
Why is the first step in responding to life-threatening situations to assess the situation? (Side Note: I made this person answer.. doesn't mean it can be correct)
(Side Note: I made this person answer.. doesn't mean it can be correct) In my point of view, avoid panicking is the very first step that needs to be done in responding to life-threatening situations to assess the situation. Tendency if we panic is that we cannot think of any active decisions in order to respond to the situation because we are already panicking and scared. ANSWER: Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Before initiating first aid, the provider needs to assess the situation. If the environment is hazardous, steps may need to be taken before first aid may commence. Effective first aid will not be possible, if either the provider or the victim is in danger of further injury. Only after ensuring that first aid can be provided safely should care actually be provided.
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Exercise safety relies significantly on choosing clothing appropriate for both the type of exercise and the environment of your exercise. Please select the best answer from the choices provided.
Over the past 20 years, the efforts of the United States have decreased the amount of pollutants in the environment. Please select the best answer from the choices provided.
Environmental pollution does not affect an individual's health. Please select the best answer from the choices provided
The ABCs of first aid stand for __________. A. airway, breathing, and circulation B. accident, bruising, and caution C. allergy, bleeding, and CPR D. airway, bruising, and CPR Please select the best answer from the choices provided.
Paint and solvents pose no potential hazard to human health. Please select the best answer from the choices provided
Compare and contrast heat exhaustion and heat stroke. (Side Note: I made this person answer.. doesn't mean it can be correct)
(Side Note: I made this person answer.. doesn't mean it can be correct) heat exhaustion is milder form of heat-related illness marked by nausea, dizziness, and weakness; caused by the depletion of body fluids and electrolytes. heat stroke a potentially life threatening condition caused by exposure to extreme heat; marked by headache, fever, and sometimes coma. Both are similar because its due to the heat and or sun. ANSWER: Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Heat exhaustion and heat stroke are both caused by prolonged exposure to the Sun with very high temperatures. Heat exhaustion is typically less severe with symptoms of headache, nausea, pale skin, and fatigue. Heat stroke results when the body cannot regulate its body temperature any longer, and it is life threatening. Immediate medical assistance should be obtained if you suspect heat stroke.
Name the three pollutants that have decreased the most since 1990. (Side Note: I made this person answer.. doesn't mean it can be correct)
(Side Note: I made this person answer.. doesn't mean it can be correct) Lead, carbon monoxide, and sulfur dioxide have decreased the most since 1990. ANSWER: Responses will vary, but should include the information that follows: Lead, carbon monoxide, and sulfur dioxide have decreased the most since 1990.
Discuss the importance of fluid balance while exercising. (Side Note: I made this person answer.. doesn't mean it can be correct)
(Side Note: I made this person answer.. doesn't mean it can be correct) we want to make sure that the amount of fluid in our body is maintained at the proper levels. We want to make sure that we have just enough water and just enough electrolytes, those positive and negatively charged ions in our blood, to maintain a healthy balance. ANSWER: Responses will vary. A sample response follows: While exercising, the body loses fluids through perspiration and respiration. The more rigorous the exercise, the more fluids are lost. It's important to replace these fluids both during and after the exercise.
Which of the following is not a potential source of contamination for agricultural products? a. insecticides b. herbicides c. sun exposure d. hormones Please select the best answer from the choices provided
Electrolytes serve several purposes in the body, including __________. A. brain function and nerve sensitivity B. nerve and muscle function and fluid balance C. fluid balance and efficient circulation D. nerve sensitivity and efficient circulation Please select the best answer from the choices provided.
First aid is important because it __________. A. improves the chances of survival B. reduces the risk of permanent injury C. reduces the risk of infection D. all of the above Please select the best answer from the choices provided.
Why are labor unions able to negotiate effectively with companies where individual workers can't? (Side Note: I made this person answer.. doesn't mean it can be correct)
(Side Note: I made this person answer.. doesn't mean it can be correct) Because its much organized and more people then one person and also for the worker demands to come under negotiation with the business. ANSWER: Labor unions can use the power of collective bargaining and strikes to make management listen. Instead of using the power of one, easily replaced worker, the union uses the power of all workers for leverage. If the company refuses to negotiate fairly with management, then the unions will declare a strike, which means that all workers will refuse to work until negotiations have been reopened.
How can knowing common first aid skills help prevent infection and facilitate the healing process? (Side Note: I made this person answer.. doesn't mean it can be correct)
(Side Note: I made this person answer.. doesn't mean it can be correct) By using hydrogen peroxide on the sore and clean it out then put some antibiotics on it the cove it with a bandage to keep germ from getting in the wound and causing it to get infected ASNWER: Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Skills such as applying bandages and antibiotic ointment are important not only at the time of injury but also afterwards during the recovery process. Knowing the proper procedure for cleaning and dressing a wound can help prevent infections during the recovery process, which aids healing. Knowledge of first aid also helps an individual know what actions and behaviors are more and less conducive to recovering from an injury.
Compare and contrast the three different classifications of burns. (Side Note: I made this person answer.. doesn't mean it can be correct)
(Side Note: I made this person answer.. doesn't mean it can be correct) There 3 kinds of burns. First degree burn, second degree burn and the third degree burn. First degree burn is the most minor burn among the three. it only burns the skin Second degree burn is quite serious, it burns the skin and even deeper on it. Third degree burn is the most dangerous burn because it burns even the tissues. ANSWER: Responses will vary. A sample response follows: First-degree burns are the most minor burns, such as mild sunburns and scalding by hot but not boiling water. They redden the skin and cause a small amount of pain. Second-degree burns are more severe than first-degree burns and are typified by blisters and increased pain. Third-degree burns are the most severe and result in a large loss of skin and damage to the nerves in the skin, which actually can make them less painful than second-degree burns despite being far more damaging.
Why is the first step in responding to life-threatening situations to assess the situation? (Side Note: I made this person answer.. doesn't mean it can be correct)
(Side Note: I made this person answer.. doesn't mean it can be correct) In my point of view, avoid panicking is the very first step that needs to be done in responding to life-threatening situations to assess the situation. Tendency if we panic is that we cannot think of any active decisions in order to respond to the situation because we are already panicking and scared. ANSWER: Responses will vary. A sample response follows: Before initiating first aid, the provider needs to assess the situation. If the environment is hazardous, steps may need to be taken before first aid may commence. Effective first aid will not be possible, if either the provider or the victim is in danger of further injury. Only after ensuring that first aid can be provided safely should care actually be provided.
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