To Kill A Mockingbird: chapters 19-31 Questions – Flashcards
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Why was Dill crying?
Dill was upset of how the prosecutor, Mr. Gilmer, was being rude and insulting to Tom.
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what was the verdict? How did Jem react?
Tom was found guilty. Jem immediately got quiet because of all the injustice against Tom.
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After the trial, why did Miss Maudie bake a large cake and only two small one's.
She gave Jem a slice from the larger cake, and that made Jem feel like an adult.
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How did Bob Ewell threaten Atticus? Why?
Bob said that he would "get Atticus" because he felt humiliated. Regardless of the verdict, the townspeople suspected that Bob beat up his own daughter.
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How did Tom get shot? Would things have been different if Atticus would have promised to get Tom off? Why didn't Atticus do so?
Tom was trying to escape the jail by climbing the fence. they said that Tom would have been able to successfully escape if he had both arms. Tom's chances against a white man made him lose hope. Atticus didn't promise him because he wouldn't be able to fulfill his promise.
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What evidence is there that Scout was beginning to change her pinion of Aunt Alexandra.
Scout tried to act like a lady at the Tea. She felt that if her aunt could have grace and poise under pressure, so could she.
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What is hypocritical about the ladies' attitude toward the natives?
They called them heathens, so they didn't want any contact with them. The women "talk condescending".
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At the Tea, what was it that Aunt Alexandra was silently thanking Miss Maudie for?
Miss Maudie pointed out that the women were bad mouthing Atticus while sitting in his house and eating his food.
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Why didn't Jem want Scout to kill the caterpillar? what was Scout's reaction to Jem saying that?
Jem said it wasn't hurting her, so she had no reason to kill it. Scout thought that Jem wasn't as fun as he used to be/ he is getting too old to have fun.
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How is the theme of hurting defenseless insects continued in the way Dill described Tom's wife, and Mr. Underwood's description of Tom's death?
Dill said that Helen just fell to the ground and was like an ant being stepped on by a giant. Mr. Underwood related Tom's death to the senseless slaughter of songbirds, much like Atticus saying that it is a sin to kill a mockingbird.
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At school, Scout's class talked about Hitler. Why did Miss Gates' lesson about prejudice confuse Scout? how did Jem react when Scout asked him about it? Why?
Miss Gates said that Hitler was prejudice against the Jews, and said that being prejudice is wrong. Scout was confused because Miss Gates was okay with being prejudice with blacks. When Scout asked Jem, Jem was reminded about Atticus' case an Tom and how upset he was. Jem didn't want to talk about that topic and asked Scout to leave his room.
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Why was Scout walking home from the play in costume?
After she had fallen asleep and missed her cue, Mrs. Merriweather made her fel=el bad and embarrassed. Scout wanted to keep her costume on to hide her mortification under it.
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What happened to terrify Scout on the way home?
Someone was following Jem and Scout hoe. They didn't have a flashlight, so they couldn't see who or what it was. when they stopped to listen, the person began to run up and attack them. Jem was pushed over and Scout was almost cut (her costume saved her). Jem pulled the person off and broke his elbow, and Scout ran home.
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How did Bob Ewell die according to Mr. Tate
Bob Ewell was lying in the ground uner the tree down yonder with a kitchen knife stuck up under his ribs. He fell on his knife.
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Thinking that Jem was the killer, Atticus was unwilling to go along with the story that Bob Ewell fell on his knife. Why not?
He felt that he would be providing a dishonest model for his children.
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Actually, Mr. Tate made up the story about Bob Ewell falling an his knife to protect someone else. Who?
Mr. Tate knew that Boo Radley killed Bob. Mr. Tate did not want Boo to have the attention of being a killer.
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How did Scout act when she took Boo Radley ? How did she feel?
Scout acted normal towards him. They walked together arm in arm. The author let us know that Scout was happy and was not nervous or scared around Boo.
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As Scout looked out from the Radley porch, she regretted that the children never gave Boo anything n return. Actually, they did give Boo something. What?
Boo had gotten the enjoyment from watching Jem and Scout grow up.
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