There Is Little Value in Watching Television Today. Do You Agree? Essay Example
There Is Little Value in Watching Television Today. Do You Agree? Essay Example

There Is Little Value in Watching Television Today. Do You Agree? Essay Example

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  • Pages: 4 (860 words)
  • Published: October 24, 2017
  • Type: Essay
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The role of television in our daily lives is crucial as it provides us with essential information, knowledge, news and entertainment which are integral to contemporary culture.

The proliferation of satellite and digital specialty channels has made it difficult to differentiate television from our daily lives, as it offers an array of programs that can enrich us with entertainment, news updates, and global information. While some worry about TV's detrimental effects on younger generations through depictions of violence, sex, and unattainable beauty standards, not all shows have a negative impact on society.

Despite the prevalent airing of TV shows with shallow content, there are still numerous programs that promote positive values, making TV viewing worthwhile. Consequently, I hold the opposing viewpoint that watching television today has more value than not. Unfortunately, many of today's TV shows focus on t


rivial topics and lack substance, which goes against society's values.

The negative portrayal of life in reality TV shows such as ‘Survivor’ and ‘Apprentice’ promotes behaviors like cheating, backstabbing, and forming alliances to defeat common enemies for financial gain. The values projected promote materialism as the ultimate way of living and can lead viewers to believe that acquiring wealth guarantees happiness. This presents a danger because young and impressionable viewers often watch these shows without supervision from authority figures. Without guidance, young people may adopt these negative values as normal behavior, resulting in a distorted perspective towards life that adds little value. It is important to consider this when choosing what to watch on TV.

There has been a noticeable reduction in censorship which has led to a surge in violent and sexual material being featured in movies and TV shows.

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This content often depicts violence as an acceptable way of conflict resolution, while portraying casual and irresponsible sexual behavior. These aspects pose a danger to the moral principles of our society, especially since cable television became widely available to younger audiences in the late 1990s.

Despite the negative impact of TV causing concerns about its role in society and the potential harm it may cause to younger generations, it has also brought positive influences globally. It is widely recognized that exposure to harmful behavior through TV can lead to desensitization and distorted mindsets, posing a danger to our society.

The History Channel, The Discovery and the National Geographic Channel provide a welcome change from low-quality television programs. These informative channels encourage education and stimulate interest in the world around us. Their shows serve as an effective classroom, offering daily opportunities to discover new and fascinating information. Consequently, these channels improve our viewing experiences by adding value. In today's society, access to information is crucial and affects our everyday routines and responsibilities. Television serves as one of the fastest ways to receive news updates.

It is crucial to acknowledge the importance of dynamism in our current connected and globalized world, where events happening in one location can swiftly impact another. Staying attuned to rapid changes is imperative for all individuals, from stock traders requiring up-to-date information on market fluctuations and global events to ordinary citizens keeping watchful eyes on news broadcasts warning of potential crises or disasters that may affect their lives. Television offers a comprehensive worldwide outlook, updating us constantly about global issues and aiding us in staying prepared.

Television has had a positive impact on humanity by

providing entertainment and serving as a means of political and social advocacy that can generate worldwide attention. It has encouraged people to cooperate in order to improve the world, with the Sichuan earthquake being an excellent illustration of how television can inspire action for the greater good.

Within 24 hours of the earthquake, a worldwide appeal for assistance and contributions to aid those impacted was issued. Live television broadcasts were utilized to disseminate information about the disaster, with correspondents providing regular updates and visuals from on-site. The emotional footage and reports generated significant viewer response, leading some TV stations to incorporate dedicated segments in their nightly news bulletins aimed at reaching a broader audience with appeals for aid and donations - recognizing that many families watch TV during this time.

While TV has been recognized for its global attention-grabbing capability, it can also serve the world by providing aid during disasters. By watching TV programs and learning about these events, people worldwide may offer their support to those affected. Nevertheless, television has also instigated adverse effects. It has normalized violence and sex, contrary to promoting healthy values. Furthermore, reality shows endorse negative behaviors such as deceit and betrayal that conflict with society's positive principles. Consequently, watching TV today may not be considered a justifiable action due to its limited value-addition to our lives.

While some TV shows do not align with social values, many promote positive ideals, especially education and news channels. Television can enrich lives by fostering curiosity, knowledge-sharing, and community during hardships. The impact of TV viewing depends on personal preference and rational decision-making. Individuals have the freedom to choose shows that benefit them and align

with their values.

It is possible to derive value from watching TV in modern times by carefully selecting the shows to watch.

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