The Travels of Ibn Battuta Essay Example
The Travels of Ibn Battuta Essay Example

The Travels of Ibn Battuta Essay Example

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  • Pages: 4 (875 words)
  • Published: December 22, 2021
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Pilgrimage journey to the holy Mecca in the 14th Century was a golden time for Muslim travelers. It was towards the close of the Golden Age of Islam, pronounced explosions of the scientific and cultural accomplishment in world history. Many chances for long distance travels emerged in the 13th century, as the Mongols and the nomadic gatherings had established great and stable soils, which expedited travelling, trade, and traditional exchange. This escalating world of Muslim was an annex of the early political and cultural organizations, which made travelling on the scale possible. The trains and the sea-lanes across created a shipping and communication networks, which stretched across the Eastern Hemisphere. A Muslim Faithfull’s are obliged to honor and execute according to the five pillars of Islam; Faith, Prayers, Charity, Fasting and the Pilgrimage to Me



Ibn Battuta is deliberated as one of the world greatest travelers. During the 14th century explorations, Ibn travelled for an approximately 75,000 miles in search of knowledge and the rage of travelling. To share in this adventure of research and learning, he bore a high value for the Islamic culture. As a Muslim traveler, the five pillars of Islam pilgrimage influenced his tour in various ways. The five pillars are Faith (Shahabad), Prayer (Salad), Charity (Zakat), Fasting, and Pilgrimage (hajj). Shahabad forms the announcement of faith; fully acknowledge there is only one God while Muhammad is the God’s (Allah) messenger. Slat is an Islamic prayer, which consists of a five-day prayer and it is recited while facing Kaabah in Mecca. Zakat is being charitable giving by the Muslims basing it on the accumulation of their wealth to less fortunate in the

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society. It is an obligation to those who possess the power to do so thusly.

Fasting to the Muslim community is a mandatory practice during the faithful month of Ramadan unless one is ill, to those who are pregnant, young siblings or when one is on a difficult journey. The Muslims faithful’s are supposed to abstain from consuming food and drinks as from dawn to dusk during the menses. The hajj is a pilgrimage, which transpires during this Islamic holy month of Dhu al-Hijjah to the holy city of Mecca. It is an obligation of every able Muslim to have the pilgrimage to Mecca once in their lifetime. Pillars are highly observed the most significant cultural value in the Muslim community.

Ibn Battuta is predisposed by Faith since he appears to be one of the few mortals who exist by their trust by breaking their personal needs to a secondary degree of significance, while the needs of their faith and remain primarily to their importance. Ibn Battuta required to travel his pathway to an introverted traveler, whom would remain persuaded that faith would see him done to the adventures, which he experienced in the journey of inventions and research. Faith was the major purpose for the journey.

Prayers for the reason also influenced Battuta that in some ways it saved him. In Calicut, a heavy hurricane came up on that eve. Ibn was presumed to have boarded one of the boats that were examined in the storm was it not that he was on a petition in an offshore mosque. He waited helplessly on the beach the whole day long as he seemed at the horror of the

boats, which were pushed to the shore, damaged and sank. Some of the crews from one ship came through while the other ship, which Ibn had boarded were drowned together with the slaves onboard, pages, and the horses. The valuable goods onboard were washed away to the beach others sank. Another ship which carried Ibn luggage’s, servants and a slave girl who was carrying his child, was all set to sail to China without him or his goods also survived this terror of the hurricane.

Muslims attitude has inspired charitable giving as obliged by the pillars of Islam. Ibn Battuta in his journey to Mecca was not alone, a governor accompanied him from one of the cities who would give him alms of gold, and woolen clothes gifts. This is measured a pillar of Islam (almsgiving).

Battuta was not entitled to fasting as he was on a difficult journey to Mecca according to Islamic precepts. During this pilgrimage period, he met many challenges, as bandits, experienced dehydration from thirst and forced to retrace his route back to the Red sea.
The Hajj a pilgrimage to Mecca was an Ibn main mission the birthplace of Islam community. It is a religious obligation for Muslim adult believers who have the financial power and physically sound to perform Hajj at least once in their lifetime. This event takes place during the holy month of Dhu al-Hijjah in an Islamic lunar calendar. In an Ibn Battuta’s journey from Moroccan home to Mecca with an intention to pull in a pilgrimage to the Islamic holy house and the grave of the seer. He encountered numerous problems on the way but finally he made

it successfully to Mecca.


Today, the annual Hajji attracts millions of Muslims, Christians and other denominations of ethnic groups, color, social status, and refinement to the holy sanctuaries of Mecca.

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