The similarities and Difference of Greek and Roman Architecture Essay Example
Roman architecture emerged as a result of inspiration from Greek architecture hence leading to having many similarities and few differences when making a good study on the culture and all forms of styles used. This also came as a result of the brief history of the two styles of art and culture that led to combination of the two to make a genre which is popularly known as classical architecture. Also the great differences came as a result of different civilization of the two groups of people in Greece and Rome with the Romans favouring diverse subject matters and had their individual styles and their architectural work used different columns. Some of the factors include social, economic and political that amounted to the changes.
Major factor was the materials that they used during building period. In ancient tim
...es Greeks mainly used materials like mud, stone and plaster to build their houses. In many cases this type of building never lasted for a long time .This amounted to easy falling of the houses. However the Greeks constructed their temples using limestone or marble and leading to us having many similar examples today.
Similarly the Romans used the same materials, more limestone and marble. But the most distinct factor in modern days is traced by use concrete in construction of many structures. Since concrete was a mixed with sand, liquid water and lime motor made it to be stronger and lighter in weight hence constructed more free and larger structures.
Also the main aim coming up with structures was to be evaluated in most occasions. Many buildings that are of existence to date were the temples to the honour o
their gods in Greece. The temples ere metaphorical on the outer surface but plain inside. Many types of Roman buildings are preserved to date because of the uniqueness of material used or the knowledge applied, particularly concrete. This makes most of the public places to remain tourist attraction centres to date. They include bathrooms, amphitheatres, public housing and aqueducts. When making a clear comparison of Greek structures with that of Romans, both give an ornate from inside and outside giving an impression of quest pleasure, an important portion of lifestyle or traditional practices of Romans.
Construction details were also of great concern. Greek architecture was classically rectilinear in design which attracted many people and also had some rafter features in forms of construction style. But Romans are known by mastering the hollow and sometimes mastering in great length dome, which are the two main elements found in the traditional practise of Roman people and absent in Greek architecture. Use of concrete made the structures to be strong and long lasting. Arches were dominant in bridge, aqueducts were used in construction of triumphal arches, and on the same time domes cover big places which can be traced in the construction of temples, emperors`, residences and bathrooms.
Assess Styles of Columns.
This was common when comparing the two cases of Romans and the popular Greek structures. These groups employed the Corinthian orders, Doric and ionic orders most simply identifiable when studying the columns, which contains appealing lines. This made the Romans to prefer one of the greatest recognized styles known as Corinthian style.
It was also evident froom the subject issue of the artwork. The two groups needed to paint their
images as it was the culture of daily activity and methodology (Robinson, Walter. 1995). However the Greeks were known for their creativity in art of celebrating athletes. Also the Romans decorated landscapes, which the Greek never did.
Comparison of Different Styles of Artwork.
There were two types of art work that include Greek sculpture and painting that depicted their gods as perfectly formed beings. But the Greek painting did not portray any scrupulous person, while the Roman’s painting was idealised and the faces of sculptures portrayed known faces, such as emperor.
The two cultures architecture contrasted. Greeks origination of Columns, buildings and temples were made in Doric, Ionic and Corinthian styles. The widest used was the Doric column that had the least number of decorations. The Corinthian approach pillar was the thinnest pillar and most painted of all the columns types. The Romans adopted a range of styles, but amid the Romans, the Corinthian style was predominant. Another element of Roman style is the use of the factual arch, a skill which remains on exhibit in the relics of the renowned Colosseum.
In conclusion, Greek art facilitated to Roman art through borrowing a number of different styles from Greek art leading to emergence of some good structures. The use of concrete by Romans led to strong structures that are durable to date. Some of the structures are of great economic benefit as they are used as tourist attraction centre. Through these arts many advancements were made in construction leading to various designs today.
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