The Internet and Contemporary Business Environments Essay Example
The Internet is an essential technology in business, offering advantages such as eliminating proximity issues for collaboration. Mobile technologies have emerged to enhance cooperation, productivity, and streamline operations. The Internet facilitates meaningful exchanges in various ways.
Enterprises and professionals have maximized communication measures with the Internet's extended span of interaction. This paper discusses the positive and negative impacts of the Internet on business and communication, focusing on areas such as mobile technologies, business communication, and email.
The Internet and mobile technologies have numerous advantages and disadvantages. It revolutionizes possibilities but also presents challenges in controlling its exploitation. Employees can now work remotely from locations such as homes, cafes, and outdoor areas thanks to the Internet's radical change. This empowers employees to achieve a work-life balance while potentially increasing motivat
...ion and productivity.
Telecommuting has its advantages, such as reducing workflow disruptions and providing cost-related benefits by eliminating the need for office space. However, it also comes with a downside - the potential loss of emotional connection that is crucial for collaborative work. Face-to-face interaction among colleagues is essential for project success as it enables motivation and accurate communication through verbal and nonverbal cues. These benefits are unfortunately lost in telecommuting, which can potentially hinder business operations. Furthermore, one disadvantage of telecommuting is the lack of ability for employers to monitor employees' actual work. While not having constant supervision can relieve pressure, it may pose challenges for those who struggle with self-discipline. Studies have shown that even in the office setting, employees tend to spend significant time browsing the Internet for personal use.
On the other hand, the Internet provides several advantages to companies including cost reduction, improve
market performance, research and development data collection, and expanded operations. Enterprises can save expenses by automating activities online while online retailers can decrease costs by eliminating physical inventory and avoiding losses from unsold goods. With competition intensifying in today's ever-changing market, businesses must develop innovative strategies to stay ahead. The Internet supports these efforts by allowing companies to monitor competitors and access resources for new product design and manufacturing processes.The Internet serves as a platform for businesses to expand their markets, sell products and services, deploy personnel in different regions, and establish virtual workplaces. However, it also brings negative issues such as the need to monitor personal use and prevent illegal activities like gambling or accessing pornographic sites. Many companies would prefer to restrict employee internet access both inside and outside the workplace but face challenges in implementing regulations without infringing on labor rights and privacy. The popularity of social media further complicates these issues as controlling engagement may violate freedom of expression. Therefore, businesses must invest time and resources in designing measures that balance workers' needs with company priorities.
Mobile connectivity has revolutionized the work culture with smartphones serving as primary devices for on-demand connectivity. These devices have evolved into practical miniature offices with advanced design and functionality. They can be synced to workplace computers, enabling individuals to send emails, browse the internet, and participate in videoconferences while on the go.
This flexibility has significantly improved how people accomplish their work.The constant availability of mobile environments has caused increased stress for employees because it brings the expectation of constant accountability. Before the Internet, face-to-face interactions and telephone communication were common methods of business communication.
However, with the rise of the Internet, both internal and external communication in businesses have undergone transformation.
Internal communication is now facilitated by technologies like company websites and databases that are enabled by the Internet. On the other hand, external communication involves interactions with clients or customers, partners, and suppliers. The Internet has made continuous exchange between parties possible through online platforms, which is particularly beneficial for e-commerce businesses.
Websites have become popular avenues for partner collaboration, customer engagement, and retail sales. Through various ways such as online advertising and additional services like online platforms for application processing and record updating, companies can reach customers in more effective ways while providing value-added benefits.
Emails and instant messaging are computer-mediated communication tools used by employees that offer simplicity and easy accessibility. However, they can also be impersonal and require careful message composition to prevent miscommunication.Writing a response may detract from other important tasks. Instant messaging may be appropriate for communication among colleagues but not with superiors. Videoconferencing is another popular communication tool that allows face-to-face conversation and eliminates the need for complicated phrasing, although it can be disrupted by technical issues. In today's business environment, there are various communication-related problems that can lead to misunderstandings. Selecting the right medium for a message is crucial for effective communication. Instant messaging is ideal for quick responses but may not be suitable for interactions with superiors due to its informal nature. Online communication tools cannot replace the depth of discussion that only occurs through face-to-face interaction in more complex projects. Miscommunication can also arise from unclear or negatively interpreted messages expressed over Internet tools, as they differ significantly from personal interactions which
include nonverbal cues. The lack of immediacy in correcting any misunderstandings further complicates matters, as the delay in response can be misinterpreted.In all areas of a business, ineffective communication and misunderstanding can have negative impacts. This can lead to animosity among co-workers, hindering their ability to achieve goals, especially in team-based projects. Ambiguous messages also hinder productivity as understanding roles and expectations is crucial for successful performance. Declining productivity affects relationships between subordinates and superiors, as well as the relationship between a company and its customers.
Texting has become popular in the workplace but is generally ineffective due to the inability to replicate important features like body language. Hand gestures, posture, and facial expression are crucial aspects of conversation that texting lacks. Texting's informality leads people to abbreviate and compress messages impacting grammar and clarity. This habit may even carry over into formal interactions.
It is important to use appropriate communication mediums with texting being more suitable for informal situations among friends, relatives or colleagues. Effective communication is essential for successful group-based activities whether team members work in an office or remotely.
The internet allows group members to discuss without physically being present at a meeting place.
Regardless of the advanced technology, it is crucial to remember the importance of proper expression and feedback. Internet communication tools should be used as supplements rather than relying on them solely for interaction. These tools can ensure task continuity and eliminate the need for team members to be in one location.
Modern workplaces often have cultural diversity, including employees from different backgrounds with varying work ethics and strategies. Communicating in such environments can be complex due to language differences and cultural cues.
the Internet allows for interaction among employees in different regions, caution must be exercised when communicating through technology. It is important to accurately express and understand messages. A diverse environment that values acceptance enhances communication and improves organizational effectiveness.
Email is widely used in business communication because of its accessibility and user-friendly features. It offers advantages as a Computer-Mediated Communication tool by allowing flexible messaging for various communication tasks.Email is a versatile tool that serves as a primary channel for important communication within an organization. It allows for brainstorming, requesting additional data, scheduling meetings, and soliciting feedback. The wide range of recipients includes project point persons, decision makers, customers, and potential hires. In addition to its versatility in delivering information, email is effective for communicating time-sensitive changes such as project deadlines and meeting schedules. It can convey urgency or the need for a prompt response.
The response functionality of email makes communication easy and allows conversations to be stored. Threads can be included or excluded without deleting original messages, making it convenient to share information with new team members. Even if messages are accidentally deleted, they can be recovered from the server. Email archives improve record keeping and the search function allows for quick access to old records.
Email can also be used for formal messages to upper management. Its record-keeping features are useful for approvals or rejections that require confirmation. The speed and asynchronous nature of email allow for flexibility in responding to messages. Recipients have the convenience of replying at their own convenience when not occupied with other tasks.
The asynchronous nature of email means that discussions can progress without requiring simultaneous presence of all participants.
communication allows senders and receivers to communicate without being restricted by time or scheduling. While the absence of emotional cues in emails is seen as a disadvantage, there are situations where it is beneficial to regulate emotions. This is particularly useful in emotionally charged situations, as using email prevents problems that can arise from face-to-face interactions, such as sudden bursts of anger. It also enables the sender to review and edit their message to remove any irrelevant sentiments. Moreover, if the sender is strongly affected by an issue, writing an email provides them with the opportunity to calm down before sending a message. These features are especially valuable in employee-customer interactions where personnel must control their emotions while facing criticism from dissatisfied clients.
However, despite its versatility, email usage requires appropriateness and understanding. Miscommunication often occurs due to unregulated use or lack of comprehension regarding email exchanges. The absence of emotional nuances and gestures hinders effective communication and results in misunderstandings. This becomes crucial when it comes to feedback emails since tone of voice cannot be conveyed accurately, potentially impacting employee morale, motivation, and productivity. Consequently, providers may hesitate to give constructive criticism which leads to the misconception that employees are performing well.The use of mixed messages in email communication can create issues when implementing sanctions for undesirable employee behaviors. Additionally, the informality of language used in emails contributes to a lack of professionalism. It is important to avoid casual conversations that may be seen as disrespectful, thoughtless, or ignorant when communicating with colleagues and superiors. While email composition may seem easy and convenient, it requires restraint and careful consideration as unintended mistakes in wording can
lead to problems. To ensure that emails elicit the desired response and are read and acted upon, it is crucial to write them thoughtfully without needing technical knowledge. Writing a generic or summary-based subject fails to provide enough information about the content, importance, or need for immediate response or action. Instead, using an actionable subject line ensures prompt reading of the email and prevents it from being disregarded as spam. An effective way to draw attention to your email is by using an EOM headline that places all important information in the subject field.Subject: 12/10 meeting, 1 pm, room 405, re New Hiring Policies EOM. However, an EOM headline only works if the email details can be summarized.
In the email body, it is common to include all important information or action points in one email when they are related. However, this can cause confusion as not all action points require the same urgency or effort. When necessary actions/information are grouped together in one message, it may result in the recipient prioritizing secondary items. To avoid this issue, emails should be written with only one core idea per message - similar to writing paragraphs.
This approach ensures that each action point receives the appropriate level of response and attention it deserves. If you have information about a single project, it is recommended to send email messages in a series and include a code indicating which emails need immediate attention. Since collaboration often involves exchanging emails, composing easily understood messages is crucial. Formatting techniques such as bullet points or numbering can enhance comprehension while using italics or bold text can highlight important points in lengthy emails.
Creating an outline before writing the email is a useful strategy to ensure completeness, accuracy, and clarity.Organizing ideas is important when writing an email. One way to do this is by creating an outline that includes the purpose of the email, expected outcomes, and any specific needs like attaching a document. Another tip for effective email writing is to prioritize important messages by placing them at the beginning and end of the email.
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