The difference between believers Baptism and Infant baptism Essay Example
Each year, more than a quarter of all babies born in England are brought to their parish churches to be baptised or christened. Many adults seek baptism, too. Jesus was baptised in the river Jordan and told his friends to baptise others. Thus, baptism has always been a sign of and a way of becoming a Christian, a follower of Jesus Christ.
At first, baptism was normally for adults. It came to take place on the Saturday between Good Friday and Easter Day. People were prepared for baptism by being taught the basics of Christian belief.Reminded of the Good Friday story of Crucifixion, they repented of their sins and were assured that God forgave them. In baptism, they were received into the Church with all the joy of the Resurrection.
Baptisms often took place in a river. The new Chr
...istians were dipped under the water, marking their death to an old way of life, and lifted up again as a sign of new birth. Baptism is a Sacrament of the Christian church in which candidates are immersed in water or water is poured over them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.It is derived from the practice of John the Baptist, who baptized Jesus, and probably from the Jewish tebilah (a ritual bath). Matthew 28:19 calls upon Christians to make disciples and to baptize them. In the early church, baptism was administered after a period of preparation (catechumenate), preferably at Easter.
It was performed in conjunction with the rites later called confirmation and Eucharist. The effects of baptism were believed to be union with Jesus in his death and Resurrection, forgiveness of
sin, the gift of the Holy Spirit, membership in the church, and rebirth to new life in Christ.Some scholars believe infants were included among the candidates from the beginning; others believe that infant baptism began in the 3d century. Today Baptists and Disciples of Christ do not practice infant baptism and do insist on immersion.
Most other churches baptize infants and permit the pouring of water. A few Protestant groups, such as the Quakers, reject outward baptism altogether. The Christian rite is in some ways similar to rites of purification used in other religions. Baptisms take place at the font in the local church.
The font, often near the main door of the church to symbolise baptism as the way in to membership of the Church, is usually a basin on a pedestal. Baptisms often took place on a Sunday afternoon with just the priest, parents, family and friends present. Now, the Church is returning to an earlier tradition, where baptism is part of one of the main Sunday services, so that the child or adult can be seen to be joining the family of the Church and be welcomed into membership. In the infant Baptism the vicar or priest will be making sure that the godparents and real parents understand that the child should now be brought up in the Christian faith.
Now three promises should be made by the parents and godparents on behalf of the child (the child obviously not being able to answer for themselves) these are to repent of sin, to renounce evil and to turn to Christ. Now whilst making the sign of the cross on the child's forehead the vicar
says these lines "I sign you with the cross, the sign of Christ. Do not be ashamed to confess the faith of Christ crucified". This is another way of talking on the child's behalf, claming that the child now repents of sins and will be a member of the Christian family.
Now the vow that is undertaking by the parents and godparents is for them to accept the trinity. Christians believe that they trinity is the three combined parts of God: God the farther, God the son and the Holy Spirit. Now the child is taken over to the font by the vicar where it is baptised, by water being poured over its forehead as this is done the vicar would say the child's name and the words. "I baptise you in the name of the farther, and of the son and of the Holy Spirit" this shows that now the child is in the presence of God and has become one of the flock.It would now be customary to give the Godparents a candle to symbolize the child's passing from the darkness of sin into the light of God and the Christian family. Moving onto the Believer's baptism the service baptises people as an outward sign that they have willingly turned to Christ.
In the believers baptism water is a symbol that Christ has washed away their sins by his death on the cross. The pool which they are submersed in represents Christ's tomb and the submersion represents the death.Then the rising out of the water represents the washing away of the sins and being "born again". The first part of the service will consist
of hymns, bible readings and a sermon (talk) by the minister. This will all be linked to leading your life in the path of Christ. Baptism is an act of faith and the minister will explain why the baptism is a way in which the person becomes united with Christ.
Now each person who wished to be baptised would come forward and give a testimony which is a talk by them explaining how Christ has affected them and for what reasons they wish to baptised for.Just before the baptism takes place they are asked to confirm that they repent their sins and believe Jesus Christ to be their saviour. Now the minister will enter the pool immersing each individual under the water in turn. As he does this he says "On the profession of your faith in our lord Jesus Christ, I baptise you in the name of the farther and of the son and of the Holy Spirit".
After which each person would take part in a hymn and a final blessing from the minister before embarking on their new life under God. Ultimately In infant baptism, God claims the child with divine grace.Clearly the child can do nothing to save himself or herself, but is totally dependent on God's grace, as we all are - whatever our age. In believer's baptism, the person being baptized is publicly professing her or his own decision to accept Christ. Believer's baptism is an ordinance, not a sacrament.
United Methodists baptize people of all ages who have not previously received the sacrament. Even when the people being baptized are believing adults and are ready to profess their
faith, our emphasis is upon the gracious action of God rather than upon the individual's decision.Why might a Christian teenager choose to be confirmed or baptised There are many reasons why a teenager may choose to be confirmed or baptised and these reasons are usually imprinted from others either at an early age or later e. g.
pressure from parents. "Baptising babies is pointless" As always there are two sides to an argument, many people would say that " baptising babies is pointless" because they have no sins or because they have no knowledge of what is going on to fully appreciate what is happening.But the other side of the argument might say that if the child were to die at a young age it may not go to heaven or that if they are baptised young they will grow under the protection of the Lord. The reasons against infant baptism. In the early days of the Church only adults were baptised. Jesus himself was baptised as an adult.
Jesus and his disciples taught the gospel to adults and asked them to celebrate a new life through baptism. Jesus taught adults about the word of the Lord, and only played with children.Some people think that baptism is a very important sacrament, which initiates people into the Kingdom of God, and if a person is to be baptised they should be well prepared, and have total commitment, understanding and know the responsibilities that they will take on by joining the Christian Community. Baptism by full immersion is recommended by some, as this represents the full commitment and symbolism of the sacrament.
Some people who have been
baptised as infants do not lead Christian lives, therefore if they had been given the choice they may not have chosen to get baptised.Reasons against adult baptism. In the New Testament, Jesus always welcomed children, and infants were baptised, as we are told of whole households being baptised. At first adults were baptised, then Christians wanted their children to be baptised, so they could join the Church and become children of God. Baptising an infant cleanses them from Original Sin, as the Priest says,"O, God you sent your Son to cast out the power of Satan, set this child free from Original Sin.
"If the child is weak or in danger of dying, then baptising it will allow it to enter Heaven.Infants are baptised, and then are only encouraged by their parents to complete their initiation by getting confirmed at a later stage in their life, therefore they can continue being a Christian, only if they feel want to. For parents, having a baby, they will obviously want their children to follow in their faith and want the best for their child. In conclusion, and in my opinion I don't agree that, "Baptising babies is pointless". I think that babies should be baptised, as it gives them a good starting point in their lives, and God will be there to protect them, and give them strength and faith.
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