The Concept Of A Lie That Has Catastrophic Potential Essay Example
The Concept Of A Lie That Has Catastrophic Potential Essay Example

The Concept Of A Lie That Has Catastrophic Potential Essay Example

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  • Pages: 5 (1135 words)
  • Published: November 17, 2017
  • Type: Essay
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Lying can both cause destruction and offer protection.

'Candelo' explores the detrimental effects of both lying and withholding the truth on its characters. It can be argued that both are equally harmful. The consequences of this issue hinder the characters' ability to move forward, as they are unable to confront their unresolved pasts. While the book delves into various themes like death and relationships, they all center around the themes of deceit and lies. In the narrative, every character must confront and handle the repercussions caused by lies.

In the book, all the characters are oblivious to the influence and repercussions of deceit, resulting in tragic outcomes for numerous individuals. Nonetheless, certain characters find salvation through a falsehood. Trust, truth, and guilt are intricate components of relationships involving


lies, which Candelo highlights as crucial themes. Regrettably, every individual in the book is adversely entangled with these themes to some extent.

Ursula, the main character in the story, betrays the trust of her loved ones - her mother, brother, boyfriend, and friends. She hides secrets from her family and is disloyal to the person she claims to care about. As a result of her actions, there are severe consequences that cause her family unit to collapse. Furthermore, she loses the respect of those who are closest to her and lives a hollow existence. Eventually, she confronts her past and faces the harsh reality of the choices she made. Throughout this process, she reflects on herself by asking questions such as "What was wrong with me?" and "How could I have allowed myself to fall in love and keep loving?" (Candelo, p. 105).

Bernard, Ursula's

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father, is deceitful in the text as he openly abandons and deceives his loved ones and the police. The significant consequences of this include the lasting issues it causes his son, Simon, and his alienation from his family, resulting in a lack of self-confidence. However, in this instance, lying does serve the purpose of shielding, as Bernard's expert lies to the police prevent Simon from going to jail. Simon's life is irreparably damaged by the immense guilt stemming from his past lies. Consequently, his existence becomes empty, monotonous, and almost devoid of vitality as a result of his actions at Candelo. These three characters exemplify how lies have the potential to ruin lives. Throughout the text, we are also led to believe that lies can provide protection, but more often than not, this leads to further and more serious complications.

The act of lying had drastic consequences on the relationships depicted in the novel. Specifically, the family dynamic between Ursula, Simon, and their mother Vi was dysfunctional. The presence of lies created a weak base upon which no sincere or beneficial connections could develop. Deception and the concealment of truth led to the destruction of their bond. Additionally, it was evident that Vi, who was ill and weak, relied on her children for support.

The secretive and untruthful nature of their relationship created an alienation within the family. Bernard and Ursula had a balanced relationship based on lies, but Ursula felt a deep love for her father while also hating him for what he did to the family. Bernard also allowed Ursula to live a noncommittal life, which resulted in her inability to form a career or

have confidence in her own abilities. This brought them closer together but also drove them apart, all because of lies to others and themselves. Mitchell, a character not yet mentioned, played a significant role in the book's plot and had a sensual relationship with Ursula, despite her denying it. Ursula couldn't escape their past because she refused to accept their relationship and denied its existence.

Despite sharing a friendship and trust, Ursula appeared to be ashamed of it. As a result, she couldn't move on from her past and ended up forming meaningless relationships, similar to her father who abandoned Vi. Instead of learning to fight for what she desired, Ursula was mistakenly taught to walk away when things became challenging. Consequently, both her relationships with Marco and Anton were ruined by painful lies and betrayal.

Ursula experiences guilt and struggles to develop healthy relationships, which has psychological implications for her. In her book, she acknowledges her inadequate friendships by stating, "I have many acquaintances...But there are only a few with whom I have a deep connection." (Candelo, p. 105).

In the text, it is evident that Ursula's past lies, both to herself and others, have trapped her into leading a deceitful life, preventing her from forging a guilt-free future. The deaths of two individuals are highly contentious matters in the narrative, and they serve as the catalysts for numerous falsehoods. The characters' inability to come to terms with a life built on deceit encapsulates their immoral and mediocre existence, uniting them on common ground. Initially, the novel depicts the demise of Evie, who is Simon and Ursula's young sister. This tragic event compels the characters to fabricate

lies that will haunt them indefinitely. In the aftermath, Simon chooses not to confess his role in his sister's death and instead places blame on Mitchell.

The aftermath of the events at Candelo had a significant impact on the characters. Mitchell possibly took his own life due to the choices made on that day. Simon, on the other hand, continues to battle with immense guilt and a lack of personal growth. The occurrences at Candelo shattered the once strong bond between Simon and his family. His mother eloquently expressed this divide as the "gap between what he once was and what he has become" (Candelo, P.).

10) Ursula deceived herself following her sister's death, fabricating her relationship with Mitchell and distorting the events leading up to the car crash. She refused to acknowledge her involvement with an innocent bystander, hindering her ability to establish positive connections in the future. She remained trapped in the past, restraining her every thought until she confronted the truth and was able to move forward. Mitchell's demise provided certain characters an opportunity to revisit the past and rectify their lives to a great extent. Mitchell's death served as a significant catalyst for acknowledging their actions and realizing their powerlessness in changing the past. Ultimately, lying about the initial death led to Mitchell's demise, suggesting Simon may bear responsibility for both tragedies. The issues and themes explored in Candelo demonstrate how lying can lead to devastation, unhappiness, distrust, empty lives, and endangering others.

Furthermore, aside from its role in harboring and protecting, deception also had a significant impact on the text. The decision to withhold the truth was equally influential. Consequently, the consequences

of deceit affected all of the characters, hindering their progress in leaving Candelo and finding fulfillment in their personal connections.

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