The Civil Rights Movement of the 1960 Essay Example
The Civil Rights Movement of the 1960 Essay Example

The Civil Rights Movement of the 1960 Essay Example

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  • Pages: 4 (933 words)
  • Published: July 21, 2021
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African Americans got to hold jobs in office and more, but no matter how it seemed to change it never truly was equal. The civil rights movement gave blacks the awakening they needed in society. It gave them limited laws that they can do, but discrimination remained within and throughout the years after the movement.

By the 14th and 15th Amendment, blacks were slowly starting to overcome whites and many were furious in the South about it. They were extremely angered with the fact that someone who was once called, “property” and belittled to the world were getting the same but limited opportunities as them. Blacks were very much alienated from whites and treated like scum. In the 1950s, the government issued laws just for blacks. These laws were made to hide the advances they’d made


within Reconstruction. These laws made sure Blacks were not allowed to be seated next to, married, use public fallacies or even attend public schools near whites. These laws were called “Jim Crow Laws”. This was the beginning of a movement waiting to happen.

Claudette Colvin, a fifteen-year-old young lady who chose her right. On March 2, 1955, Colvin challenged the law when refused to give her seat to a white woman. Blacks were to be seated at the back of the bus by law while the whites sat in the front. When asked to give up her chair on the bus, she said, “I paid my fare, and it is my constitutional right (NPR).” Police later arrived at the bus shortly and very aggressively arrested Claudette. Not more than nine months later the same incident occurred, but with a different woman

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On a Thursday afternoon of December 1955, a woman, named Rosa Parks was the picture perfect opportunity to this unforgettable movement. After a long hard day at work, Rosa also broke the law due to refusing to give up her seat. She was approached by a white male who had forced her to move but declined and kept declining until she was officially removed by the force. After she was physically removed from the bus, she was incarcerated in Montgomery, Alabama. This got the attention of a young baptist who ignited a boycott for the situation known as the “Montgomery Bus Boycott.” This young man was known as Martin Luther King Jr.

In spite of making some changes, black people still experienced racism in their daily lives, it was never-ending. After the boycott in Alabama more and more started surfacing. From the stand in Greensboro, North Carolina with the four African American college students protesting about leaving a Woolworth’s lunch counter without being served to the stand of the freedom writers, six whites and seven blacks, mounting on a greyhound in Washington, D.C., the hate for blacks was something that activists, Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, Sojourner Truth, Malcolm X, Harriet Tubman, Fredrick Douglas and W.E.B. Du Bois fought against social injustice for. The March on Washington was one of the most memorable protests and speeches ever in the black community. It took place on August 28, 1963, it was put together by leaders such as, Bayard Rustin, Phillip Randolph and Martin Luther King Jr. On this day more than 300,000 people, African American and white assembled in Washington D.C. for the march of a

lifetime. Enforcing many civil rights laws and demanding a fair chance for jobs, the famous four words that MLK Jr. Said to remain within the lives of people was “I had a dream.” It became the slogan to freedom, justice, and equality. Within this seventeen minute speech, Martin encourages the people of his community to remain inspired and hardworking, not to let the ignorance of whites belittle them. He told them, “We must forever conduct our struggle on the higher plane of dignity and discipline”(MLK Speech), he let the people know that the struggles and injustice that was to come you need to proceed on exceeding and proving people wrong and not to react in violence but with improvement and knowledge. King didn’t just have a voice for African Americans but for people of all colors other than white. He believed everyone should be required rights no matter the skin tone.

The March on Washington Speech still didn’t diffuse the tensions between blacks and whites. In Alabama, a bombing took place in a Baptist church. Killing four young female children and leaving twenty injured, Martin had enough and yet another protest was set. Many people were terrified of whites, scared to look at them because they didn’t understand the killing hatred they had for blacks. Many blacks were tired of being walked all over, which formed a party in 1966, Oakland, Ca known as the “Black Panthers.” The Black Panthers Party was a group formed to stop the unfair society that blacks were living. The party wanted a fast end to police brutality, murder of blacks, and freedom. Freedom for all men of color held in

federal, state, country, and city prisons and jails. Huey P. Newton, Bobby Seale and Elbert Howard were the creators of this big party.

Blacks rose against all and got the accomplishments that helped the new generation today. Throughout the civil rights movement it United not only other blacks together but whites as well. Whites who believed in justice for blacks. But, still today discrimination roams within people, image that people see reguarding blacks still remains. Racism lives on and there is no cure for it. You learn to prove the reputations put on you by your education and not with violence.

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