The Attitude Of The Younger Generation To The Older Generation Essay Example
Today's generation is less moral than our parents and grandparents because of some of the role models that they have in their lives. For example, some kids on the bus that are rude to the elderly and sit when in fact there are elderly who are in more need of a seat to sit in rather than teenagers. There are many kids who are so rude and arrogant when you ask them just a simple question. They don't know the difference between right and wrong. Some smoke and drink in their teenage years and don't even know how harmful it can be to their bodies later on.
It can damage your lungs and your brains all because you made stupid choices and decisions. Teenagers don't get that or maybe they weren't taught that. It's possib
...le that maybe their parents are addicted to drugs and alcohol and they think "hey, if mom and dad can do it, why can't l? " It gives them the green signal and then they think it's alright to do all that type of stuff which isn't what we should be taught. Others have such an attitude that they become all so defensive over such things that don't matter as much as other things.
There are many reasons as to why some are less moral then those before us, but its no excuse to try and cover up. For example, in the article "Are We Raising Morally Illiterate Kids" by Caroline Indwell, she said that she turned on the radio to hear the announcer introducing a program called "Is TV Turning Kids into Violent Criminals? " The psychiatrist in the
program stated an example of a three-year- old child in Washington who had picked up his fathers gun which he had found and pointed it at his playmate that was two years old and shot him dead.
Where would he have gotten that gun in the first place? If it was his father's, then why leave it around for your child to find? Ifs not a toy or something that children should be playing with. How would he have known how to shoot a gun? Guess TV and media play a big part in our role models. We're also more moral than the two generations before us because although some kids can be rude, there are also other people who can be nice and sweet at heart. They don't have an attitude when they're asked a question and they respect the elderly just as much as they would is if it was their own.
They gladly give up their seat for a senior and they have no shame in doing so.
There are many different types of people in this world and many types of personalities. There's some who don't care about anything or anybody other than themselves and then there's those who put everyone before themselves and do anything and everything to make the world a better place and everyone in it. For example, in the article Caroline told us the story of the two brothers Derek and Adam were both in a swimming contest and how Derek was so eager to win that he cheated.
It was a coincidence that the teacher lamed it as a tie as she thought something was wrong and
kind of had a doubt as to how Derek reached the finish line so quickly. It was fair for Adam because he at least got something fair out of it even if it was just a tie, he still was a bit happy than he would've been if he had lost which was good because Adam should have gotten some type of reward as he worked hard so he could win. Today's generation is probably the complete opposite of the generation that Our parents and grandparents were in and lived in.
The rules back then Were basically kept according to the way that the world was.
Since the world is different today, there's different rules which is why the world is the way it is right now. A totally changed generation, a totally changed world. Who would've imagined that the world would be this way today? Guess because of the rules and restrictions that they were kept under have obviously effected how they want their children to be today. More moral or less.
There's many reasons as to why we are the way we are today, mostly because of the upbringing and the way we were brought up as children has shaped us into the human beings we are today.
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