Thbt Smoker Cant Access the Health Facilities Essay Example
The text highlights the need for health authorities in Indonesia to prioritize the well-being of both passive and active smokers. It suggests that their focus should extend beyond the health benefits for passive smokers alone. Promotion of overall health relies heavily on prevention, which encompasses primary prevention, secondary prevention, and tertiary prevention. Primary prevention involves disease prevention through counseling, socialization, and disease eradication measures.
Secondary prevention involves preventing the disease from becoming widespread. Healthcare institutions perform screening and treatment to stop the disease from spreading and killing the patient. Tertiary prevention involves preventing the patient from contracting the disease again. Rehabilitation is done for physical, psychological, and disease-related reasons. Therefore, restricting access for smokers to healthcare facilities hinders the functions o
...f secondary and tertiary prevention.
The failure of health agencies in Indonesia to provide healthcare for all citizens has resulted in many smokers opting for nursing home care instead of going to state hospitals. This has led to a loss of confidence in the government. It is important to note that most smokers come from low-income backgrounds and cannot afford cigarettes and proper nutrition simultaneously, making programs like Jamkesma and Jamsos ineffective for those who need them the most. Sadly, poverty-related lack of medical treatment accounts for approximately 54% of deaths among smokers in Indonesia. Therefore, it is crucial for the government to ensure that all citizens have access to healthcare benefits through programs such as Jamkesnas and Jamsos, as reducing mortality rates is a key objective in healthcare. By neglecting the health needs of over half the population, achieving a healthy society becomes impossible and erodes public trust in th
government's ability to provide adequate healthcare.
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