Supporting Details Flashcards, test questions and answers
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What is Supporting Details?
Supporting details are facts, evidence, or explanations that provide additional information to support a claim made in an essay, article, or speech. They help to explain or clarify the main point further and can be used to strengthen an argument with evidence and examples. These details are typically used to back up main ideas and broaden the scope of the topic being discussed. Without supporting details, an essay would lack depth and understanding. When writing an essay, it is important for authors to provide as much evidence as possible to back up their claims. Supporting details should relate directly to the main point of the essay and should not be irrelevant or vague. For example, if one is writing about climate change they should focus on providing facts and statistics related specifically to climate change rather than general information about global warming. Additionally, when providing supporting details it is important for authors to cite reliable sources in order to avoid plagiarism and ensure accuracy of their claims. In addition to helping make a stronger argument in an essay, supporting details can also be used in everyday conversations as well as debates in order to provide additional information that reinforces one’s opinion or stance on a particular issue. By citing specific examples related directly back to the main point being discussed this can help convince others of one’s beliefs while at the same time providing clarity on why they feel so strongly about something. Overall, it is clear that providing adequate supporting details in any form of communication is essential for making a strong argument that will effectively get across one’s message without leaving any room for confusion or doubt from listeners or readers alike.