We've found 397 Pediatrics tests

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Chapter 12: Communication, Conflict, and Negotiation – Flashcards 56 terms
Ewan Tanner avatar
Ewan Tanner
56 terms
what are some examples of how to use conscious use of self in pediatrics
– physically get down on their level (position self low) -change voice/facial expressions -change what you wear – not scrubs (intimidating) but be comfortable
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Because of danger associated with their use, which of the following does the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend that parents never buy for their children or allow their children to use
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Regarding male circumcision, the American Academy of Pediatrics currently:
opposes to the routine use of the operation, saying that normal bathing is just as effective for health reasons
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the dose of most pediatrics drugs___________
is based on mg/Kg body weight.
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describe conscious use of self in pediatrics
entering the child’s world and relating to a child on his or her own level using emotional, developmental, physical and sensory components
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/chapter-4-contemporary-legitimate-tools-of-pediatric-occupational-therapy/
numerous resources become available to help schools develop policies because of the requirements of A) action for healthy kids b) the national school health coordinator leadership institute c) the child nutrition and wic reauthorization act of 2004 d) the American academy of pediatrics
the child nutrition and wic reauthorization act of 2004
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You are working on decreasing adverse events related to medication errors, a serious problem on your pediatrics unit. After gathering some data, you present it to your colleagues on the unit. The result is several days of heated discussion among various caregivers. As a leader, at this point you should:
Work to engage as many individuals on the unit as possible, investigating the source of their worries and responding to their concerns.
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In pediatrics you need to carry out to the hundredths (do not round especially in the infant or small child
An outbreak of viral gastroenteritis occurs in a pediatrics ward. Rotavirus is the most likely causative age
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Pediatrics FW
Athay MD, Lauren
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