Obtaining Informed Consent Flashcards, test questions and answers
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What is Obtaining Informed Consent?
Informed consent is an important part of the ethical practice of medicine. It is a formal process in which healthcare professionals communicate to patients the potential benefits, risks, and alternatives associated with medical treatments or procedures. Obtaining informed consent gives an individual the opportunity to make an informed decision about their care, without feeling coerced or pressured into proceeding with a procedure they are not comfortable with.To ensure that individuals understand what they are agreeing to and feel comfortable doing so, it is important that healthcare professionals explain all relevant information in language that the patient can easily comprehend. This includes discussing potential side effects, risks of complications, and any alternative treatments available. In addition to providing detailed explanations of the treatment itself, it is also important for providers to address any other concerns or questions their patients may have. The process must be documented on paper so that both parties are aware of its contents; this document should include details regarding what was discussed during the consultation as well as what steps have been agreed upon by both parties. Additionally, it should specify who will be responsible for carrying out various aspects of treatment or care and how long each step will take to complete. It is also important for providers to make sure that patients have enough time to consider their options before signing a consent form; if someone does not feel comfortable signing right away then it may be best for them to take some time away from their appointment before making a final decision.