Test 1 review questions; ch 5-8 – Flashcards

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The purpose of the Apgar score which is calculated twice within the first 5 minutes of birth is to? A. measure infant intelligence B. measure the quality of parental investment in the newborn at birth C. assess and infant's life signs to determine the need for intervention at birth D. decide whether the newborn infant has been exposed to prenatal teratogens
C. assess and infant's life signs to determine the need for intervention at birth
Plasticity means A. the neurons in the infant's brain are connected in a random manner and all the patterns depend on experience B. the basic organization of areas of the brain depend on early experience C. there is no relationship between experience and neural development D. sensory experiences can strengthen or modify certain neural pathways; less used pathways may disappear
D. sensory experiences can strengthen or modify certain neural pathways; less used pathways may disappear
By age 6-8 months, babies can use sounds to A. locate an object and guide reaching toward it B. distinguish a foreign language from the native language spoken at home C. recognize distinct language sounds D. all of the above
D. all of the above
The reflexive motor response of the newborn infant serve to A. facilitate the infant's survival B. allow the infants to control their muscles C. enable the infant to exhibit voluntary movement D. allow the infant to communicate with the caregiver
A. facilitate the infant's survival
the relatively stable characteristics of a child's response to the environment including activity level, sociability, and emotionality are called A. temperament B. reflexes C. attachment D. personality
A. temperament
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The psychosocial crisis of infancy is A. initiative vs. guilt B. autonomy vs. shame and doubt C. industry vs. inferiority D. trust vs. mistrust
D. trust vs. mistrust
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After 6 months of age the infant may cling more to his parents in the presence of strangers. This is an example of A. fear syndrome B. separation anxiety C. stranger anxiety D. negative attachment
C. stranger anxiety
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The critical period is A. the period of maximal readiness to achieve a behavior pattern or skill B. the age of 2 months for establishing infant/caregiver attachment C. not critical to humans D. the age of 2 months for establishing trust
A. the period of maximal readiness to achieve a behavior pattern or skill
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In what way are the fathers' interactions likely to differ from mothers' interactions with their infants? A. fathers are more likely to respond to the infants' signals B. fathers do more caregiving; such as feeding and bathing C. fathers interact in more physically playful ways D. fathers focus more on fostering a sense of comfort and trust
C. fathers interact in more physically playful ways
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Observations of naturally occurring disruptions in the parent-infant relationship suggest that the onset of a critical period for attachment occurs at 1 month A. true B. false
B. false
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Identify which of the following is a characteristic of children's behavior during toddlerhood A. high level of physical activity B. introspection C. playing team sports D. reading
A. high level of physical activity
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According to cognitive-developmental theorist, Jean Piaget, the period from 2-5/6 is called A. sensorimotor intelligence B. oedipal conflict C. initiative vs. guilt D. preoperational thought
D. preoperational thought
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What is the difference between symbols and signs? A. symbols are more powerful mental tools than signs B. there is no direct relation between a symbol and what it stands for, but there is a direct relation between a sign and what it stands for C. symbols are usually related in some way to the object they stand for; signs are more abstract in that there is no direct relation between the sign and what it stands for D. symbols are semiotic; signs are sensoriomotor
C. symbols are usually related in some way to the object they stand for; signs are more abstract in that there is no direct relation between the sign and what it stands for
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Single word utterances accompanied by gestures, actions, vocal intonation and emotion are called A. holophrases B. telegraphic speech C. fast mapping D. transformations
A. holophrases
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the capacity for pretense requires that children understand the difference between ____ and ____. A. signs; symbols B. pretend; real C. language; thinking D. fantasy; play
B. pretend; real
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Erikson viewed play as________. A. a mechanism for dramatizing the psychosocial conflicts that children are struggling with B. providing insight into the cognitive capacities for children who have some form of language delay C. activity that enhances complex language use and problem solving D. mechanism that allows a child to assimilate reality and redefine it
A. a mechanism for dramatizing the psychosocial conflicts that children are struggling with
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children learn a great deal about how to control anger by___. A. watching their parents when they are angry B. having a pet C. listening to verbal discussions about anger D. interacting with angry peers
A. watching their parents when they are angry
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which of the following statements is most characteristic of the early part of toddlerhood? A. I can beat you B. I will keep at it until I get it done. C. I feel great about doing it well D. no, no, no!
D. no, no, no!
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The central process through which toddlers achieve a sense of autonomy is ____. A. imitation B. envy C. caring D. hope
A. imitation
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which of the following leads people to a positive belief that they are someone who can make things happen? A. will B. hope C. care D. fidelity to others
A. will
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Which of the following terms refers to the integrated cognitive, social and emotional schemes associated with being male or female? A. sex B. sexual orientation C. gender D. gender constancy
C. gender
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what are gender role standards? A. cultural expectations about appropriate behavior for boys and girls, men and women B. knowing that gender is stable C. wanting to do the things that members of your sex are expected to do D. wanting to grow up to be like your same-sex parent
A. cultural expectations about appropriate behavior for boys and girls, men and women
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what is a term for the process through which one person incorporates the values and beliefs of another? A. heteronomous morality B. sex-role preference C. status D. identification
D. identification
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children raised by gay or lesbian parents have ____. A. homosexual gender preferences B. gender preference that are similar to children raised in heterosexual homes C. a higher likelihood of becoming a homosexual D. none of these
B. gender preference that are similar to children raised in heterosexual homes
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a person's evaluation about his or her own worthiness is called _____. A. self-esteem B. egocentrism C. self theory D. dissonance
A. self-esteem
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perspective taking differs from empathy in that it involves recognizing differences in point of view rather than similarities. A. true B. false
A. true
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Lawrence Kohlberg expanded on Piaget's theory by developing a theory of stages of moral judgement. Children of the early-school age period (4-6) are most likely to be at which level? A. preconventional B. conventional C. postconventional D. unconventional
A. preconventional
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Samantha, who is 5 years old, is watching TV and see's a boy tell his mother a lie. Nothing bad happens to the boy. According to social learning theory, she is likely to conclude that ___. A. lying is all right B. lying is morally wrong C. lying is a violation of one's social content D. lying is acceptable as long as it does not disrupt the authority relations in the family
A. lying is all right
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William James differentiaed the "I" and the "Me" as the components of the self. What is the "Me"? A. the self as knower B. the self that imitates behavior C. the self that reflects upon its own qualities D. the self as an object that can be described by others
D. the self as an object that can be described by others
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The emotion that accompanies the sense that one has been responsible for an unacceptable thought, fantasy or actions is _____ A. depression B. fear C. guilt D. mistrust
C. guilt
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The work of Erikson and Piaget to point to which area as central in psychological development during middle childhood? A. intellectual development B. parental identification C. formation of a personal identity D. development of a sense of trust
A. intellectual development
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Which parental discipline technique is most likely to interfere with a child's friendship formation? A. power assertion B. love withdrawal C. induction D. synchrony
A. power assertion
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In middle childhood, children are aware of social norms for peer acceptance. This results in greater pressure towards _____. A. isolation B. altruism C. conformity D. egocentrism
C. conformity
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How does the school environment affect close friendships? A. teachers decide which children will become close friends B. the school curriculum emphasizes the importance of having close friends C. close friendships are more stable in schools that keep children in the same classroom groups from grade to grade D. schools that contextualize learning promote the formation of more stable best friend relationships
C. close friendships are more stable in schools that keep children in the same classroom groups from grade to grade
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which of the following increases a child's sense of loneliness? A. being outgoing and sociable B. being a target of peer rejection C. being a bully D. being academically competent
B. being a target of peer rejection
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Through _____, children begin to appreciate the logic, order and predictability of the physical world. A. sensorimotor intelligence B. concrete operational thinking C. preoperational thinking D. fantasy play
B. concrete operational thinking
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Metacognition means _______. A. knowing about knowing B. shared meaning between two or more people C. grammar and syntax D. conservation of space
A. knowing about knowing
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A person's sense of confidence that he or she can perform behaviors in a specific situation is called _____. A. self-efficacy B. effortful control C. conservation D. zone of proximal development
A. self-efficacy
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Which of the following is the psychosocial crisis of middle childhood? A. autonomy vs. shame and doubt B. industry vs. inferiority C. initiative vs. guilt D. intimacy vs. isolation
B. industry vs. inferiority
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A student who believes in her ability to approach a new situation and "get the job done" demonstrates ____. A. inertia B. competence C. responsibility D. egocentrsim
B. competence
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