Supply Chain Management Essay Example
Supply Chain Management Essay Example

Supply Chain Management Essay Example

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  • Pages: 3 (578 words)
  • Published: May 3, 2017
  • Type: Tasks
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Visit the Web sites of companies such as Wal-Mart, Dell, and Home Depot and see if you can find discussions of their supply chain management activities. List what you can find, in terms of purchasing/ supplier issues, transportation, ware-housing, purchased item quality, and customer service. Go to a good Internet search engine such as Google and search on the term sup-ply chain management. How many hits did you get? Describe five of the Web sites found in your search. Go to http:// www. agrichaincentre. om ( or a similar Web site found when searching on New Zealand supply chain management) and discuss the current state of supply chain management in New Zealand. Internet Questions  Go to the World Trade Organizations Web site, and use the information to write a report that includes

  • ( a) the functions of the WTO,
  • ( b) the latest number of mem

    bership countries,

  • ( c) its relationship with GATT,
  • ( d) the number of countries that had originally signed the GATT by 1994, and
  • ( e) the last five countries that became members of the WTO. .
  • Go to the Institute of Supply Managements Web site and use their ISM Glossary of Key Supply Management Terms to explain the terms:

    • ( a) supply management,
    • ( b) materials management,
    • ( c) procurement,
    • ( d) purchasing,
    • ( e) sourcing,
    • ( f) acquisition,
    • ( g) sole sourcing, and
    • ( h) single sourcing.

    Go to the European Unions Web site, and use the information to write a report that includes its brief history, membership countries, and the euro. 4. Utilize the Internet to search for the thirteen incoterms.

    Write a report to explain the primary purpose of

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the terms in general, and then describe each of the thirteen terms individually. Go to the General Services Administrations Web site and use the information to write a brief report to summarize the roles of GSA. In addition, discuss the roles of the Federal Acquisition Regulation ( FAR), Federal Management Regulation ( FMR), and the Federal Travel Regulation ( FTR). Use resources available on the Internet to write a report on the results achieved by NAFTA in promoting trades among the U.S. , Canada, and Mexico since its implementation in 1994. Use resources available on the Internet to write a report on green purchasing efforts in public procurement. Use resources available on the Internet to write a short report on green purchasing efforts in the private sector.


Go to the SAS and SAP Web sites and compare the different features of SRM soft-ware provided by these companies.  Go to the Internet and find three companies that have supplier recognition pro-grams.

Compare and contrast the criteria and the award programs.  Go to the Internet and find three companies that have supplier development pro-grams. Compare and contrast these programs.


Go to the International Organization for Standardization Web site and write a short description and history of the organization, including the various certifications that can be obtained. Go to the CAPS Web site ) and find the latest cross-industry benchmarking report and determine the overall purchase dollars as a per-cent of sales in the United States. What benchmarking research are they doing now? Go to the site for the North American Green Purchasing Initiative ( www. NAGPI. net) and describe several best practices listed at the site.

Go to the Goldman Environmental Prize Web site  and describe the most recent award winners. What is an ASP? Find some on the Internet that are not listed in the chapter, and describe what they do

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