STD Case Studies – Flashcards
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Mark Smith, a 34 year old RDA, has been hesitant to visit the doctor for the past few days because he assumed he was simply coming down with a case of the flu. For about a week he was experiencing a fever along with an achy body, stiff neck, and sensitivity to light. He began to worry when he was experiencing tingling and prickling sensations near the tip of his penis which was followed by small cluster of pimples 2 days later.
Anne Drew is a 34-year-old woman who comes in stating that she wants to get "checked out" because Jonathan, her sex partner, has small solid "bumps" on the skin at the base of his penis. Jonathan told her that he was diagnosed and treated for genital warts about a year ago, and his health care provider told him they could recur. • No history of abnormal Pap tests and no history of STDs • Last Pap test was performed 4 months ago • Sexually active since age 16 with men and has had a total of 7 sex partners over her lifetime • Currently sexually active with 1 partner for the last 8 months • Uses oral contraceptives for birth control
• Robert is 20 year old college student. He is in a committed relationship with a woman he met 3 months ago. Both have had only 1 sexual partner in the past and despite their low risk behavior they still practice habitual condom use. Both are extremely healthy and as far as physical appearance goes neither have any signs of any type of infection or malady. They report to have never had any STI before. About 7 months into the relationship Robert one day notices that he has developed these 'dry' looking, lumpy sort of sores on his testicles and begins to worry about the implications of this wart like sore. The sores were a little painful, hardly moist, and had a cauliflower like appearance.
• Sarah, a 17 year-old female began having sex 8 months ago and has been with only one guy. They always use a condom and nothing seems to be wrong with her partner. After she became sexually active, she decided to get immunizations for HPV. But she has recently noticed a few smooth bumps located on her labia minora. They don't hurt and she doesn't feel any discomfort, but decides to get the bumps looked at by a professional.
• Samantha is a 14-year-old who came in complaining of a severely sore throat. Besides going to her first gymnastics invitational about 6 weeks ago, there have been no major events in the past few months. When asked about the living arrangements in this trip Sam states that in order to save money she roomed with 4 other girls for the whole week of the event. • About two days ago she started complaining of extreme fatigue, muscle/abdominal aches, and a sore throat. In these past few days, her fever decreased but she now has swollen tonsils. There has also been some weight loss in the past month.
• A 24 year-old woman is being examined by a gynecologist for the first time at Planned Parenthood. The gynecologist notices that though there are no external symptoms, test results indicate that her patient has been infected with chlamydia. The patient inform the gynecologist that her partner, also a woman, wasn't exhibiting any symptoms of an STI and therefore cannot understand why she has been infected. Her partner identifies as bisexual but has been faithful to her over the course of their new relationship.
• Ronald, a businessman from Topeka, Kansas, travels to Bangkok, Thailand on a weekend business trip. While there, he has some free time and is feeling a little lonely. He ventures to a shadier region of the city and finds himself a prostitute for the evening. Two weeks later, after he has returned to the United States, he notices that his inguinal lymph nodes are swollen and tender, and a painful ulcer is forming on his frenulum. The open sore bleeds easily when scraped even slightly, and has a yellowish material covering it. A doctor performed a PCR analysis of a swab taken from the lesion and confirmed an infection resulting from Haemophilus ducreyi.(
• A young Sudanian woman reports to the nearest medical facility after noting irritating sores 1-2cm in diameter on both sides of her labia. The attending nurse, specializing in medical treatment for women enslaved into sex trafficking, quickly comes to the conclusion that this woman has contracted syphilis after observing the chancres on her labia. Startled, the woman provides more information regarding her condition. Her sores weep a yellow-gray pus, and are very tender to the touch. The nurse consults the attending physician for a second opinion.
A 27 years old man noticed some painless ulcers on his genitals a week or two after sexual relations with an old girlfriend. He ignored it at first, and the ulcers healed. However, some weeks later the area around his groins started to swell, and he discovered blood discharge from his rectum. He finally goes to the Doctor and gets tested.
A 40 year old man goes to the doctors complaining of painless lesions on his penis that have been present for 7 days and inguinal swelling. He tells the doctor that he is married. However, 60 days earlier he went on a business trip to New Guinea where he had an affair with a local women.
• Danielle, a 17-year-old girl, develops a white pearly bump on her inner thigh. It is painless, but over the next few weeks it spreads. Danielle volunteers at a day care center, is captain of the swim team and has been with her boyfriend for a year.
• A 33-year-old white female, Jane, comes to the ER with a fever and flank pain. She comes with a history of a needle stick injury--she was originally an RN before she had a child. The needle stick happened 10 years ago, and she became ill 6 weeks later with seemingly unconnected mild flu. The ER doctor accidentally cuts her hand while performing a liver biopsy on Jane.
Hepatitis C
• B.R. Uin a 20 y.o. student came in with complaints of a fever that he had on and off for the past 6 months. His face was covered in a rash that he said had been there for the last 2 months. He looked gaunt, and stated he had lost 15 lbs in the past few months.
A teenage girl recently had sex with her boyfriend. The condom tore during penetration. He tells her that there is nothing to worry about as far as diseases are concerned. Five years later she starts to experience frequent diarrhea, fatigue, fever, swollen lymph nodes, and etc. She is afraid she had contracted something serious so she goes to a local clinic and gets tested
• John began to notice the presence of white-reddish blisters on and near his genitalia after hooking up with a random girl at a party.
• A 19 yr old male carpenter comes in complaining of intense "itching all over" for 2 weeks, worse at night; onset 4 weeks after intercourse with an unknown female partner. Upon examination the patient shows erythematous papules and excoriations of hands, elbows, around waist; genital examination is normal.
• A 37 yr old homeless man living in a communal shelter complains of a pruritic rash for 2 weeks, worse at night, and no recent sexual exposure. Upon examination the exfoliating papules on glans and shaft of penis; numerous papules, nodules, and excoriations of trunk and extremities.
• A six year old boy presented with itchy skin rash over limbs and trunk for two months. The rash first affected his fingers and then became generalized. It caused severe itch and sleep disturbance. His parents also suffered from similar skin rash. Physical examination revealed vesicles and pustules over his hands and feet. There were also papules over his trunk and genitalia.
• A 16-year-old high school student named Mark recently became interested in surfing. He had no previous experience and wanted to save money, so he took lessons from the cheapest surf school he could find. They gave him all used equipment, including a wetsuit and a surfboard. A couple days after Mark's first lesson, he noticed that his groin area was inflamed and itchy. Although Mark was a virgin, he was afraid that he had contracted an STD. After telling his parents, they became outraged and accused him of being promiscuous.
pubic lice
• A 33-year-old male construction worker named Bob was sent to build residential housing in a suburban area. All the workers were only allowed to use the portable toilets transported to the construction site. A week after construction began Bob noticed itching, flaking, and dark spots around his pubic hairs. Bob did not think he had an STD, since he believed they could not not be transmitted by toilet seats, and he and his wife were faithful to each other. He attributed the symptoms to a lack of hygiene and continued having sex with his wife.
pubic lice
• Female, age 21, single with multiple women sex • partners. She has a history of vaginal discharge • and odor and uses douching as a form of hygiene • and cleaning for her odor. However, she has not • experienced much inflammation so she does not • think her problem is an STD. A young woman of 20 years of age is • experiencing a malodorous discharge and • vulvar burning and itching for 2 days. She goes • to the doctor and the doctors finds that she has • a vaginal discharge pH of 4.0.
• Jessica and a couple of her friends decided to make a trip to Cancun • for spring break. While in Cancun Jessica had a little too much fun. • On her trip, she met several guys and had sexual relations with them. • Two weeks after her trip, she started having soreness while urinating, • itching in the genital area, and had a yellow-green discharge coming • from her vagina. She had called the guys that she had slept with and • they all said that they had no symptoms of any STD's whatsoever. She • decided to go see a doctor and was then put through several laboratory • tests to find out what she had.
• Jane is a 32 year old married school teacher. She has a • history of intermittent, mild low abdominal pain and vaginal • discharge since her IUD was inserted 4 months ago. She • also had severe abdominal pain, fever chills, nausea, and • vomiting for one day. She denied having any extramarital • sex partners. Her husband denies extramarital sex partners • as well. • •