Social Studies for Information Communication Technology Essay Example
There is a lot to look into when it comes to the field of Information Communication Technology. The ICT enable individuals to go online and explore the internet; it might be in search of know how one-way broadcasting or even in information dissemination. There are platforms like the Google, Facebook and Twitter, which are designed for social networking. They allow social interactions, trade, dialogue as well as collaboration. For instance, think of how Facebook have connected people from all walks of the world especially the youth. This essay will focus on the socio-technical perspective of the ICT regarding privacy as well as tacit knowledge (Kleiman, D. L. 2009).
Social networking services make it possible for individuals to keep up with colleagues, follow the upcoming news, and make comments on online debates as well as enabling persons who ut
...ilize the internet to enjoy a fast- flow of information on line. Social media users gradually transform behavior wise regarding communication skills, purchasing behavior and browsing. It is expected that in the future, the social network will be a search function where by people will turn from using the internet for their research and work from the social media where they get an opinion from their friends. By doing that, the social media users will be changing the privacy expectations as well as online etiquette.
There are laws that govern the ICT social networking field. There are laid down privacy policies that govern the social networking platform. Private policies are designed to describe categories of data to be collected and disseminated online as well as those categories that can be accessed by a third party. It is mandatory that thirty
days after the website is created it should have its privacy policy. At the same time, the website owner is supposed to give notification to their customers of any changes made on the policy. It is amazing how many people ignore reading the privacy policy when signing up for a social network. They fail to understand how that specific social network collects and use the acquired information from the users of their site.
In ICT privacy have been of great concern due to frauds that are associated with social networks. Fraud appears where criminals utilize social networks to get to their target victims. They use several techniques such as;
Identity theft
Identity theft is the use of other peoples’ personal information while pretending to be them, thieves, who use this type of fraud target financial gains. Identity thieves take advantage of information posted by social network customers about themselves, and hence, they steal their identity. A study done by Carnegie Mellon University show that identity thieves can use prediction to know an individual’s nine-digit security code. This can be sourced from the information which is provided online. Most of the target areas are the; bank account details, numbers of the credit card, passwords, details on personal computers, social security digits as well as malware.
Prohibited third party applications
This is an application that seems to appear very similar to another third party applicant. The target is to gather information from the social networking site. The gathered information can be useful in committing an identity theft or even sell the information to a marketer.
False connection request
Criminals sign up on social networks with fake accounts, as members, they try to connect with
others members in the same connection. They make use of real people’s names and acquaintances, but all other entries are imaginary (Sardar, Z. 2015). Once they are members of a social network, they work their way out to view some of restricted as well as private user profile information. All this is conducted on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and other Google accounts.
In social networks, there can be a limitation that the user can only utilize a default privacy settings that are restricted. By doing this, it safe guards the user against the intrusion by “friends of friends”. This limitation only applies to account holders but not to the service providers. Such limitations restrict the usability as well as the value social media sites which at times reduce the positive effects brought about by the social media.
According to Bijker, W. E., & Law, there has been this default privacy setting of opt-in which is the opposite of opt-out. It is a social media approach that looks out for data exchange by users, or a subscription to a mail list, the result of it is appealing to the users. (Bijker, W. E., & Law, J. (1992).
Tacit information
Implicit information is the knowhow which is not easy to transfer from one individual to another either by writing or even verbally. According to Dr. David Jacobson, ICT is providing ways in which businesses tacit knowledge can be unlocked in their organizations. (Dr. David Jacobson, 2010). It is that information which is distributable in an organization which is available in businesses as well as social networks. Tacit information was difficult to access for outsiders. Tacit information is mostly transferred on
phone calls, one on one meetings or any other meetings. With ICT, one can take immediate action on the message being conveyed in the mind as the conversation continues. All that is enabled by social networking. According to Sardar, Z. He is in agreement with that social network greatly help in unveiling tacit knowledge (Sardar, Z. (2015).)
Businesses thrive mostly when their networking is good. The social media bring out the connecting strategies which enable members of the same company find one another and pass significant information. Incorporating social media tools such as the Facebook, Twitter or and another Google account depends on the companies structure of administration. Such reports enhance virtues within the work place that aid in the growth of the organization. More so, people who privately utilize social media experience growth in their communication skills.
In conclusion, social network security begins at a personal level and therefore it is of significance that the social media users be careful when signing up to new accounts, for instance, Facebook, as well as Twitter. Additionally, organizations benefit much from these social networking platforms whereby tacit information can be passed within the organization. Today with the tremendous technological improvements, it is very easy to access a social media platform even when using a mobile phone. According to Webster’s report, by the end of the year 2002, the number of people signing up for social media services were more than one billion. Facebook is having the largest number of users’ word wide and also half of the number of internet users in the world they are most probably using the social network applications. (Webster, F. 2002)
- Bijker, W. E.,
& Law, J. (1992). Do Technologies Have Trajectories? In Shaping technology/building society: Studies in sociotechnical change.
Webster, F. (2002). Theories of the information society. London; New York: Routledge. (Chapter 2 available on Blackboard).
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