Sexual Discrimination and Gender Pay Gap Essay
Sexual Discrimination and Gender Pay Gap Essay

Sexual Discrimination and Gender Pay Gap Essay

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  • Pages: 2 (295 words)
  • Published: December 23, 2021
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The gender pay gap refers to the average difference in hourly wages between men and women. It is affected by multiple factors, including differences in education choices, industry preferences, job preferences, types of positions held, and levels of risk. According to Blau (2016), the gender pay gap was 11.8% in 2015 and has been declining since the 1990s. Various methods are used to measure this gap, such as comparing the earnings of full-time and part-time male and female workers on an hourly or weekly basis.

The AAUW's report titled "The Simple Truth about the Gender Pay" provides a concise overview of the gender pay gap, going beyond the commonly cited 79% statistic. The report extensively presents how this pay gap affects women in various age groups, races, and educational levels in the United States. Sexual orientation refers to an individual's ongoing attraction to both genders or one specific gen


der, as well as their sense of identity within a community that shares similar attractions. Nevertheless, sexual orientation can be divided into three categories: heterosexual, gay, and bisexual (Frost, 2015). Gay individuals face significant prejudice discrimination and violence.

There is a growing public opposition to lesbian and gay relationships, accompanied by a contemporary level of hostility. This discrimination and prejudice have significant psychological and social impacts on gay individuals, who face ongoing stereotypes and discrimination despite lacking evidence. These issues promote unequal treatment of gay and bisexual individuals.


  1. Blau, F. D. (2016). Gender, inequality, and wages. OUP Catalogue.
  2. Frost, D. M., Lehavot, K., & Meyer, I. H. (2015).

According to a study titled "Minority stress and physical health

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among sexual minority individuals" published in the Journal of behavioral medicine, volume 38, issue 1, pages 1-8, it was found that sexual minority individuals experience negative impacts on their physical health due to minority stress.

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