Scanning the Business environment for opportunities Essay Example
Small-scale industries, with their reliance on labor-intensive methods and limited capital, play a crucial role in absorbing excess labor, reducing unemployment and poverty. They also contribute to a fair distribution of national income, promote balanced regional development, and enhance entrepreneurial skills. These industries effectively utilize local resources and skills while receiving government assistance through protection from larger competitors, subsidies for capital, and favorable tax structures.
Over the past 50 years, small-scale industries have made significant contributions to the country's socio-economic development by boosting GDP growth, creating employment opportunities, and increasing exports. In 2000-01 alone, this sector witnessed substantial growth with an increase of 158000 SSI units and production worth Rs.72,609 crore at current prices (Rs.33,714 crore at constant prices). Moreover, it generated an additional 714000 employment opportunities compared to the previous year and achiev
...ed Rs.5,778 crore higher exports.
The Ministry of Small Scale Industries projected an impressive growth rate of 8.09 percent in production for this sector during 2000-01 compared to the previous year. Notably, the small-scale industries sector experienced a higher growth rate (4.9% during 2000-01) compared to the overall industrial sector.
These small-scale industrial units contribute approximately 40% to the total industrial production and account for 35% of direct exports from the state.
These units engage in various activities, including industry, processing or preserving goods, mining or quarrying, and servicing and repairing machinery establishments. Even accessory units can be classified as small-scale industries if their investments in works and machinery do not exceed Rs.1 crore.
In the development of the Cornell Cooperative Extension program of work from 1988 to 1991, scanning the external environment played a vital role in planning. This process helped validate assumptions and assess people'
realities while determining their future desires. The organization evaluated its capabilities, possibilities, and desires to identify potential competitive niches.
The scanning process involved faculty members, decision makers, agents, and association volunteers who serve on association program commissions and boards of directors. The evaluation process took into account the size and diversity of the system. The county association emphasized freedom of thought to suggest options that would benefit both associations and the entire system.
The text discusses collecting and analyzing quantitative and qualitative information to determine priorities, identify strengths, and establish competitive niches. Statewide committees consisting of agents, faculty members, and administrators developed trend statements based on research results, demographic data projections, and other forecasts.The materials were designed to assist county management teams, made up of coordinators and program leaders from various program areas, in guiding the scanning process across all 57 counties, including New York City. The focus of these materials was on examining six environmental elements: Social, Economic, Cultural, Technological Environmental, and Political. These elements encompassed a wide range of aspects such as age demographics, mobility patterns, education levels, socioeconomic status, gender dynamics, racial diversity, employment opportunities, allocation of public funds, economic well-being of the food and agriculture system, lifestyles choices and expectations of workers and consumers' preferences. Other factors included the social structure of communities; advancements in technology usage potential innovations; issues related to natural resources; housing conditions; surrounding environment aesthetics values; health choices. The objective was to identify local decision makers within each community and understand their objectives while also considering how communities are managing declining federal funds and making political decisions. During the in-service training session for county leadership teams responsible for coordinating
activities and planning at the local level received ideas on how to assess their respective environments effectively.The team identified methods for "assessing the environment" that included Community Hearings and Content Analysis of News Media. The League of Women Voters examined educational offerings from various agencies, organizations, businesses, and others. They also analyzed services provided by Agway or John Deere. Card sort activities were used to analyze specific issues and establish priorities. Focus groups and interviews gathered information on people's thoughts and feelings. Qualitative information from 57 associations in New York City was considered alongside statewide demographic data, research findings, and projections. Major themes were identified which led to an initial classification system. An inductive content analysis created categories to address statewide issues. A draft summary of these issues was reviewed by representatives, faculty, and decision-makers who found it accurate and credible.In August 1986, a list of six issues was established to guide programs from 1988 to 1991. These included developing human potential, enhancing the environment, increasing agricultural profitability, improving nutrition and health, promoting economic development, and strengthening individual, family, and community resources. They were introduced statewide in September 1986.
However, in December 1986, a draft Commission Report presented a different set of related issues that challenged the previously identified ones. The committee revised its list based on feedback received verbally and in writing. This revised list aligned with Extension's scanning procedure findings which covered various topics including emerging concerns like the scarcity of landfill sites.
The increasing scarcity of landfill sites prompted several counties to suggest discussing solid waste as an important issue. As a result, solid waste disposal has become a priority for county and city
These identified issues served as the foundation for developing situation statements in subsequent stages of program development.The benefits of scanning the environment became evident through these identified issues.The text discusses the use of focal points in programs goal setting staffing options organizing association plan commissions.A statewide marketing effort has emphasized these issues for communication with faculty members public and private leaders targeted audiencesThe top priorities for New York's counties are the identified issues of Nassau County government. Cornell Cooperative Extension has been invited to participate in countywide task forces related to four of these issues. One of the tasks involves the Amtrak Parallel Alternative, which includes constructing rider stations and necessary installations. Engineers and planners have analyzed displacements along the corridor to minimize impact on resources. If a displacement completely avoids a resource, it becomes the new baseline alignment. When multiple resources are close together, planners must choose an option that minimizes overall impact without completely avoiding any one resource.
The Build Alternative assumes a construction footprint 30 meters wide with additional space needed for double usher manner operation and building/equipment access (19 m breadth + 11 m). The text also mentions various features/interventions such as noise berms or walls, landscaping measures, switching stations, and stopping areas. The impacts were calculated based on a worst-case scenario using a 30 m set or swath. It should be noted that these measurements do not consider restoration and replanting of disturbed areas within this swath. In sensitive areas, it is possible that the Maglev's footprint may be closer to the minimum operating breadth of 19 m after taking into account site-specific engineering design studies.The Amtrak Parallel Alternative was divided
into three color-coded sections indicating alliance options to facilitate assessment and presentation of the effects of the Build Alternative. Along with guide manner and rider stations, there is a care installation and two substations located at each end of the alliance - one at its southern terminal and another at its northern terminal.
Competence and the demands of modern life
Key competences are determined based on careful consideration of psychological and social requirements for successful life and functioning society, rather than subjective opinions about desirable personal qualities and cognitive skills. It is important to understand what today's society expects from its citizens in order to effectively define key competences. This approach focuses on identifying what individuals need to thrive in society as it currently exists. What are necessary competencies for finding and securing employment? How do adaptive qualities help in handling changing technology? It should be noted that competence plays a significant role in both individuals' management and shaping of the world. As a result, competences are influenced by individual and societal goals while also aligning with the characteristics and needs of modern life. This framework specifically focuses on individual competences rather than organizational or group capacities.Nonetheless, the achievement of shared goals relies on individual competencies and institutional competencies. The application of these single competencies is crucial in contributing to the success of society's corporate goals, including economic productivity, democratic processes, social coherence, equity, human rights, and ecological sustainability.
Furthermore, success for individuals encompasses gainful employment, income generation, personal wellness, safety measures, political engagement, and social networks.
Individuals must possess key competencies that enable them to adapt to a world characterized
by change, complexity. This includes utilizing new technologies and mastering processes. Additionally,the increasing diversity and compartmentalization within societies necessitate interaction with different individuals.
The process of globalization has led to new forms of interdependence that extend beyond local or national communities. To establish these competencies successfully it is essential to consider common values based on democratic principles and sustainable development agreed upon by all OECD societies.The text highlights the importance of individual potential, respect for others, and contribution to a fair society. A competent framework should reflect the balance between personal growth and interactions with others, as these key competences hold particular value in various areas and are necessary for everyone's success. It is essential that these competences are valued, providing measurable benefits for both economic and social purposes. Recent research supports the idea that human capital plays a critical role in economic performance and also brings individual and societal benefits such as improved health, well-being, parenting, and increased social and political engagement. These competences should apply to different aspects of life including the labor market, private relationships, and political involvement; they are known as core competencies. Therefore, it is important to focus on developing and maintaining transversal competences that are significant for all individuals. When introducing a new product that relies on a specific peripheral in a business's core competence discussion arises whether the company should also produce the peripheral. To better explain this point using an analogy of a key and lock system; it is crucial to note that these examples do not come directly from a business plan competition but rather serve to illustrate the concept.Imagine having invented a lock that can open
your house door using your mobile phone. Now, the question arises whether it is necessary to create a new mobile phone as the key. To simplify further, if your lock requires a specific bit inserted into every mobile phone, then creating a new mobile phone must be considered. Many inexperienced entrepreneurs attempt to develop both the lock and the mobile phone acting as its key, emulating "Bill Gates". However, I propose a different approach. Instead of creating another mobile phone for your lock, concentrate solely on ensuring seamless functionality of the lock itself. It is also advisable to license the necessary bit to well-established mobile phone manufacturers such as Samsung, LG, and Nokia. An inexperienced entrepreneur may question this approach by asking: "But if I only sell the lock now, how can I enter the mobile phone market later?" In response to such concerns, I would explain that investing resources in manufacturing a new mobile phone would be futile since bigger companies will outperform yours in this aspect. To change this mindset, it is important to focus on selling locks and guaranteeing that every phone has the required functionality. This enables your company to dedicate efforts towards selling more locks while consistently improving them. Some inexperienced entrepreneurs may argue that their company should only focus on constructing locks; however, it is crucial to understand why some individuals succeed while others failThe key to success is selling as many locks as possible and generating enough revenue to acquire a mobile phone maker, benefiting from their expertise without starting from scratch. The lesson is to prioritize core competence, keep growth in mind, and accumulate sufficient capital before
moving forward without reinventing the wheel.
Self Assessment Questions 1
1) Retailers cannot simply replicate their global retailing formats in the Indian market.
2) Certification of practice is required for this profession.
5.3 Summary:
Scanning the environment involves various modules, decision makers, agents, and association volunteers who serve on association program committees and Boards of Directors. The scanning process identifies important issues that guide program decisions. Key competences are determined not by arbitrary decisions about desirable personal qualities and cognitive skills but rather by careful consideration of the psychosocial requirements for a successful life and a well-functioning society.
5.4 Question & Answer:
1) Write a note on concern chances?
2) Explain about rating of alternate personal competent?
5.5 Answer to Self Assessment Questions &A; TQ's:
Self Assessment Questions 1
True True
Answer to Terminal Questions
Refer to 5.1
Refer to 5.
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