Research Paper

Motivation factors of the Workplace in Thailand Essay Example

This proposal paper aims to explore the significance and influence of motivation in small organizations in Thailand, specifically those with fewer than 50 employees. The paper will analyze various factors that contribute to employee success, including financial incentives, job advancements, and additional perks. Consequently, the question arises as to whether these findings can be applicable […]

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Negative Aspects Of Coming Out Sociology Essay Example

The procedure of stating others about your gender. Coming out is non needfully a one-off event – tribades, cheery workforces and bisexual people may hold to come out many times during their lives. The grounds suggest that the coming-out procedure has been researched from an assortment of positions ( see Plummer, 2010 ; Coleman 1982 […]

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Deriving learnings from Supply Chain Management Essay Example

Our goal is to improve productivity and processes in contemporary factories and industrial environments by utilizing knowledge gained from studying supply chain management within the human body. Our project aims to compare industry trends with the mechanisms and processes of the human body in order to assess potential areas for improvement. We approached this project […]

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Drug Use In The Shufat Refugee Sociology Essay Example

Drugs destroy lives and communities. Undermine sustainable human development and generate offense. Drugs affect all sectors of society in all states ; in peculiar, drug maltreatment affects the freedom and development of immature people, the universe ‘s most valuable plus. Drugs are a sedate menace to the wellness and wellbeing of all world, the independency […]

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The entrepreneur is the one who takes the risks Essay Example

Introduction We frequently define the enterpriser as the 1 who takes the hazards. The fiscal hazard is likely the chief hazard that assumes the enterpriser, because his personal luck can be engaged and there are many costs during the stage of installing and surcease of the activity. It is many more hard to understand when […]

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Differences between Conventional and Islamic Accounting Essay Example

The concern of this project paper is to explore the differences between Islamic accounting and its conventional counterpart. The distinctions need to be addressed as both accounting is presently thought of by many people as synonymous. There is a danger for such kind of perception because the basic building blocks for respective accounting are worlds […]

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The company and philosophy of Virgin Essay Example

Introduction Richard Branson “ My involvement in life comes from puting myself immense, seemingly unattainable challenges and seeking to lift above them. ” This is where it all began, Richard Branson, best known for his Virgin Group is of over 400 companies. Born in July 18, 1950 ; destined to go one of the best […]

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Why A Nurse Should Study Sociology Essay Example

Nursing and sociology are footings that instead tightly connected with each other, because nursing is a profession that is focused on assisting patients, their households and whole communities in retrieving optimum wellness whereas sociology is the survey of society and how people should populate in it. The chief inquiry to reply in this paper is: […]

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The Gap in Management Education in India An Agenda for Reform Essay Example

Many people see an MBA as a way to achieve success in their career, live a luxurious lifestyle, and find ultimate professional satisfaction. People from around the globe are captivated by the advantages that this prestigious degree offers. Esteemed institutions like Harvard, Wharton, Yale, and other renowned schools are revered for their dedication to helping […]

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Othello and Henry V Essay Example

Throughout history, changes in public understanding and technology have impacted attitudes towards war. In the late 16th and early 17th centuries, Shakespeare’s Othello and Henry V portrayed war differently than poets during World War I. Given the differences in warfare across these periods, it is not surprising that attitudes have evolved over time. The portrayal […]

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Interdisciplinary Holocaustic Trauma Research Sociology Essay Example

Abstraction Numerous studies have indicated that individuals who survive brutal wars resulting in cultural cleansing endure severe physical and mental damage (Fisher, 2010; Herman, 1992; Mertus, 2000; Rossi, 2002; Sjoo & Mor, 1992). However, there is a dearth of research on the victimization of women in these circumstances. The trauma suffered by women has significant […]

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Inequality And Discrimination Of Women Sociology Essay Example

Numerous research surveies conducted relevant to women’s function, right, position and its relationship to the legal, traditional and constitutional educational, economic system and other related facet across the Earth are revised in this chapter. Gender inequalities in the prevue of cultural values, spiritual beliefs and occupation market and constitutional inequalities between sexes would significantly impact […]

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Oration About Environment Essay Example

In countries that rely on foreign sources for energy, the issue of energy scarcity is a continuous challenge. Although costly, oil serves as the lifeblood for developing countries striving for a comfortable lifestyle and uninterrupted oil-power supply is crucial to the success of their businesses. Unfortunately, households tend to place less importance on energy use […]

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Recycle Industry Trend to Green Logistics Essay Example

Introduction: The significance of sustainable transportation for both passengers and cargo is increasingly recognized today. Logistics plays a vital role in modern transit systems, demanding effective organization and control. However, logistics only became a concept with the emergence of modern engineering. In recent times, green logistics has gained prominence as an important development in the […]

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Platonic Relationships in cross sex friendships Essay Example

Romantic relationships are characterized by feelings of passion, emotional reactions and physical attractive force ; and Platonic relationships are characterized by the absence of physical attractive force, passion or sex ( Sippola, 1999 ) . These two word pictures are really of import for the range of this paper because both are important to reply […]

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Use of Recruitment and Selection Scenarios Essay Example

Introduction As planetary competition persists and industries become more skill intensive, the demand for endowment or cognition based workers with the capacity to be originative and advanced is intensifying. In the visible radiation of this fact, it has become indispensable for the companies to follow sophisticated enlisting and choice schemes to acquire the right employee […]

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Examining Employee Appraisal, Reward And Demotivation Essay Example

The origins of public presentation assessment can be traced back to Taylor’s influential Time and Motion studies in the early 20th century. However, this is a common characteristic found in many aspects of modern human resources management. The act of appraising work performance has been employed since World War II, making it a relatively modern […]

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Burberry of britain Essay Example

Burberry is an iconic trade name best known for its “Britishness”, in recent old ages has undergone an image inspection and repair holding been described as “an outdated concern with a manner seal of about nothing” by taking manner analysts in 1998 (Finch and May 1998). By 1997, the one-year net incomes of Burberry had […]

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Migration Studies Assimilation Integration And Multiculturalism Sociology Essay Example

There are different conceptual models and theoretical theoretical accounts in societal scientific disciplines to gestate and depict the relationship between different people and civilizations. In this subdivision, some of the assorted focal points sing the procedure of integrating of immigrants and minority groups into their host state or mainstream society will be discussed and used […]

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This supermarket retail branch is in the top five in Australia Essay Example

The cause of poor service quality is often attributed to employee actions, but it can also be due to system and procedure issues, which are the responsibility of management. Employees are valuable resources within an ineffective process that does not add value. Business performance is significantly influenced by operations scheduling, work measurement, and service procedures. […]

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Prostitution A Psychological Perspective Sociology Essay Example

As psychologists, we hope to see a alteration in the wellness professions ‘ comparative silence sing harlotry ‘s injury to adult females, every bit good as a alteration in the position on harlotry held by the condemnable justness system. ” -Melissa Farley & A ; Avnessa Kelly There is a batch of argument about whether […]

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Customers Investors Estate Essay Example

This research work is related to clients and investors research survey, titled “CUSTOMERS OR INVESTORS PERSPECTIVE ABOUT INVESTING IN REAL ESTATE” in high tech metropoliss like Greater Noida, Ghaziabad, Noida and New Delhi. The research addresses the factors act uponing the clients and investors determination to apportion resources to existent estate. The study includes a […]

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