Recycle Industry Trend to Green Logistics Essay Example
Recycle Industry Trend to Green Logistics Essay Example

Recycle Industry Trend to Green Logistics Essay Example

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  • Pages: 8 (2000 words)
  • Published: August 19, 2017
  • Type: Research Paper
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Introduction: The significance of sustainable transportation for both passengers and cargo is increasingly recognized today. Logistics plays a vital role in modern transit systems, demanding effective organization and control. However, logistics only became a concept with the emergence of modern engineering. In recent times, green logistics has gained prominence as an important development in the transportation sector. Environmental sustainability is now widely considered positive and regarded as a buzzword for promoting environmental compatibility. Green logistics supply chain management aims to reduce the environmental impact and energy consumption associated with goods distribution through practices such as material handling, waste management, packaging, and transportation. This can be achieved by focusing on product packaging or investing in alternative fuel vehicles. Nonetheless, closer scrutiny reveals contradictions and inconsistencies that make implementing green logistics more challenging than expected.The impact of green logistics on the transpor


tation industry's development is limited to specific interests, like reducing costs and improving asset utilization. Green logistics initiatives are observed in vehicles with terminus and distribution centers. The promotion of green practices gained popularity in various sectors, especially transit during the late 1980s and early 1990s. Abukhader and Jonsson state that research areas within green logistics have developed for over four decades, including cargo reduction, transportation externalities, city logistics, reverse logistics, and corporate environmental strategies towards logistics. According to McKinnon, companies can implement changes such as intermodal solutions and technological advancements to reduce their transportation and logistics activities' environmental impact by adopting green practices or measures like measuring carbon footprints or using effective transportation management tools. These methods help minimize negative environmental impacts while designing efficient logistic systems.Schmied (2010) highlights four factors that impact green logistics

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company, clients, politics, and society. Specifically, customers' preference for clean vehicle delivery or minimal emissions influences providers. However, mandating environmentally-friendly options is often unsuccessful. A solution may be for consumers to choose easily accessible superstores with low-emitting construction practices. Home delivery services offer an even greater opportunity for reducing environmental impact as direct users can receive products without leaving their homes. On the other hand, reverse logistics involves efficient planning and control of the flow of raw materials, inventory, finished goods and related information from point of consumption back to point of origin for value creation or disposal (Rogers & Tibben-Lembke, 1999). Managing returns poses significant challenges for companies due to internal issues such as difficulty managing used/recycled products in the market according to Rogers & Tibben-Lembke (1999).The implementation, planning and control of cost-effective flow of raw materials and in-process inventory is what reverse logistics essentially involves. Retrieving finished goods as well as relevant information from consumer goods is important for value and proper disposal purposes according to Rogers and Tibben-Lembke (1998). Backward distribution activities can have a profound impact on the foundation, endurance, ability to respond to internal and external changes of companies. To remain competitive in a strict regulatory environment, companies must adapt. As indicated by Carter and Ellram (1998) as well as Tibben-Lembke and Rogers (2002), backward logistics activities differ from traditional ones. Fleischmann et al.(1997) suggest that reverse logistics does not necessarily mirror forward distribution. Differences between reverse and forward logistics are summarized in Table 1 by Tibben-Lembke and Rogers (2002). Studies have shown that managing reverse logistics activities can be more complex than traditional ones due to uncertain or inconsistent

demand; flexible capacity requirements for storage, processing, transportation are necessary according to Amini et al.,(2005); Rosen,(2001);Tibben-Lembke & Rogers,(2002). Therefore many manufacturing companies outsource their reverse logistic operations to third-party providers with limited resources/capabilities(Krumwiede & Sheu, 2002).Treeland Services Company Ltd, an environmental recycling company, is committed to protecting the environment through waste organization and recycling services. Their goal is to achieve "zero waste" by minimizing waste and reducing landfill disposal. They are certified as a waste collector/recycler under the Environmental Protection Department of HKSAR and ISO 14001:2004. Additionally, they offer a "Data Degaussing Service" for wiping out all data on magnetic storage. The four-stage process for their disposal services includes Collect and Transportation, Storage, Classify and Process, and Distribution. This involves contacting the client, setting up suitable transportation tools for collection, separating different disposal points, transporting materials to a secured warehouse where workers list the disposal points with exemplary figure, consecutive figure and log figure. Different sections within the country are designated as storage points for items. To obliterate information from magnetic media demagnetizing is used; degaussers create a powerful magnetic field that randomly erases magnetic data making old information untraceable.During Phase 3, the Treeland Services Company Ltd engages in the classification and processing of disposal points, separating useful from useless materials. The latter are sent to level workshops for destruction or storage until recycled. Non-recyclable metals are discarded appropriately, while glass is sent to recyclers. Useful materials undergo examination and mending before further recycling. A pass checking parts process ensures reusability. In Phase 4, recyclable materials are sold to recyclers while useless ones are lawfully discarded. The company employs green logistics methods like optimizing transportation

routes to reduce costs and emissions, as well as measures such as managing warehouse temperature and using thermoregulators in all zones to decrease environmental impact during warehousing activities.Treeland not only efficiently manages warehouse lighting, but also takes measures to handle electronic waste with hazardous substances. This includes reselling second-hand parts in the market after checking and testing, as well as recycling and properly disposing of electronic waste to comply with legal requirements and protect the environment. Electronic waste contains harmful substances such as lead and Cd in circuit boards, Cd and lead oxide in cathode ray tube units, mercury in flat screen displays, Cd in computer batteries, and PVC capacitors and converters. Improper disposal can lead to toxic substances contaminating groundwater or producing toxic gases such as dioxin through incineration. However, handling electronic waste recycling can also pose health risks if not done responsibly with adequate measures taken to protect workers and the environment due to these harmful substances. Lead is known for its toxicity that affects various bodily systems including the brain development of children while cadmium compounds are harmful too.Computer components such as the glass screen of monitors (1.4 to 3.5 kg per monitor) and circuit boards contain significant amounts of lead, while the SMD resistance, infrared generator, semiconducting material and others contain Cadmium which can accumulate in the kidneys.In addition, mercury is a harmful substance for organs like the brain, kidneys, and ovaries that can affect fetal development.Inorganic mercury turns into methylmercury in water spills and accumulates through food chains especially in fish.About 22% of global mercury intake is used in electronic products including thermometers, detectors and medical equipment.Hexavalent chromium still found

in steel sheet and landscaping treatment easily passes cell membranes causing toxic effects along with DNA damage.PVC plastic contains an average of 13.8 pounds per computer but non-toxic ABS plastic has replaced it for molding computers.PVC is still widely used due to its fire-blocking properties despite producing dioxins when burned at certain temperatures.Flat screen monitors have become popular replacements for cathode ray tube displays.Although PVC remains mainly employed casing computer shells and wrapping lines.Electronic products and circuit boards utilize BFRs, a type of flame-retardant material that prevents smoke. However, certain types of BFRs were discontinued by the European Parliament from 2003 to 2006. Barium, a soft silvery-white metal used to protect computer monitor cathode ray tubes from radiation, can cause brain swelling, muscle failure, and harm the heart, liver and spleen with brief exposure. Its long-term effects are unknown. Beryllium is a lightweight steel-grey metal that conducts electricity and heat but not magnetism; it is heavily used in industrial applications including computer electronics. Be Cu metal enhances connectivity elasticity and conduction in motherboards and keyboards whereas beryllium has been recently classified as a carcinogen causing lung cancer even with minimal exposure over time leading to lung or skin diseases characterized by minor scratches or swelling. Interestingly enough longer exposure after many years still leads to long-term disease development. Carbon black ink comprises most of the black ink found in printer external equipment for computers.Inhaling ink fumes can cause respiratory irritation, and the International Agency for Research on Cancer has classified carbon black as a class 2B carcinogen. Color inks may contain heavy metals such as blue, yellow, and red phosphides and other additives with unknown

risks. Phosphide is an inorganic compound used to create phosphorescent effects and display images on cathode beam glass (CRTs). The toxicity of phosphides in CRTs is uncertain, but US Navy guidelines advise against touching them due to the highly toxic P coating. If CRTs are broken, it's important to carefully clean out the glass dust and seek medical attention if you come into contact with phosphide. The P coating may also contain toxic heavy metals like Zn and V as additives that can harm workers who manually dismantle CRTs. Green logistics aims to reduce environmental pollution and resource consumption while utilizing advanced logistics technology for transportation, storage, handling, distribution, processing, and packaging. It covers multiple layers of activities related to individual green logistics operations like green transportation, packaging, distribution processing waste recycling and resource reuse logistics throughout the green management chain that emphasizes long-term global interests while reflecting a company's "green" image.In order to adapt to the trend of social development and global economic integration, where traditional trade barriers are slowly diminishing, green logistics is necessary. The planetary market has numerous endeavors that lack compliance with ISO 14000. One important consideration is the improvement of waste recycling systems and increasing focus on being environmentally friendly. The production and consumption of goods generates large amounts of waste which requires efficient processing. However, regardless of processing speed, the emergence of large quantities of waste remains a negative impact on society and presents a serious threat to the environment. Therefore, in the twenty-first century, logistics activities must prioritize waste recycling and develop better systems for its management. Waste logistics is a subdivision of logistics management that involves categorization,

processing, packaging managing storing and distributing waste to specialized treatment facilities. To establish a comprehensive range of production distribution and waste recycling systems management and supervision by the government must be strengthened. Companies must also focus on increasing efficiency and environmental friendliness within logistics operations from the entire supply chain perspective.Abukhader and Jonsson (2004) proposed that logistics and the environment are interconnected topics deserving more focus. The authors, in their work Green Logistics: Improving the environmental sustainability of logistics (eds.) (2010), explore various ways to optimize vehicle routing in logistics by presenting quantitative models for reverse logistics. They also examine the potential environmental impact of restructuring logistics structures and planning short-term fix services for reverse logistics operations. In addition, they review the literature on backward logistics and suggest a future framework for further investigations. These works have been published in different journals, such as the European Journal of Operational Research, Journal of Business Logistics, International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications, as well as referenced in Management Research: Theory and Practice.

Another publication titled "Explosive detection systems" (2010), edited by McKinnon et al., documents efforts towards improving environmental sustainability within logistical operations through green initiatives including fuel consumption reduction, transportation efficiency increase, and designing sustainable distribution networks.The book covers various methods and models to optimize logistics practices, including centralized distribution systems and third-party logistics entry. It emphasizes the significance of prioritizing environmental sustainability for industry professionals such as logistics directors. Piecyk's article "Product-level C auditing of supply chains.Environmental imperative or uneconomical distraction?" can be found in the International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management (pages 42-60) and is also featured in the book "Green Logistics:

Improving the environmental sustainability of logistics" edited by McKinnon et al. (pages 49-67). The book contains additional articles such as Rogers and Tibben-Lembke's "Traveling Backwards: Reverse Logistics Trends and Practices" (1998, 1999), Rosen's "Ready for returns?" (2001), Tibben-Lembke and Rogers' "Differences between forward and reverse logistics in a retail environment" (2002), and Woodburn and Whiteing's "Transferring cargo to 'greener' transportation modes" (2010). Schmied presented on standardizing CO2 calculations in green logistics developments.

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