Riordan Manufacturing Example Essay Example
Riordan Manufacturing Example Essay Example

Riordan Manufacturing Example Essay Example

Available Only on StudyHippo
  • Pages: 2 (295 words)
  • Published: May 18, 2017
  • Type: Case Study
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At Riordan Manufacturing, a plastic manufacturer owned entirely by Riordan Manufacturing Industries, the production of custom plastic parts such as beverage containers and fan parts contributes to a company revenue of one billion. Riordan Manufacturing is recognized as a global fortune 1000 enterprise.

Riordan conducts both research and development at their R&D headquarters situated in San Jose, California. Riordan also has three production plants, which are located in Pontiac, Michigan and Albany, Georgia. Additionally, there is an international joint venture located in Hang Zhou, China. The company currently employs roughly 550 individuals and is expected to generate $46 million in revenue annually. Primary customers of Riordan include the U.S. Department of Defense, aircraft and automotive manufacturers, and beverage companies.

Riordan aims to become a leading industry player in utilizing polymer materials to address customer objectives and necessities. Improved Customer Relatio


nship Management (CRM) is crucial for Riordan to ensure dedicated provisions towards fulfilling lasting customer requirements. Riordan's specific goals involve ensuring optimistic and constructive customer output, enhancing overall quality benchmarks, and avoiding customer setbacks. Additional factors are in place to sustain business expansion in the future. To achieve its objectives, Riordan must bolster profitability to benefit both financial and human capital aspects.

To maintain a viable company, it is important for employees to be well-informed and supported to reduce turnover. Riordan Manufacturing's plants are connected to the corporate headquarters through a Wide Area Network (WAN), but upgrades are necessary to improve the company's IT infrastructure, gain client confidence, and increase future trade. Riordan must address issues in web security, data security, network, and physical components of the system to identify areas that require improvement. The current system analysis demonstrates

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the current information flow of R;D headquarters throughout all three plants at Riordan.

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