(Quiz) Alterations of the Reproductive System – Flashcards

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1. Which of the following is the first sign of puberty in girls? A. Menarche B. Pubic hair C. Thelarche D. Premature closure of epiphysis
*Thelarche Breast development or thelarche is the first sign of puberty. Premature closure of the epiphysis is due to precocious puberty. Absence of menarche by age 15 or 16 is a clinical diagnosis of delayed puberty.
Which of the following terms is appropriate for painful menstruation associated with the release of prostaglandins in ovulatory cycles? A. Primary dysmenorrhea B. Primary amenorrhea C. Hirsutism D. Secondary amenorrhea
*Primary dysmenorrhea Dysmenorrhea is painful menstruation; primary dysmenorrhea is due to release of prostaglandins in ovulatory cycles. Hirsutism is abnormal hairiness. Primary amenorrhea is failure of menarche by the age of 14. Secondary amenorrhea is the absence of menarche for the equivalent of three cycles.
Which of the following terms is appropriate for irregular menstrual flow? A. Menorrhagia B. Menopause C. Metrorrhagia D. Menometrorrhagia
*Metrorrhagia Metrorrhagia is irregular flow. Menopause is cessation of menstrual flow or menses. Excessive menstrual flow is menorrhagia. Heavy, irregular flow is menometrorrhagia.
A woman presents with hirsutism, amenorrhea, and infertility. She is also very obese. Which of the following is the most likely cause of her symptoms? A. Premenstrual syndrome B. Polycystic ovary syndrome C. Pelvic inflammatory disease D. Primary amenorrhea
* Polycystic ovary syndrome Polycystic ovary syndrome is based on two of the following conditions: androgen excess, oligo-ovulation or anovulation, or clinical signs of hyperandrogenism and polycystic ovaries. Signs usually start at puberty and include loss of normal menstrual function. This may be either amenorrhea or dysfunctional uterine bleeding. Hirsutism is common. Obesity is also likely.
A woman presents with an inflammation of one of the ducts that lead from the vaginal opening. Which of the following is the appropriate term for this condition? A. Vaginitis B. Cervicitis C. Bartholinitis D. Pelvic inflammatory disease
* Bartholinitis Bartholin glands are the ducts that lead from the vaginal opening. They may be inflamed by normal floral of the genital area or by sexually transmitted pathogens.
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A woman has a prolapse of a portion of her bladder. Which of the following is an appropriate term for this condition? A. Cystocele B. Uterine prolapse C. Pessary D. Urethrocele
*Cystocele Cystocele is the descent of a portion of the posterior bladder wall. Urethrocele is a sagging urethra. A pessary is a removable mechanical device that holds the uterus in position. Uterine prolapse is descent of the cervix or entire uterus into the vaginal canal.
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Which of the following types of cysts contains skin, hair, and sebaceous and sweat glands? A. Corpus luteum cyst B. Dermoid cysts C. Ovarian torsion D. Follicular cyst
*Dermoid cysts Dermoid cysts contain elements from all three germ layers. They are common ovarian neoplasms. Ovarian torsion is rare but is a gynecologic emergency. These women have severe abdominal pain. A corpus luteum cyst occurs because of a hormonal imbalance including low LH and progesterone levels. Follicular cysts can be caused by a transient condition in which the dominant follicle fails to rupture or one or more of the nondominant follicles fails to regress.
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Which of the following is a TRUE statement regarding uterine fibroids (leiomyomas)? A. More common in white women B. Most prevalent in young age C. Decreases with menopause D. Develops from cartilage
*Decreases with menopause They develop from smooth muscle and increase from age of 30 through 50 and decrease at menopause. They are more common in black and Asian women.
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Which of the following is NOT a cofactor for the development of cervical cancer? A. Smoking B. Chlamydia infection C. Breast cancer D. HIV infection
*Breast cancer Smoking, Chlamydia infection, HIV infection, immunosuppression, and poor nutrition are factors in cervical cancer development.
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Which of the following is the most common cause of urethral stricture in a man? A. Paraphimosis B. Carcinoma C. Indwelling catheter D. Congenital defect
*Indwelling catheter The scars in urethral stricture are more likely to result from trauma or untreated or severe urethral infections, most often from long-term use of indwelling urinary catheters.
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A man presents with inflammation of the glans penis. Which of the following is the correct medical term for this condition? A. Phimosis B. Paraphimosis C. Priapism D. Balanitis
* Balanitis Balanitis is inflammation of the glans penis. Priapism is a prolonged erection. Phimosis is a condition in which the foreskin cannot be retracted. Paraphimosis is when the foreskin is retracted and cannot be reduced.
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A man is diagnosed with a scrotal disorder. There is abnormal dilation of the veins in the spermatic cord. It feels like a "bag of worms." Which of the following is the name for this condition? A. Varicocele B. Hydrocele C. Spermatocele D. Cryptorchidism
*Varicocele Varicocele is dilation of the veins of the spermatic cord. A hydrocele is a collection of fluid within the tunica vaginalis. Spermatocele is a painless diverticulum of the epididymis. Cryptorchidism is a condition of testicular maldescent.
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Which of the following is a TRUE statement regarding torsion of the testis? A. Relief is obtained with elevation of the scrotum. B. A high-riding testis may be noted. C. It is a benign condition. D. It is most common in middle-aged men.
* A high-riding testis may be noted. It is a condition in which the testis twists on its cord. There is decreased blood flow. It is common in neonates and boys near puberty. There is no relief with elevation of the scrotum. It is a surgical emergency, and surgery must be done within 6 hours if it cannot be untwisted with manual manipulation.
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A 24-year-old man has pain in his testes. He has just recovered from the mumps. Which of the following is the most likely cause of his testicular pain? A. Orchitis B. Prostatitis C. Epididymitis D. Testicular torsion
*Orchitis Orchitis is inflammation of the testes often caused after an infection with mumps. Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate. Epididymitis is an infection of the epididymis. Testicular torsion is rotation of a testis, which twists blood vessels in the spermatic cord.
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Which of the following is a TRUE statement regarding benign prostatic hyperplasia? A. Ten percent of men will have it by age 80 years. B. It is an uncommon condition. C. The prostate is largest at birth and continues to shrink. D. It may be problematic if urethral compression occurs.
* It may be problematic if urethral compression occurs. BPH is a common condition. It may be a problem if there is compression of the urethra. Eighty percent of men will have it before age 80. The prostate increases in size throughout life and is the smallest at birth.
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Which of the following is TRUE regarding breast cancer? A. The older the woman at her first childbirth, the lower is her risk. B. It is the second most common cause of cancer in women. C. The incidence has declined since 1955. D. The median age for breast cancer is 64.
*The median age for breast cancer is 64. The median age is 61 for breast cancer. It has been on the rise since 1950. It is the most common cause of cancer in American women. Early childbirth lowers the risk of having breast cancer.
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Which of the following is a NOT a nonproliferative change in breast tissue? A. Fibrocystic changes B. Cysts C. Florid hyperplasia D. Calcifications in cysts
* Florid hyperplasia Florid hyperplasia is considered a proliferative breast lesion. Cysts and calcifications that are found in cysts are included in the symptoms of nonproliferative fibrocystic changes.
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A man complains of an abnormal curvature of his penis. He states it has been getting worse since puberty and that intercourse is painful. Which of the following is the most likely cause? A. Peyronie disease B. Orchitis C. Phimosis D. Paraphimosis
*Peyronie disease Peyronie disease is a fibrotic condition that causes lateral curvature of the penis during erection. It develops slowly and usually affects middle-aged men. Phimosis and paraphimosis are problems with the foreskin. Orchitis is inflammation of the testes.
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A man complains of unilateral pain in his scrotum. He has a red and swollen area on his scrotum. He is sexually active, with many partners. Which of the following is the most likely cause of his pain? A. Balanitis B. Paraphimosis C. Epididymitis D. Benign prostatic hypertrophy
*Epididymitis Pain is the main symptom of epididymitis. There may be pyuria or bacteriuria and urinary symptoms. In young men the cause may be a sexually transmitted organism.
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Which of the following is NOT a frequent site for distant metastasis for prostate cancer? A. Brain B. Lymph nodes C. Liver D. Bones
* Brain The most frequent sites for distant metastasis include lymph nodes, bones, lungs, liver, and adrenals.
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Which of the following is NOT one of the three normal processes of sexual response? A. Erection B. Emission C. Orgasm D. Ejaculation
* Orgasm The three normal processes include erection, emission, and ejaculation.
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Which of the following is the most common cause of galactorrhea? A. Hyperprolactinemia B. Medications C. Hypothyroidism D. Pituitary tumor
*Hyperprolactinemia Nonpuerperal hyperprolactinemia or excessive amounts of prolactin in the blood NOT related to pregnancy is the most common cause. This may be caused by any factor that stimulates or overstimulates the pituitary gland.
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Which of the following is TRUE regarding hormonal factors and breast cancer? A. Protective effects of ovary removal B. Protective effects of late pregnancy C. Protective effects of early menarche D. Protective effects of late menopause
*Protective effects of ovary removal Removal of the ovaries and pituitary gland offers a protective effect. This is not often done, but it has been researched. There are protective effects of early pregnancy. There is increased risk with early menarche and late menopause.
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Which of the following genes has NOT been linked with breast cancer? A. BRCA B. TP53 C. c-myc D. psa
* psa The genes linked to breast cancer include TP53, Bcl-2, HER-2Neu, and c-myc.
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Which of the following is NOT a risk factor for ovarian cancer? A. Early menarche B. Late menopause C. Multiparity D. Fertility drugs
* Multiparity A woman who is nulliparous or has no children is at risk for ovarian cancer.
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Which of the following is TRUE regarding gynecomastia in men? A. It may begin as a palpable mass anywhere on the chest. B. It affects less than 3% of the male population. C. Incidence is greatest among adolescents and older men. D. It generally indicates cancer.
* Incidence is greatest among adolescents and older men. It has an incidence of 32% to 40% and is most common in adolescents or men older than 40. It usually starts as a 2-cm mass in the subareolar area.
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Which of the following is considered a risk for vaginal cancer? A. Prior or concurrent cervical cancer B. Endometriosis C. Concurrent breast cancer D. Birth control pills
*Prior or concurrent cervical cancer Prior or concurrent cervical cancer and diethylstilbestrol exposure are linked to vaginal cancer, which is rare.
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The cause of dysmenorrhea usually involves: a. excessive endometrial prostaglandin production b. failure of ovarian follicle maturation c. decreased myometrial contractions d. purulent material draining from the uterine tube
Excessive endometrial prostaglandin production
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Secondary amenorrhea is: a. failure to begin menstruation by age 20 b. menarche failure c. increased myometrial vasculature constriction d. the absence of menstruation following menarche
The absence of menstruation following menarche
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What is the likely pathophysiology of PMS? a. elevated prolactin levels cause salt and water retention b. elevated aldosterone levels cause salt and water retention c. an abnormal nervous, immunologic, vascular, and gastrointestinal response to the menstrual cycle is causative d. both a and b are correct
An abnormal nervous, immunologic, vascular, and gastrointestinal response to the menstrual cycle is causative
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A yeast vaginitis may be caused by: a. an overgrowth of Candida albicans b. a declining number of lactobacilli c. the chronic use of antibiotics d. a, b, and c are correct e. none of the above
All are correct
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Vulvovestibulitis: a. is an inflammation of the cervix b. can be caused by contact with perfumed toilet paper or menstrual pads c. is an inflammation of the Bartholin glands d. is a vaginal infection that has spread to the labia e. both b and c are correct
Can be caused by contact with perfumed toilet paper or menstrual pads and can be an inflammation of the Bartholin glands
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Ovarian cancer exhibits: a. smooth muscle lesion features b. human papillomavirus infection c. ectopic endometrial functioning tissue d. increased serum levels of CA-125 e. both b and c are correct
Increased serum levels of CA-125
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Depressed T-cell function is associated with: a. follicular cysts b. endomtrial polyps c. leiomyomas d. adenomyosis e. endometriosis
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It is possible that repeated pregnancies cause: a. ovarian cysts b. endometriosis c. leiomyomas d. adenomyosis e. polyps
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A 42-yr-old retired prostitute who became sexually active at 14 yrs of age is at risk to develop: a. endometriosis b. cervical carcinoma c. breast cancer d. uterine carcinoma
Cervical cancer
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Your neighbor's obese grandmother has breast cancer. Your neighbor's risk factors are greatest for which of the following types of cancer? a. cervical b. vaginal c. endometrial d. ovarian
Endometrial pg. 846
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Painful intercourse is: a. the inability to achieve organsm b. inhibited sexual desire c. muscle spasm in response to attempted penetration d. dyspareunia
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Femal breast cancer pathophysiology involves: a. BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations b. reactive oxygen species c. endogenous and exogenous estrogens and their receptors d. Her-2/neu gene mutations e. all of the above
All are correct
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Phimosis is: a. a thickening of the fascia in the erectile tissue of the corpora cavernosa b. a condition in which a retracted foreskin cannot be moved forward c. a condition in which the foreskin cannot be retracted d. caused by poor hygiene and chronic infection e. Both c and d are correct
Both c and d are correct
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A varicocele is an intrascrotal disorder that: a. results in a collection of fluid within the tunica vaginalis b. occurs b/c of independent or congenitally absent valves in the spermatic veins c. is located between the head of the epididymis and the testis d. does not interfere with spermatogenesis
Occurs b/c of independent or congenitally absent valves in the spermatic veins
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Cryptochidism is: a. underdevelopment of the testes b. the absence of scrotal tissue c. relieved by scrotal support d. failure of the testes to descend into the scrotum e. an imbalance between the secreting and absorptive capacities of scrotal tissues
Failure of the testes to descend into the scrotum
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The infectious cause of orchitis is: a. streptococci b. gonococci c. chlamydial organisms d. mumps virus
Mumps virus
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Which of the following organisms can cause epididymitis? a. enterobacteriaceae b. neisseria gonorrhoeae c. pseudomonas aeruginosa d. all of the above e. none of the above
all of the above
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In benign prostatic hyperplasia, enlargement of periurethral tissue of the prostate causes: a. obstruction of the urethra b. inflammation of the testis c. decreased urinary outflow from the bladder d. abnormal dilation of a vein w;in the spermatic cord e. tension of the spermatic cord and testis
Obstruction of the urethra
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A major cause of recurrent urinary tract infections in the male is: a. orchitis b. balanitis c. epidiymitis d. chronic bacterial prostatitis e. nonbacterial prostatitis
Chronic bacterial prostatitis
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A symptom or sign of late-stage prostatic cancer is: a. a slow urinary stream b. frequency of urination c. incomplete emptying of the bladder d. mental confusion e. a,b, and c are correct
Mental confusion
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Male sexual dysfunction may be caused by: a. infection around the intoitus b. diabetes mellitus c. infected hymenal remnants d. none of the above
Diabetes mellitus
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Which of the following is true about acute pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)? a. it primarily affects males b. it is usually caused by viruses c. it never causes peritonitis d. it involves the epidiymis e. it may cause infertility or tubular pregnancy
It may cause infertility or tubular pregnancy
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Female breast disorders exhibiting proliferative lesions with atypia have: a. no added risk for cnacer development b. similar risks for fibrocystic disease c. slightly increased risk for cancer development d. increased risk for cancer development
Increased risk for cancer development
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Breast cancer: a. exhibits fluctuating lesion size b. pain increases as menstruation approaches c. exhibits painless lumps d. at age 50 yrs affects 1 in 200 females
Exhibits painless lumps
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After metastasis, female breast cancer manifests as: a. nipple puckering b. bone pain c. nipple discharge d. skin refraction over the lesion e. a,c, and d are correct
Bone pain
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