Psychological Criticism of Petrarch and Machiavelli Essay Example
The theory argues that the behavior of humans is a result of interactions. These interactions are among three part of mind. They are namely: id, super ego and ego. The theory is emphatic on the roles of psychological conflicts putting in mind that it is an unconscious as far as shaping of personality and behavior is concerned. The interaction interactions in the mind fundamental parts progress through the various stages of psycho sexual stages.
Machiavellianism is an adjective associated to a discipline which believes in the statement that the end does not justify the means only. It also justifies that all political actions as well as policies can be thoroughly judged by using their outcomes. Intentions and ideals in a theory like this one are only paramount in case they allow nations or people to achieve their goals. Such contexts conta
...in manipulative as well as ruthless approaches to political goals (Link and Jere, 2012).These goals include murder, deceit as well as use of excessive force. This seems to be justified. This is one of exaggerated Machiavelli versions which seem to reflect on his political position. On the other hand, it seems as if it has a dominant interpretation in relation to his thoughts.
Machiavelli as political thinker believed in the notion that personality can be best understood using a social context .according to his world view; Machiavelli believed that people are grredy, selfish, ungrateful and vengeful. He continues to say that the two defining forces are defining the character of human beings. One of them is virtu which can be defined as fearlessness, assertiveness as well as self confidence (Link and Jere, 2012). The second force according
to Machiavelli is referred as fortuna. His is a Greek word meaning luck. This character is for the belief that in case a leader acts in kindness as well as belief essential well being of the humanity, he is out rightly destined to fail. Machiavelli is reacting to a range of traditional learning where most of it had contained idealistic imperatives.
This was concerned with making improvements in the state as well as the lives of individuals. Machiavelli reacted to several traditions .an example is how Cicero De officiis attempted to clarify how an official can effectively execute his duties. Ciccero continued to say that the best moral standard had to be adhered to .he also emphasized that all officials had to be just in all their deals(Janaro et al1900). Machiavelli could not withstand this .he rejected it with total passion while declaring that it was full inefficiency. He also stated that it was against the prince rule.
Machiavelli is actually focusing on what actually happens rather than coming up with theories or mere speculations. He also believed in adhering to what is supposed to be adhered to rather than what occurs led to self destruction. Machiavelli, as his commentators says, is a realist (Link and Jere, 2012).He is actually freeing any leader from obligations to follow his ideals. He actually refutes moral and ethical claims and then subsisting them with real principles. Macvhiavelli has based his arguments on contemporary as well as historical evidence. On the other hand, there are some implications and contradictions on and implications in relation to Machiavelli’ arguments as we’ll as statements. One of them is that he uses exaggeration for style
of purposes (Link and Jere, 2012). Machiavelli also claims not to overcome fate vicissitudes which can either break or favor men. In conclusion, Machiavelli is for the notion that intentions as well as ideals are only paramount if they allow people to achieve all they want to.
Work cited
- Link, Jere. Ap European History. Piscataway, N.J: Research & Education Association, 2012. Internet resource
- Janaro, Richard P, and Thelma C. Altshuler. The Art of Being Human: The Humanities As a Technique for Living. Boston: Pearson, 2012. Printhe Record. Charlottesville, 1900. Print
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