The Crucial Therapeutic Relationship between Psychiatric Nurse and Child Client

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The therapeutic relationship between the psychiatric nurse and the child client is particularly important since a) The nurse is subject to developing countertransference issues with the child b) The child client needs to relate to the nurse as a surrogate parent c) The child's ability to actively engage in the therapy is dependent on feeling safe with the nurse d) A child's ability to express themselves is limited by their stage of development
c) The child's ability to actively engage in the therapy is dependent on feeling safe with the nurse
All except which of the following are therapeutic factors identified by Yalom? a) Regulation b) Existentialism c) Universality d) Altruism
a) Regulation
Several members of a self-help group are making T-shirts for the group to wear in a parade. This is an example of which element of group therapy? a) Group cohesiveness b) Catharsis c) Universality d) Altruism
a) Group cohesiveness
The nurse is leading a community support groups for individuals who want to stop smoking. A group member states, "I feel overwhelmed at the thought of stopping. I have been smoking for over 30 years." The nurse responds, "I can understand feeling overwhelmed; change can be frightening." What type of group communication technique is the nurse demonstrating? a) Understanding b) Listening c) Reassurance d) Teaching
a) Understanding
The nurse is explaining the hospital routines and expectations to a newly admitted client. The nurse also asks the patient if he has any questions surrounding his admission. Which stage is this according to Peplau's concept of nurse-patient therapeutic relationship? a) Exploitation b) Orientation c) Resolution d) Identification
b) Orientation
While working with an older male client, the nurse begins to think that the client reminds her of her grandfather, and responds as if she was the granddaughter. The nurse is developing which of the following? a) Empathy b) Modeling c) Transference d) Countertransference
d) Countertransference
Jodie is an RN whose client reminds her of her sister, with whom she has a close and positive relationship. This phenomenon is best characterized by which term? a) Countertransference b) Transference c) Reaction formation d) Free association
a) Countertransference
In which phase of Freud's developmental stage does toilet training occur? a) Latency b) Genital c) Anal d) Oral
c) Anal
Which of the following explains why theories are important to psychiatric-mental health nursing? a) Theories lead to the expansion of knowledge. b) Theories simplify treatment decisions for most clients. c) Theories lead to improved client outcomes. d) Theories are confirmed by relevant data.
a) Theories lead to the expansion of knowledge.
The nurse is aware of the changing demographics and growth of ethnic subcultures of the community and is trying to ensure that residents' needs for psychotherapy are effectively met. How should the nurse best work toward this goal? a) Foster cultural competency among those caregivers who perform psychotherapy and counseling. b) Perform teaching for clients about the different cultures represented in the United States. c) Enlist the assistance of counselors in clients' home countries using e-therapy. d) Ensure that therapists and clients always share the same ethnic background.
a) Foster cultural competency among those caregivers who perform psychotherapy and counseling.
From the standpoint of cognitive therapy, the term cognition refers to what? a) Faulty thought patterns that result in abnormal behavior b) Dysfunctional ways of responding to situations c) An idea d) How clients think about themselves and their world
d) How clients think about themselves and their world
A mother completes treatment for an addiction to prescription pain medications. As part of the mother's therapy, the family participates in a family therapy program. According to family systems theory, this is because of what? a) The family needs to learn signs of relapse if the mother begins taking pills again. b) The dynamics of the entire family have and will continue to shift to accommodate a change. c) The family needs to focus on helping the mother until equilibrium is regained. d) The family has unresolved issues toward the mother.
b) The dynamics of the entire family have and will continue to shift to accommodate a change.
You are conducting an admission interview with an adult mental health client. The client begins to talk in a childish voice and says she likes to ride a bike and play outside. What defense mechanism is this client demonstrating? a) Suppression b) Regression c) Projection d) Repression
b) Regression
While assessing a client, the nurse notes the client is functioning at the third level according to the Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Which observation of the client led the nurse to conclude this? a) The client is extremely hungry. b) The client believes that the political system is not fair to its people. c) The client feels unsafe in the new city. d) The client longs to have friendly relationships.
d) The client longs to have friendly relationships.
When a therapist is interviewing a client diagnosed with depression, the client's feelings toward her parents as a child are being directed at the therapist. This is an example of which of the following? a) Transference b) Psychoanalysis c) Countertransference d) Object relations
a) Transference
The following statements are heard in a group: "You can't say that because you don't really know me." "I wonder if the therapist is going to leave?" and "I'm not sure whether or not I can really talk freely." These best reflect which of the following group themes? a) Guilt and punishment b) Loss and abandonment c) Fear for safety d) Trust and belonging
d) Trust and belonging
The nursing theorist Peplau identified which of the following as the essence of psychiatric-mental health nursing? a) The nurse's use of self b) Nursing care independent of physicians c) A neurobiologic approach d) The nurse-client relationship
d) The nurse-client relationship
During an individual therapy session, a nurse is listening to a client describe her drug addiction. The client says, "I know I am doing the wrong thing for my kids, but I just can't stop using drugs." The nurse maintains eye contact and nods occasionally as the client continues to discuss her addiction to drugs. The nurse responds by saying, "You're going through a difficult time." The nurse's actions and words are an example of: a) Sympathy b) Apathy c) Nontherapeutic communication d) Empathy
d) Empathy
Two of the most important reasons that nurses utilize theories in their approach to helping people with psychiatric disorders are that ... a) theories help to give a basis for giving certain types of medications and they also give specific examples of how to help each person. b) theories are the basis for reimbursement of healthcare costs, and they also drive providers' economic motivations for seeking healthcare. c) theories provide knowledge expansion in the field, and they are a way of incorporating known findings into a framework for understanding clients. d) theories give the nurse examples of how to intervene with clients and also provide criteria for healthcare reimbursement.
c) theories provide knowledge expansion in the field, and they are a way of incorporating known findings into a framework for understanding clients.
A psychologist chose her profession because she was inspired by her aunt who was a successful psychologist. Which of Freud's ego defense mechanisms is this indicative of? a) Compensation b) Denial c) Displacement d) Identification
d) Identification
A nurse is meeting with a therapy group for the first time. She notes that members are silent and fidgety. Which of the following statements by the nurse would be best in this situation? a) "I notice there is a lot of silence and some discomfort. This is pretty common in new groups and is perfectly OK. Who would like to share how they feel right now?" b) "I feel uncomfortable with this silence. How do all of you feel about it?" c) "I notice everyone is quiet. Bob, would you like to tell us what's on your mind today?" d) "We have 1 hour. It's OK if we spend the hour in silence."
a) "I notice there is a lot of silence and some discomfort. This is pretty common in new groups and is perfectly OK. Who would like to share how they feel right now?"
Learned maladaptive behavior is a concept central to which theory of human behavior? a) Humanistic theory b) Behavioral theory c) Psychoanalytic theory d) Sociocultural theory
b) Behavioral theory
The fundamental principle of family therapy is that ... a) Children are pivotal to family function b) Parental involvement is the key to family health c) A family is composed of individuals who care about each other d) A family is a system of interrelated dependent relationships.
d) A family is a system of interrelated dependent relationships.
Which of the following therapeutic factors refers to the group members' relationships to the therapist and other group members? a) Altruism b) Catharsis c) Group cohesiveness d) Universality
c) Group cohesiveness
When focusing on the primary goal of crisis therapy, a psychiatric nurse counsels a single mother who is recovering from a suicide attempt to a) Help regain confidence in her pervious ability to cope with the stress of being a single parent b) Help her identify reliable, affordable help with her childcare needs c) Comply with her prescribed therapies including the use of an antidepressant. d) Rely more on her extended family's offer to act as a support system
a) Help regain confidence in her pervious ability to cope with the stress of being a single parent
A nurse shows an understanding of the impact of nursing theory on nursing practice when stating ... a) "Theory provides the focus for my nursing care of depressed clients." b) "When I apply a nursing theory, I can be sure the client's specific needs will be met." c) "Every nurse needs to identify the one nursing theory most appropriate to their practice." d) "The nursing theorists consider all possible outcomes when formulating the theory."
a) "Theory provides the focus for my nursing care of depressed clients."
While participating in a group therapy session, one group member consistently asks for clarification of the topic the group is discussing. The nurse leading the group interprets this behavior as reflecting which group role? a) Information seeker b) Standard setter c) Recorder d) Coordinator
a) Information seeker
Which of the following individuals is most likely to benefit from brief cognitive therapy? a) A college freshman who is experiencing intense anxiety in the days before his final exams b) A woman with major depression who is scheduled to begin electroconvulsive therapy c) A male hospital patient who has a diagnosis of schizophrenia, paranoid type d) A female student who has been diagnosed with anorexia nervosa
a) A college freshman who is experiencing intense anxiety in the days before his final exams
The nurse acting as a leader for a group of recovering male alcoholics addresses the responsibility of maintaining the group's process by ... a) Keeping the group on task by restating goals b) Determining that the group's format will be closed c) Deciding how often the group will meet d) Selecting individuals for membership in the group
a) Keeping the group on task by restating goals
A mental health nurse is discussing potentially adverse effects of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). According to Peplau's Interpersonal Theory, the nurse is functioning in which of the following nursing roles? a) Manager b) Therapist c) Teacher d) Socializing agent
c) Teacher
When counseling an acutely depressed client who is experiencing severe financial problems, the psychiatric nurse initially a) Identifies community resources that may be able to help him manage the financial issues b) Suggests that the prescribed medication will help him deal with the financial issues c) Introduces the client to a problem-solving approach to dealing with his financial issues d) Discusses the connection between depression and stressful situations such as the financial issues
c) Introduces the client to a problem-solving approach to dealing with his financial issues
In the developmental-ecological model of understanding behavior, the microsystem (or family) includes which of the following components for assessment? a) Community violence around the family b) The family's involvement in church activities c) Family function and structure d) The person's progression through developmental milestone
c) Family function and structure
Against her wishes, a 14-year-old daughter has accompanied her parents to a family therapy session. Ongoing marital problems had prompted the parents to seek weekly counseling, though this is the first time that their daughter has attended. Which of the nurse-therapist's statements provides the best rationale for the daughter's attendance at this therapy session? a) "Even though your parents started coming for help because of their relationship with each other, a problem in one part of the family affects everyone in the family." b) "Your parents and I are hoping that we can teach you some conflict management strategies that you can use to intervene when your parents disagree at home." c) "Part of your responsibility as a member of a family is to devote time and energy to helping others, including your parents' marriage." d) "Even though none of this has a direct impact on you, we all believe that you deserve to be informed about what is happening in your parents' marriage."
a) "Even though your parents started coming for help because of their relationship with each other, a problem in one part of the family affects everyone in the family."
Susan is depressed. A psychoanalytic theorist might say which of the following about Susan? a) When Susan exhibits depressive symptoms, she has always been taken care of by her husband until she is less depressed. b) Susan has seen her mother being depressed and has learned that this is one way to receive attention. c) Susan may be unconsciously repressing feelings of anger that arise due to her early childhood abuse experiences, and these feelings emerge as depression. d) Susan's depression is a result of her poor family upbringing, living in a hostile environment as she was growing up, and frequently seeing violent fighting in her neighborhood.
c) Susan may be unconsciously repressing feelings of anger that arise due to her early childhood abuse experiences, and these feelings emerge as depression.
When describing the influence of Harry Stack Sullivan on psychiatric-mental health nursing, which of the following would the instructor address as a major concept? a) Unconditional positive regard b) Interpersonal relations c) Harmony between the individual and society d) Collective unconscious
b) Interpersonal relations
Which of the following is the most basic need, according to Maslow (1934)? a) Safety and security b) Physiological c) Love and belonging d) Self-actualization
b) Physiological
A client, John, has been talking to another client, Marcy, about her frequent denial in group for two weeks. On the third week, Marcy comes late to group. When they begin to discuss her lateness, Marcy gets up and leaves. The content of this exchange is the discussion. The process that is occurring may be .. a) John is taking out his frustrations on himself. b) The group leader is not meeting John's dependency needs. c) Marcy is angry with John for his confrontation. d) Other group members are not very strong.
c) Marcy is angry with John for his confrontation.
In an initial group therapy session, the nurse observes that one group member continually tries to monopolize the conversation. The nurse interprets this behavior as reflecting which of the following in the client? a) Rebellion b) Anxiety c) Anger d) Fear
b) Anxiety
The key common element in the various psychotherapeutic approaches is a) The underlying origin of the clients' issues b) The clients' history of therapeutic success in the past c) The therapist's ability to manage the clients' symptoms d) An effective client-therapist relationship
d) An effective client-therapist relationship
The nurse is caring for a 4-year-old child during a well-child visit. According to the Sullivan's stages of development, which behavior would the nurse expect to find in this child? a) The child spends more time with friends than family. b) The child may prefer to be in the mother's lap. c) The child performs actions to earn praise from parents. d) The child expresses his own views and ideas to his parents.
c) The child performs actions to earn praise from parents.
A nurse therapist finds herself feeling sad after sessions with a client. The client's passiveness reminds her of a family member who led a very unhappy life. What is the term for this emotional dynamic? a) Countertransference b) Reaction formation c) Free association d) Transference
a) Countertransference
An instructor is preparing a class discussion on the various theoretical models used in psychiatric-mental health nursing. When describing cognitive theories, which statement would the instructor include? a) "The theories attempt to describe how people learn and act." b) "The theories attempt to link internal thought processes with behavior." c) "The theories attempt to explain development of the mental processes and effects on behavior." d) "The theories attempt to explain normal human growth and development."
b) "The theories attempt to link internal thought processes with behavior."
Which of the following maintenance roles is responsible for mediating differences among group members and relieves tension in conflict situations? a) Encourager b) Compromiser c) Gatekeeper d) Harmonizer
d) Harmonizer
A client is undergoing individual psychotherapy. He is yelling at the therapist because of a fight with his wife about their children several years ago. In this instance, the client is exhibiting which response? a) Transference b) Parataxis c) Resistance d) Countertransference
a) Transference
Which of the following is the highest level need, according to Maslow (1934)? a) Esteem b) Love and belonging c) Self-actualization d) Physiological
c) Self-actualization
A nurse is developing a plan of care integrating Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Which of the following would the nurse identify as the priority? a) Acceptance from family b) Activity level c) Predictable social environment d) Positive self-image
b) Activity level
Which of the following theorists viewed interpersonal relations as a basis of human development and behavior? a) Frederick Perls b) Harry Stack Sullivan c) B. F. Skinner d) Abraham Maslow
b) Harry Stack Sullivan
The Lawson family has been caring for Randy, their 35-year-old son with schizophrenia, for about 15 years. They report that they often are fearful that Randy will become psychotic and hurt someone in public. They are sad because they remember that when Randy was in high school, he was a star student and athlete, and they enjoyed watching him play football. These feelings of the family can best be described as ... a) subjective family burden that occurs in many families who have a mentally ill loved one. b) exaggerated response to a normal, manageable situation. c) objective family burden that includes many thoughts and feelings about caring for a loved one who is psychotic. d) inability to cope with the difficult work of caring for Randy.
a) subjective family burden that occurs in many families who have a mentally ill loved one.
A group is trying to handle issues related to dominance, control, and power within the group. In what stage of group development is this group? a) Mature b) Termination c) Initial d) Working
d) Working
A group of nursing students is preparing a class presentation comparing the different types of cognitive therapies. When describing solution-focused brief therapy, which of the following characteristics would the students identify as being different from the other therapies? a) View of the past rather than the present b) Challenge about the existence of problems c) Focus on functional aspects of the client d) Assumption that change is not constant
c) Focus on functional aspects of the client
Which phase of individual psychotherapy involves establishing mutual boundaries of the relationship between the client and the mental health nurse? a) Introductory b) Termination c) Resolution d) Working
a) Introductory
Cognitive interventions are based on the concept of cognition. Who developed cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)? a) Aaron Beck b) Insoo Kim Berg c) Albert Ellis d) Steven DeShazer
a) Aaron Beck
During which phase of group development does the group leader develop rapport with the members? a) Beginning b) Termination c) Pre-interaction d) Working
a) Beginning
A nurse is leading a group in which members are encouraged to discuss their feelings and emotions. The group session is just starting when a client stomps into the room, slams his notebook down on a table, and sits down. His affect is one of anger and hostility. Which response by the nurse would be most appropriate? a) Keep the focus off the client so his anger has time to de-escalate. b) Ask the client to leave the group until he is calmer. c) Suggest the client make a private counseling appointment to address his anger issues. d) Encourage the client to discuss his anger with the group.
d) Encourage the client to discuss his anger with the group.
Interpersonal theorists, such as Harry Stack Sullivan, emphasize which of the following tenets? a) Interpersonal socialization of humans throughout their developmental stages b) The importance of conditioning responses in working with people c) Alleviating symptoms by utilizing biological tools, such as medicines d) The existence of the id, ego, and superego
a) Interpersonal socialization of humans throughout their developmental stages
Which of the following concepts states that if a certain behavior is rewarded with praise, the behavior will probably be repeated? a) Operant conditioning b) Behaviorism c) Self-efficacy d) Modeling
a) Operant conditioning
While leading a group, a nurse leader says to a client, "This is the fourth time that you've changed the subject when we have talked about child abuse. Is something going on?" The nurse is using which technique? a) Summarizing b) Confrontation c) Support d) Clarification
b) Confrontation
A nurse with low self-esteem is working double shifts so her supervisor will like her. This is an example of which defense mechanism? a) Fixation b) Compensation c) Displacement d) Regression
b) Compensation
The nurse has begun group counseling sessions for several hospitalized patients in the psychiatric facility. Which of the following would be most effective for the nurse to do to promote group cohesiveness? a) Use team-building exercises. b) Encourage task completion by members. c) Be consistent with the group themes. d) Spend time with each member individually.
a) Use team-building exercises.
The concept of milieu therapy was originally developed by Henry Stack Sullivan. Which of the following would be inaccurate in relation to premises of this type of therapy? a) The therapy incorporates a safe, therapeutic setting. b) The therapy includes the practice of interpersonal relationship skills. c) Clients work independently to solve day-to-day problems. d) The therapy enables clients to give one another feedback about behavior.
c) Clients work independently to solve day-to-day problems.
Individual psychotherapy consists of three phases. Which of the following statements by the group therapist would reflect that the group is in the working phase of therapy? a) "Shane has asked the group if it is acceptable that he be 5 minutes late to each group session because of his job." b) "Each of you has shared ideas and thoughts about your personal development. This has been a difficult process, and you have all grown tremendously." c) "James, when Shane speaks, it seems you become angry and tend to withdraw." d) "We will be meeting once each week for 90 minutes here at this office."
c) "James, when Shane speaks, it seems you become angry and tend to withdraw."
To best avoid mislabeling a new immigrant family as dysfunctional, the psychiatric nurse ... a) Pays close attention to the parent-child relationships b) Assesses the effects of existing cultural beliefs and practices on the family's dynamics c) Recognizes the stressors that the immigration has caused to the family members d) Insists that a translator be present during the assessment to minimize any miscommunication
b) Assesses the effects of existing cultural beliefs and practices on the family's dynamics
A group of nursing students is reviewing information about Freud's personality structure. The students demonstrate understanding of this information when they identify the ability to form mutually satisfying relationships as a function of which of the following? a) Ego b) Id c) Unconscious d) Defense mechanisms
a) Ego
Based on the theory of transference, if a client's childhood experiences teach him to mistrust authority figures, as an adult he will a) Resist advice given by the mental health care professionals b) Develop paranoid tendencies toward all of the unit's staff c) Strive to be a truthful authority figure to his family and friends. d) Freely discusses his experiences with people with power and authority
a) Resist advice given by the mental health care professionals
The nurse is watching a video that depicts a client and therapist interacting. The client is asked to say whatever comes to his mind. The nurse identifies this as which of the following? a) Gestalt therapy b) Dream work c) Classical conditioning d) Free associations
d) Free associations
Josephine, who has been married for 16 years and has three children, has been diagnosed with a chronic illness. The family has received support from relatives and has joined a community support group. These relationships will help the family achieve what? a) Adjustment b) Adaptation c) Perception change d) First-order change
b) Adaptation
The psychiatrist states that repressed memories in the client's unconscious are causing his depression. This reasoning implies that the psychiatrist uses which of the following theories? a) Psychoanalytic theory b) Behavioral theory c) The humanistic perspective d) Cognitive-behavioral theory
a) Psychoanalytic theory
All of the following are cognitive therapy techniques except ... a) Reviewing the session prior to ending b) Listing an agenda for each session c) Listing primary defenses used in life d) Reviewing homework assignments
c) Listing primary defenses used in life
A psychiatric nurse who was sexually assaulted by a tall, blonde man finds herself becoming severely anxious whenever a man with those characteristics is admitted to the unit. The nurse is exhibiting symptoms of a) Countertransference b) Conscious resistance c) Unconscious resistance d) Transference
a) Countertransference
Which developmental conflict correlates with the toddler, according to Erikson's eight stages of man? a) Initiative vs. guilt b) Basic trust vs. mistrust c) Industry vs. inferiority d) Autonomy vs. shame and doubt
d) Autonomy vs. shame and doubt
The nurse is planning care for a family with a child having peer difficulties due to the child's conduct. The nurse applies principles of family therapies by ... a) developing interventions for the parents and siblings to adjust to the child's needs b) working with the parents to meet the child's needs c) addressing the child and family as a single inseparable unit d) developing a therapeutic relationship with the child
c) addressing the child and family as a single inseparable unit
A client has recently joined a group and presented a scenario in which she ran out of funds to pay her rent this month. The therapist states, "Has anyone else in the group had this experience? Can you share any ideas about how you resolved this situation when it happened to you?" The therapist's intervention reflects that she may be utilizing which of the following theories to intervene? a) Problem-solving group b) Support group c) Reeducational group d) Personality reconstruction group
a) Problem-solving group
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