Primary Sources Test 2 – Flashcards

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Exposing the Meatpackers 1906
Upton Sinclair , socialist writer wrote The Jungle , a novel exposing the conditions in the chicago meat packing industry meat scraps were picked up off of soggy dirty floors and left sitting out sometimes for days before being ground up they always said the meat was being cooked so it didn't matter if it was dirty no attempts to clean the meat after it was killed these packing conditions were considered up to standard by law
Theodore Roosevelt Roasts Muckrakers 1906
president Roosevelt critiques upton sinclair said it was written with excessive sensationalism compares him to the man with the muck rake who only looks at the ground and does not see the whole story there are many issues in the meat packing industry that need addressing but the claims that Sinclair made are extreme and unjust
Lincoln Steffens Bares Philadelphia Bossism 1904
journalist influential reform muckraker philidelphia is a city of reform but none of the reforms create lasting results reforms are spasmodic and ineffective Philadelphians feel disenfranchised and have no more rights at the polls than the negroes in the south they do not fight very hard for their privilege lots of voting fraud to pad the vote
George Washington Plunkitt Defends "Honest Graft" 1905
Tammany hall was a powerful and corrupt political machine in NYC. George Washington Plunkitt became very rich through his Honest Graft. Graft is a form of bribery for political gains. says that they see opportunities and take them he bought a swamp that he knew was going to be needed for a park right before they got it so that they would have to pay big money for it the politicians did the same sort of maneuver in order to get ahead he does not own a dishonest dollar
From the Depths 1906
William Balfour Ker many people in the progressive era saw poverty as proof of the moral weakness of the poor others saw poverty as proof of the immorality of society based on capitalism photo shows a fancy ball of rich elite with a hand pushing through the floor from below, and a group of cramped poor laborers underneath. shows that the rich are prospering in-spite of the poor
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George Baers Divine right of plutocrats
anthracite coal miners of pennsylvania were exploited and accident cursed and struck for higher wages George Baer refused to respond to the strike because he said it was a business not a religious sentimental or academic proposition responding to a complaint letter essentially dismisses the complaint and says that he will not do anything about the complaint but if they pray maybe god will help them
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Child Labor in the Coal mines
John Spargo's book The Bitter Cry of the Children was horrified by the "rickety children of the new york tenement districts whose parents did not have the time to make them dinner they sit in precarious positions for hours and many become deformed because of the long amounts of time they are forced to spend in their very uncomfortable positions he was not able to do the work that they do for twelve hours a day for 1 hour little boy was questioned about his belief in god and he said "god? no i don't. he must work in some other mine." work keeps getting more and more dangerous with age these conditions exist in may states
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Sweatshop hours for Bakers
1898 the supreme court upheld a utah state statute prohibiting miners from working more than 8 hours a day 1905 5:4 decision overthrew a law forbidding bakers to work more than 10 hours a day because they said that contracts were the responsibility of the business under the 14th ammendment Decision by Justice Rufus W. Peckham
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The triangle Shirtwaist company fire claims 146 lives
146 workers died in the fire because the doors were locked to discourage people from taking unnecessary breaks more than a third of the people that died, died from jumping out of the windows trying to escape every available ambulance was called on crowds died trying to fit hundreds of people on one tiny fire escape
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Jane Addams Demands the Vote for Women 1910
Women do not think that it is necessary for women to leave their homes and influence things in society Women's duties are to her family members and to the education of her children Women involved in obligation to her family that she does not see conditions outside Must fight for the vote
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Senator Robert Owen Supports Women 1910
Senator Robert L. Owen of Oklahoma Women are 1/2 of the population and working force Not having the vote accounts for lower wages for women and harder conditions Example in Colorado: women got the right to vote which led to higher wages for women and a number of laws passed including child labor laws; politicians became cleaner and better men
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A Woman Assails Woman Suffrage 1910
Mrs. Gilbert E. Jones Opponent of woman suffrage Women are not well trained and unskilled Ask for more discrimination and better selection of industrial occupations for wage earning women Granting women the vote in certain states has not led to any great reforms
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Theodore Roosevelt Proposes Government Regulation 1912
Anti-trust laws would abolish all business of any size or any efficiency Need a National Industrial commission to regulate and control all the great industrial concerns Favor co-operation in spirit of honesty and fairness Penalize conduct and not size Citizens only tool against the colossal combinations of business is the Government of the US
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Woodrow Wilson Asks for "a Free Field and No Favor" 1912
If government tells big businesses how to run themselves, then they must capture the government in order to not be restrained by it Don't want to live under a master Want a just and free government
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president wilson breaks diplomatic relations
german submarine torpedoed a french liner, the sussex injured several americans wilson presented them with an ultimatum severed all diplomatic ties with germany baffled that the german government is betraying them and hurting the american citizens when they have had diplomatic relations for so long if they take action against american naval boats, wilson will come back before congress and declare war
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representative Claude Kitchin Assails the war resolution
senate and congress did not want to go to war claude kitchen gave an antiwar speech kitchin was called pro-German british are at fault, they are not playing fair,they have made the entire ocean a war zone germany warned which areas neutral parties should not enter and we entered anyway
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Un-Christianlike Preachers (1918)
Dr. William A. Quayle- bishop and author we are at war with the german people the german people have been consistently committing crimes, murdering people, hurting their own people, bombed hospitals, and continually lied to the United States about their intentions
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Abusing the Pro-Germans (1918)
Secretary of War N.D. Baker writes letter- Provides examples said that there was a frenzy suspicion toward disloyalty Foreign looking man who tore down a Liberty Bonds poster Mob wanted to lynch him but a Secret Service agent was there and arrested him They found that he had two liberty bonds himself, and tore down the poster because there had been a picture of the German Emperor which had angered him because he loved this country so much
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Robert La Follette Demands his Rights (1917)
senator of wisconsin high concentration of german americans spoke passionately against war with germany attacked and called traitors for voting against claims that the rights of those that hold a different opinion about the war are in danger all people in a democracy have the right to control their government the war is being portrayed in a way that inflicts fear on citizens
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The supreme court throttles free speech (1919)
Espionage Act limited free speech by saying that individuals could not interfere with the draft Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr wrote the decision which upheld the Espionage Act Established the "clear and present danger" test for limiting free speech
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Zechariah Chafee Upholds Free speech (1919)
Professor Zechariah Chafee Jr spoke against the espionage act People are giving their opinions that differ from the President and are being thrown in jail Government is throwing away a freedom that is essential Example: Rose Pastor Stokes-propagandist for socialism Said things considered dangerous to training camps and was put in jail for ten years
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George Creel Spreads Fear Propaganda
tactless journalist who inflicts fear that the germans will suddenly invade the united states- describes what will happen if Germany invades
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Woodrow Wilson v. Theodore Roosevelt
tbh i think its all important and its 14 points so we should probs study it from the book :)
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General John Pershing defends American fighting tactics
general john j pershing accused of "fighting the previous war" tried to apply civil war strategies was not able to adapt to trench warfare and more modern weapons- others were using machine guns, grenades and they were still using rifles
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A doughboy describes the fighting front
modern warfare was unheroic, dirty, impersonal, and a bloody business mostly hiking along trails with guns ready for attacks if they came across violence, not a ton of actual action
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the text of article X
league of nations was responsible for preserving peace among external nations
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Wilson testifies for article X
wilson saw this as the backbone of the treaty of versailles
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A German Observes Bootlegging (1928)
Felix von Luckner- a German naval hero from WWI Visited his American friends in New York Finds out about different places people hide their liquor during Prohibition Blatant disregard for the law "many fewer would drink were it not illegal"
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Fiorello La Guardia Pillories Prohibition (1926)
Congressman from New York addressing the Senate judiciary subcommittee Impossible to tell whether or not prohibition is a good or a bad thing Just as much alcohol as their was before Money from alcohol going to bootleggers Corruption of federal, state, and local officers Enforcement of Prohibition has broken down
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The WCTU Upholds Prohibition (1926)
Mrs. Ella A. Boole (president of WCTU) Appearing before the same subcommittee Laws need to be strengthened and enforced Prohibition has done a lot of good- increase in home ownership, better national health, homes are better "Machinery of enforcement should be strengthened"
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Margaret Sanger Campaigns for Birth Control (1920)
Women should have voluntary motherhood Are enslaved by husbands who force childbirth Obstacles: legal barriers and ignorance Needs knowledge of birth control to free herself Makes sure that unfit women do not have children and that their children will not turn out to be "defectives" (ie in prison, in asylums, etc.)
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The Lynds Discover Changes in the Middle-American Home (1929)
Sociologists who spent 18 months in Muncie studying the way of life there Change in housework Decrease in amount of paid help in homes of the business class BUT still much more than working class households New labor-saving devices
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The Supreme Court Declares That Women Are Different from Men (1908)
Muller v. Oregon Supreme Court upheld the conviction of a laundry violated a statute limiting # of hours a woman could work a day Women are fundamentally different from men Women are dependent on man Differences: physical stature, functions each can perform, physical strength, capacity for long hours laboring, maternal functions, and self-reliance Justification for different legislation
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The Supreme Court Declares That Men and Women Are Equal (1923)
Revolutionary changes in the contractual, political and civil status of women Nineteenth Amendment Differences between men and women stated in the Muller case has also vanished
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The plague of plenty (1932)
hoover spook about eliminating poverty cheery statements saying prosperity is around the corner Oscar Ameringer testimony against the optimism of hoover unemployed workers are revolting and creating destruction, forest fires, women and children scouring for food hitchhikers large amounts of overproduction and underconsumption 70% of farmers unable to pay mortgages
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Distress in the South (1932)
millions of men out of work and living in hoovervilles congressman george huddleston of Alabama describes the conditions in his state large number of tenenant farmers, majority african american landlords are unable to finance the farms that tenent farmers were inhabiting leaves farmers in the middle of winter with no food and no resources the consequences of this extreme and widespread poverty among farmers will be felt for many years children will be affected for their life
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Rumbles of Revolution (1932)
roosevelt called the messiah for the new deal Oscar ameringer again cowman came and told a story of his rise to success from nothing and then fall to his current state, not able to afford his farm land and the feed the cattle wants a revolution like russia believes he knows what is necessary for the revolution to occur and to rally the troops ameringer does not think revolution will actually happen but the threat is important
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A salesman goes on relief (1930s)
Ben Isaacs- door to door salesman weekly income dropped 400-10-0 heard people running through the streets saying the stocks had crashed and he almost immediately lost everything was talked into going on relief and going to soup kitchens a lot of suicides hopeless and too old to get rehired because employers saw him as washed up went from place to place and constantly turned away
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a boy in chicago writes to President Roosevelt (1936)
thousands of americans wrote straight to the president during the depression tells of family that is not getting sufficient help from relief, they cannot pay rent, havent made for gas or groceries young 20 y/o sister cannot find work pleading for help
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The Agreeable FDR
FDR was extremely nice and kind and led people to believe that he might not be truthful this is an account from eleanor's memoir he takes on the issues of others sometimes leaves with the impression that he is in agreement with the people he interviews with and then acts against their argument dislike of being disagreeable
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Coffee for the veterans
unemployed veterans occupied the white house waiting for promised benefits FDR was upset with hoovers attempt to get the veterans out and not hear what they had to say roosevelt responded to a similar march by going out and waving his cap at them he then provided them with free coffee and spoke with them and gradually granted them the relief funds they needed
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FDR the Administrative Artist
Robert E. Sherwood had to fire someone and this is the account of when he told FDR overlapping agencies of the new deal created confusion confusion led to forced discharge of military employees " i can't believe you had the courage to fire anybody. I thought you were a complete softy like me " tried to find jobs for incompetent workers unorthodox way of running his administration very erratic administrator on the surface but he had a complex and successful plan extraordinary creative imagination
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Senator Huey P. Long Wants Every Man to Be a King
helped FDR win democratic party but made himself a thorn in roosevelt's flesh demands for radical redistribution of the nations income assassinated in 1935 wants to put a limit on poverty so that no one can have less than 1/3 of the average wealth limit hours of work balance crop production with consumption call to action to get the population behind him and start a movement
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Father Coughlin Demands "Social Justice"
roman catholic priest, master of the radio was a supporter of the new deal but became more critical and viciously anti semitic and passionately isolationist lists all of his beliefs for social justice like the Nicene creed believe jobs for all willing to work education for all fair profits for farmers public resources, private property, congress regulation of money recall of all non productive bonds
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Norman Thomas Proposes Socialism
presbyterian minister immediate program of social insurance, unemployment relief, agricultural aid and the guarantee of civil liberty, including the right of all workers to organize redistribution of the nations income no way to balance profit that does not involve social ownership
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Dr. Francis E. Townsend Promotes Old- Age Pensions
physician started clubs for old age pensions that gained over 2 million members believes people over should retire and receive 200 a month money will come from taxes
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Harold Ickes Defends His Chief
FDR added justices to the supreme court and people claimed that his packing the court was unjust people wanted the benefits of the New Deal needed checks and balances a totally conservative court would not do that
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Dorothy Thompson Dissents
wants a pure personal government the president is putting a majority in the supreme court already has a majority in the senate and is essentially becoming a one man government
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Charles Lindbergh argues for isolation (1941)
focus on our own country instead of dabbling in Europe's wars concentrate on our own defenses and no foreign army will ever attempt to invade america a lot of people do not want to go to war and because this is a democracy that should be grounds to not go
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New York times rejects isolationism (1941)
challenged lindbergh's views in an editorial there is clearly a threat that needs to be addressed if lindbergh believes that we need to throw money into the defense dangers for this country if hitler wins if hitler dominated europe there would be no way he would leave america alone
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FDR drops the dollar sign (1940)
proposition to eliminate the debt difficulty lend to the british and will get them back eventually in tact, and if they are damaged the the british will have to replace them and give them back
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Senator Burton Wheeler assails Lend-Lease
a vehement isolationist, talking about the lend lease policy never been asked to give so much money to another nation in a war effort more open and complete warfare doesn't think england will repay us because they werent able to after wwI lend lease would render the us defenseless
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Framing the Atlantic charter
churchill and fdr came together and made known what public policy issues they agreed on seek no aggrandizement desire to see no territorial changes that do not accord with the freely expressed wishes of the peoples people have the right to choose the type of government they live under improve access to trade of raw materials needed for economic prosperity bring about full collaboration among nations destruction of nazi tyranny freedom of seas
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the war transforms the economy (1943)
the war helps to stop the depression because of economic activity war orders were coming in so factories had things to do small industries were being wrecked by the withholding of priorities and material new emphasis on bigness west is prospering the most we are not in war yet but the country has already seen dramatic social and economic change
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A black american ponders the wars meaning (1942)
supports the war war had no heroic tradition for him does not like the treatment of minorities in the war and the terms that are used against them references to japanese "yellow bastards" implies color has to do with their character secret that blacks were fighting yet still believes in war this is a war to keep men free, keep the road of freedom open next duty is to broaden the road so that more can travel it ultimate vindication of the wisdom of the brotherhood of man believe in what america stands for knows that there is inequality and prejudice but still thinks that america is worth fighting for
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A japanese american is convicted
japanese american citizen gordon k hirabayashi refused to register for deportation and violated japanese american curfew and supreme court upheld convictions against him war power of national government is the power to wage war successfully in order to defend the safety of the nation these laws had to be put in place for japanese americans
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Stalin resents the delay of the second front
secret message from stalin to churchill venting his anger churchill used to say that openiing a second front would help the soviet union but now he is saying that it will only hurt the british people allies so the british should be helping them question of saving millions of lives in the occupied areas
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Cordell Hull opposes unconditional surrender (1948
secretary of state from his memoir talking about the principle of unconditional surrender opposed to it because it could prolong the war and because the victors are not prepared to take on the conquered countries
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the christian century grapples with the holocaust (1945)
magazine essay wrestling with their own past skepticism and withs the implications of nazi brutality for the human race found the reports of concentration camps hard to believe, wanted them to be exaggerated horror of concentration camps shows what happens when humanity surrenders itself to evil without exorcism of this evil it will spread
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marine assaults Peleliu 1944
written by marine infantry man e.b. sledge describes landing at peleliu marked as stepping stone in long campaign to recapture the phillipines lots of violence disgusted by the sight of helpless comrades being slaughtered
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the christian century deplores the bombing
think that something more honorable and humane could have been done japan was going to be defeated did not need an atomic bomb placed the united states in a bad light throughout the world should have warned japan that we were going to drop the bomb so that they could have surrendered
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harry truman justifies the bombing 1945
defense written in his memoirs set up committee of top men to study the implications of the bomb and they said it should be used as soon as possible. scientist said that there shouldn't be a demonstration but that it had to be used against an enemy target chose when and where to use the atomic bomb bomb should be dropped as nearly as possible upon a war production center of prime military importance
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