Pharmacology Chapter 6 Review

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Define R
stands for the Latin word recipere, meaning to take
Define #
read as number and indicates to the pharmacist the total number of capsules, tablets, milliliters, ounces, etc to dispense to the patient.
Define Sig.
stands for the Latin word signetur, meaning to write on the label. It indicates that the directions for how to use the drug will follow. The pharmacist translates these directions into normal English that the patient will understand
Define DEA
Drug Enforcement Agency. Each physician has an assigned DEA number that must be included for the prescription of drugs with a potential for abuse or physical/psychological dependence to be valid.
Name the 14 component parts of a prescription.
1. Identifying information about the prescriber. 2. Identifying information about the patient. 3. Age and weight of the patient. 4. Date of the order. 5. Rx 6. Drug name. 7. Drug strength. 8. Drug form. 9. Quantity to be dispensed. 10. Directions for use. 11. Signature. 12. Refills. 13. Generic substitution. 14. DEA number.
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How does a prescription differ from a medication order?
A medication order is for drugs for a patient who is in the hospital or other healthcare facility. A prescription is for drugs for patients to take at home.
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Describe how verbal orders for drugs are handled by a nurse in the hospital.
The nurse writes the order on the physician's order sheet, marks it as a verbal order (V.O.) and then signs her name and initials of her license. The order is sent to the pharmacy and the physician must personally sign the order within a specific amount of time.
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What precautions should be taken to prevent the theft of prescription pads from the medical office?
1. Store extra prescription pads in a locked drawer or closet. 2. Have the physician carry just one prescription pad on his/her person. 3. Never leave a pad on the counter or in an unlocked drawer in the examining room. 4. The physician should sign the prescription form only at the time he/she writes the prescription. Never pre-sign blank prescription forms.
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What precaution is taken to prevent prescriptions for schedule drugs from being written by an unlicensed individual?
DEA number of the prescribing physician is required.
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What precaution is taken to prevent additional medication orders from being illegally inserted at a later time after the physician signs the physician's order sheet?
The physician signs directly under the last medication ordered, not at the bottom of the page, so that more cannot be added on.
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How can a physician indicate on the prescription that the patient should receive a trade name drug and not a generic drug equivalent?
Check a box that says "Dispense as written" or writing the trade name and "No substitiution" or "Do not substitute" or "Brand Necessary"
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