Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Ocd Essay Example
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Ocd Essay Example

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Ocd Essay Example

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  • Pages: 3 (817 words)
  • Published: August 12, 2018
  • Type: Case Analysis
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Psychology Homework Compare and contrast 2 or more explanations of any 1 anxiety disorder (30 marks) The anxiety disorder I shall explain is known as Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). As the name suggests, obsessive compulsive disorder is characterised by obsessions and compulsions. There are two explanations for this disorder; psychological and biological. The biological explanation of OCD focuses on genetics . i. e. role of certain chemical imbalances and family increasing likelihood of developing OCD.

Family studies have shown that people with a first-degree relative with OCD have a five times greater risk than the normal population of developing the disorder. In a meta-analysis of twin studies, Billett et al found that compared to non identical twins, identical twins are twice as likely to develop OCD if their twin also had OCD. However the biological model fails to recognise


the importance of learning and developing disorders. This is ideology is discussed in the behavioural explanation of anxiety disorders.

For example if an infant sees one of his parents committing compulsive acts they are likely to see this behaviour has ordinary therefore likely to develop the OCD disorder. The biological explanation fails to account this method of “learning” of OCD. The biological explanation suggests that OCD is a result of abnormal brain structure. There is evidence of abnormal brain structure and activity in participants with OCD. This abnormality appears to lie in the pathway linking the frontal cortex and basal ganglia.

PET scans of patients with active symptoms of OCD show heightened activity in the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) which gives rise to obessional thinking and compulsive behaviour. This behaviour could also be result of injury or degeneratio

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of neural tissues in the caudate nuclei, an area in the basal ganglia that filters messages from the OFC. This research is supported by research findings that show that low levels of serotonin may be a cause or an effect of brain dysfunction.

Comer suggests that because serotonin plays a key role in the operation of the OFC and caudate nuclei, it is likely that low levels of serotonin cause these areas to function poorly. The biological explanation clearly takes the viewpoint that it is brain structure “abnormality” that leads to the typical behaviour of an OCD patient. This viewpoint is also described in the cognitive approach to OCD. As the cognitive approach states that it is intrusive or abnormal thoughts within the brain that lead to someone to developing the OCD.

This view is supported by Clark (1992) who found people with OCD have more intrusive thoughts than normal people. The psychodynamic explanation focuses on the role of defence mechanisms and past experiences that contribute to the development of OCD. Support for this explanation comes from Apter et al who assessed suicidal adolescents for evidence of regression and found that they scored higher on the use of defence mechanism than non-suicidal adolescents. There are problems with the psychodynamic explanation such as the failure of psychoanalytic therapy to provide significant improvements on symptoms of OCD.

This is contrasted with the behavioural treatment; Albucher et al reported that the majority of adults improved considerably using behavioural techniques. This supports the differing explanation that the behavioural model has of OCD. Behavioural explanation focuses on the idea that OCD is learned and can be unlearned. The explanation suggests

that behaviours which are repetitive or compulsive are reinforced each time an OCD patient performs a ritual such as checking behaviour. The behaviour model suggests that a behaviour could reinforced that lessens anxiety (an acceptable behaviour).

In contrast to the psychodynamic model which revolves around looking in the past in order to establish a cause and therefore find an efficient treatment. The findings from Albucher support the behavioural model and support the view that people with OCD “learned” their compulsive rituals. However not all patients are helped by this therapy suggesting behavioural explanations alone cannot be accounted for all cases of OCD. The behavioural model can also be contrasted with the cognitive explanation/treatment of OCD.

As cognitive therapies focus on changing obessional thoughts whereas behavioural therapies focus on changing compulsive behaviour. In conclusion the biological and psychological are different both in treatment and explanations of OCD. The biological explanations revolve more around brain abnormalities, levels of certain chemical imbalances and genetics. The treatment ultimately revolves around trying to correct certain chemical imbalances in a chance that it may restore brain functioning.

The psychological approach on the other hand allows for more change and freedom in treatment. Things that are reinforced, patterns of thinking etc can all be changed. Not only that the treatment has shown to be as effective as the drug treatment for OCD (e. g. Hembree et al 2003). In conclusion I believe that OCD cannot be fully explained by one model but by a combination of explanations both psychological and biological. Research has shown that the most effective treatments are those that combine treatments e. g. cognitive behavioural treatment.

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