Mormon Missionaries Essay Example
Mormon Missionaries Essay Example

Mormon Missionaries Essay Example

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  • Pages: 3 (688 words)
  • Published: November 11, 2017
  • Type: Essay
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The Mormon faith, commonly known as The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, has a prominent missionary presence worldwide, with more than 50,000 missionaries currently serving. Although all members are required to participate in missionary work at some point, the majority of individuals who fulfill this role are single and aged between 19 and 25.

Cannon asserts that the Mormon faith's missionaries have a dual objective of conversion and gaining a profound comprehension of ultimate reality via specific encounters and experiences during their service. Nonetheless, not all members are eligible due to rigorous qualification criteria for adhering to a code of conduct while in mission. By scrutinizing the lifestyle and preparations of typical missionaries, insight can be gained into how LDS church members comprehend ultimate reality whilst fulfilling their mission (Cannon 63). As Matthew from the New T


estament proclaims: "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations..." (Matthew 28:19-20).

The LDS church built their missionary program around a certain passage that requires a set of qualifications for those who wish to become missionaries. These qualifications are called standards of worthiness and include regular study of the Standard Works, adherence to the law of chastity and the word of wisdom, and the payment of tithing. The Standard Works consist of four holy books, including the Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine of Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price. Additionally, attending church meetings regularly and practicing personal prayer are fundamental requirements for prospective missionaries.

Once a missionary completes specific qualifications, they will receive a "call to serve" from the president of the LDS church. This call will typically inform them of their mission location and the language they will b

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expected to speak, should they be sent to a foreign country. If they are sent abroad, they will usually be trained in the language of their assignment at a Missionary Training Center. Once their mission begins, missionaries typically follow a strict schedule. ("What is a Mission?")

Missionaries usually spend the first part of their day studying religious texts like the Book of Mormon. After that, they focus on spreading their faith and serving their community. Their main objective is to educate people about the beliefs and practices of the LDS church, which can be achieved through different methods such as door-to-door visits, scheduled meetings, and spontaneous encounters in public places.

Voluntary work and self-funding are typically preferred by missionaries who also have limited communication with loved ones, often resorting to letters or brief phone calls during designated rest periods. Additionally, they avoid participating in social gatherings and entertainment that others their age might enjoy due to their strict code of conduct. These guidelines allow them to fully dedicate themselves to spreading the message of Jesus Christ and serving others.

It is often misunderstood that the LDS Church's "Missionary Program" consists of unpaid work, but it is actually a significant aspect of Mormon heritage focused on spreading Jesus Christ's teachings. Missionary efforts facilitate personal growth by sharing and experiencing these beliefs in foreign locations. The book "What is a Mission?" highlights the significance of seeking spiritual understanding through firsthand involvement rather than passively accepting others' convictions.

According to Cannon, the experiences gained by missionaries allow them to reflect on their lives and attain a deeper understanding of ultimate truth. It is recognized that members of the LDS church, who lead

the largest modern missionary practice, have a genuine responsibility to spread the message of Jesus Christ. Missionaries undergo extensive training and abide by strict codes of conduct while serving in foreign cultures to live according to the Word of Christ and gain valuable experience. These experiences enable Mormons to grow in their faith and worship with a comprehension of ultimate truth and reality. (Cannon 63)

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has a "Missionary Program," according to Dale Cannon's book Six Ways of Being Religious (Wadsworth Company, 1996, pp. 63-65).

The LDS Mission Network provides information on "What is a Mission?" with a reference to the date of the webpage being November 27th, 2007 and the website being

Visit www.mission to learn more about Deseret Books as of November 27, 2007.


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