Mgmt test #2 – Flashcards

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stress depends on
Stress depends on both the nature of the demand and the person who confronts it.
example of a non-work related, challenge stressor
Positive life events are sources of non-work challenge stressors. For example, marriage, the addition of a new family member, and graduating from school are stressful in their own way. However, each is associated with more positive, rather than negative, emotions.
daily hassle
Daily hassles refer to the relatively minor day-to-day demands that get in the way of accomplishing the things that we really want to accomplish.
a cognitive method of emotion-focused coping
Emotion-focused coping refers to the various ways in which people manage their own emotional reactions to stressful demands. An employee may use avoidance and distancing behaviors to reduce the emotional distress caused by a stressful situation
Physiological strains
Physiological strains that result from stressors occur in at least four systems of the human body. First, stressors can reduce the effectiveness of the body's immune system, which makes it more difficult for the body to ward off illness and infection.
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behavioral strain resulting from prolonged stress
Behavioral strains are unhealthy behaviors such as grinding one's teeth at night, being overly critical and bossy, excessive smoking, compulsive gum chewing, overuse of alcohol, and compulsive eating.
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Type A behavior pattern
Type A persons tend to be hard-driving and have a strong desire to achieve. Because the behaviors that reflect these tendencies are valued by the organization, Type A individuals receive "rewards" in the form of increases in the amount and level of work required.
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relationship between challenge stressors and job performance
Challenge stressors have a weak relationship with job performance and a moderate relationship with organizational commitment. However, in contrast to the results for hindrance stressors, the relationships are positive rather than negative.
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A sabbatical gives employees the opportunity to take time off from work to engage in an alternative activity. Estimates indicate that approximately 11 percent of large companies offer paid sabbaticals, and almost one-third offer unpaid sabbaticals.
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the most widely used supportive practice among small, medium, and large companies
Flextime was used by 56 percent of the organizations in the survey. Organizations that use flextime give employees some degree of latitude in terms of which hours they need to be present at the workplace.
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which aspects of motivation most likely has the highest impact on organizational behavior
Research on equity and organizational commitment offers the clearest insights into the motivation-commitment relationship. Specifically, employees who feel a sense of equity are more emotionally attached to their firms and feel a stronger sense of obligation to remain.
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motivating force has the strongest performance effect
The motivating force with the strongest performance effect is self-efficacy/competence, because people who feel a sense of internal self-confidence tend to outperform those who doubt their capabilities.
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Phrases such as "moving forward," "being on track," and "getting there" convey a sense of _____.
Impact reflects the sense that a person's actions "make a difference"—that progress is being made toward fulfilling some important purpose. Phrases such as "moving forward," "being on track," and "getting there" convey a sense of impact.
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cognitive distortion
An alternative (and less labor-intensive) means of increasing inputs is to simply rethink them—to reexamine one's mental ledger to see if one may have "undersold" one's true contributions. This cognitive distortion allows the restoration of balance mentally, without altering behavior in any way.
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According to the equity theory, what emotion is likely to be seen in an employee whose ratio of outcomes to inputs is more than those of their comparison other?
When your ratio of outcomes to inputs is greater than your comparison other's ratio, equity distress gets experienced, and the tension likely creates negative emotions such as guilt or anxiety.
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_____ is a strategy for fostering goal commitment which involves the collaboration of employees and leaders on setting the specific proficiency level and due date for a goal, so that the employee feels a sense of ownership over the goal.
Participation is a strategy for fostering goal commitment where employees and leaders collaborate on setting the specific proficiency level and due date for a goal, so that the employee feels a sense of ownership over the goal.
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Goal setting theory argues that assigning employees _____ goals will result in higher levels of performance
Goal setting theory argues that assigning employees specific and difficult goals will result in higher levels of performance. Assigning specific and difficult goals gives people a number to shoot for—a "measuring stick" that can be used to tell them how hard they need to work and for how long
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a performance outcome fostering intrinsic motivation?
Outcomes such as enjoyment, interestingness, and personal expression, are self-generated, originating in the mere act of performing the task. These outcomes foster intrinsic motivation —motivation that is felt when task performance serves as its own reward.
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_____ is described as a need to hold a high evaluation of oneself and to feel effective and respected by others.
Esteem is a commonly studied need in OB which is described as a need to hold a high evaluation of oneself and to feel effective and respected by others.
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Motivation is defined as a set of energetic forces that originates both within and outside an employee, initiates work-related effort, and determines its direction, intensity, and persistence.
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explain the existence of a positive correlation between trust and organizational commitment
One reason why trust affects organizational commitment is that trusting an authority increases the likelihood that an emotional bond will develop
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economic exchange relationships
Economic exchanges are impersonal and resemble contractual agreements, such that employees agree to fulfill the duties in their job description in exchange for financial compensation.
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egoism that is used in the principled stage of moral development
According to egoism, an act is morally right if the decision maker freely decides to pursue either short-term or long-term interests
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the conventional stage of moral development
In the conventional stage, over time, people come to emphasize the laws, rules, and orders that govern society
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the preconventional stage of moral development
Over time, in the preconventional stage the desire to obtain pleasure and avoid pain expands to the formation of "you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours" sort of exchanges. Such relationships remain self-interested however, with little concern for loyalty, gratitude, or fairness
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_____ is a facet of social pressure which determines the moral intensity of an issue.
Proximity is a facet of social pressure that describes how near (in a psychological or physical sense) the authority is to those who will be affected
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question used to evaluate informational justice
Do authorities explain procedures thoroughly? Informational justice is fostered when authorities adhere to two particular rules. The justification rule mandates that authorities explain decision-making procedures and outcomes in a comprehensive and reasonable manner, and the truthfulness rule requires that those communications be honest and candid
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question used to evaluate procedural justice
Are procedures neutral and unbiased? Procedural justice reflects the perceived fairness of decision-making processes. Procedural justice is fostered when authorities adhere to rules of fair process.
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a new relationship trust depends solely upon
In new relationships, trust depends solely on our own trust propensity. In most relationships, that propensity eventually gets supplemented by knowledge about ability, benevolence, or integrity, at which point cognition-based trust develops.
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characteristic of disposition-based trust
When trust is disposition-based it means that the trustor's personality traits include a general propensity to trust others.
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why is the moderate correlation between learning and job performance underestimated
The moderate correlation between learning and job performance may be underestimated because most of the research linking learning to task performance focuses on explicit knowledge, which is more practical to measure. It's difficult to measure tacit knowledge because of its unspoken nature, but clearly such knowledge is relevant to task performance.
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One model of attribution processes suggests that when people have a level of familiarity with the person being judged, they'll use a more detailed decision framework. According to this model, a person's behavior will be attributed to internal factors if there is
An internal attribution, such as laziness or low motivation, will occur if there is low consensus, low distinctiveness, and high consistency.
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_____ occurs when assumptions are made about others on the basis of their membership in a social group.
A stereotype occurs when assumptions are made about others on the basis of their membership in a social group. Although not all stereotypes are bad per se, our decision-making process becomes faulty when we make inaccurate generalizations.
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_____ is the tendency for people to see their environment only as it affects them and as it is consistent with their expectations.
Selective perception is the tendency for people to see their environment only as it affects them and as it is consistent with their expectations.
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bounded rationality decision making process
In the bounded rationality decision making process people have to filter and simplify information to make sense of their complex environment and the myriad of potential choices they face. This simplification leads them to miss information when perceiving problems, generating and evaluating alternatives, or judging the results.
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_____ schedules reinforce behaviors after a certain number of them have been exhibited.
Fixed ratio schedules reinforce behaviors after a certain number of them have been exhibited. Some manufacturing plants have created piece-rate pay systems in which workers are paid according to the number of items they produce.
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Which two forms of reinforcement deliver intended results without creating feelings of animosity and conflict?
In general, positive reinforcement and extinction should be the most common forms of reinforcement used by managers to create learning among their employees. Both of these contingencies deliver their intended results, but perhaps more importantly, they do so without creating feelings of animosity and conflict.
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Extinction occurs when a
Extinction occurs when there is the removal of a consequence following an unwanted behavior. The use of extinction to reinforce behavior can be purposeful or accidental.
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explicit knowledge
Explicit information is relatively easily communicated and makes up a large part of what companies teach during training sessions
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Differences between experts and novices are almost always a function of _____.
Learning, Expertise refers to the knowledge and skills that distinguish experts from novices and less experienced people.
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