Med-Surg Ch25: Patient with Cancer; Study guide and NCLEX questions – Flashcards

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The nurse is caring for a pt who is scheduled for a biopsy of a tumor. The pt asks what distinguished a benign tumor from a malignant tumor. Which info should the nurse provide? A. Benign tumors are usually composed of more rapidly growing cells B. Benign tumors are incapable of causing damage to surrounding tissues or organs C. Whereas malignant tumors are usually encapsulated, benign tumors lack specific form D. Malignant tumors are composed of disorganized, abnormal cells that may spread to other parts of the body
D. Malignant tumors are composed of disorganized, abnormal cells that may spread to other parts of the body Malignant tumors are composed of disorganized cells that may metastasize to other sites. Benign tumor cells usually have a slow growth rate. Benign tumors can cause tissue damage if they grow enough to put pressure on or obstruct body organs. Whereas benign tumors are usually encapsulated, malignant tumors may lack specific form.
Which pt statement alerts the nurse to a warning sign of cancer? A. "I have a BM every 4 days" B. I had a wart on my finger that lasted for 2 weeks" C. "I have a blister on my toe that never seems to get well" D. I experience moderately heavy bleeding with my periods every month"
C. "I have a blister on my toe that never seems to get well" A sore that does not heal is a warning sign of cancer. A bowel movement every 4 days does not indicate any change in bowel habits. Warts often last for several weeks, and the patient did not describe any change in appearance. Moderately heavy bleeding in conjunction with menstruation is normal and not unusual.
The nurse is caring for a pt who requires compromised host precautions. Which action is most important for the nurse to take before delivering the pt's breakfast tray? A. Ask pt if she feels like eating at this time B. Remove fresh apple and orange from tray C. Call dietary department and ask for disposable utensils D. Declutter room before assisting pt to to couch to eat
B. Remove fresh apple and orange from tray The patient is at a significantly increased risk for infection. Fresh produce can harbor bacteria that can lead to infection, so the apple and orange should be removed from the tray. Assessing the quality of the patient's appetite does not protect against infection. Although disposable utensils are not harmful, sterilized standard utensils do not pose an overt risk for infection. Limiting clutter in the room is an action that would protect the patient with a low platelet count in case of a fall but would not decrease infection risk.
A nurse is obtaining a health history on a pt who was admitted with lung cancer. Which question is most important for the nurse to ask to gather data about chief complaint? A. "How often, if ever, do you drink alcohol" B. "Do you see a primary care health provider regularly?" C. "Do you have any history of serious diseases or cancer in your immediate family?" D. "Can you tell me more about the problem that caused you to come to the hospital?"
D. "Can you tell me more about the problem that caused you to come to the hospital?" The chief complaint is the patient's main complaint or concern, and the nurse should seek a complete description of the problem with related signs and symptoms. Asking about alcohol consumption and medical checkups are components of a functional assessment. Incidence of familial diseases is part of the family history.
A patient has recently undergone surgery to remove a large melanoma from his back. The patient is experiencing severe, incision-related pain and has been prescribed an opioid analgesic medication by the health care provider. Which symptoms is the patient likely to experience? A. Diarrhea B. Constipation C. Peripheral neuropathy D. Extrapyramidal symptoms
B. Constipation Opioids can cause constipation and changes in bowel function when used to alleviate pain. Opiate analgesic medications are not likely to cause diarrhea, peripheral neuropathy, or extrapyramidal symptoms.
What type of information is most relevant to a 21-year-old patient who will be undergoing surgery and radiotherapy for treatment of cancer of the testis? A. A discussion about deep breathing to prevent pneumonia B. A discussion about sperm banking because of possible sterility C. A referral to the Look Good, Feel Better program because of altered body image D. A referral to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality to manage cancer pain
B. A discussion about sperm banking because of possible sterility Individuals in childbearing age or function should be informed of possible treatment-related changes and implications to reproduction. The Look Good, Feel Better program is not as relevant as the reproductive concerns. Pneumonia is not a common issue for the 21-year-old patient. A referral for cancer pain is not necessary at this point and is not as relevant to the 21-year-old patient.
A 55-year-old patient with a BMI of 29 is concerned that her identical twin has just been diagnosed with breast cancer. She is highly motivated to reduce her risk for developing cancer. According to the American Cancer Society, which diet and lifestyle factors are recommended for reducing cancer risk? A. Avoid grains, cereals, pasta, and beans. B. Engage in physical activity once a week. C. Attain and maintain a healthy body weight. D. Consume a diet rich in preserved and cured foods.
C. Attain and maintain a healthy body weight. Evidence supports that lowering body weight reduces an individual's risk for developing cancer. Grains, cereals, pasta, and beans should not be avoided. Engaging in physical activity once a week is not frequent enough to be a health benefit. A diet rich in preserved and cured food is actually a risk factor for developing cancer.
A 58-year-old male patient is being seen by the health care provider for an annual physical. According to the American Cancer Society, which cancer screenings should be recommended every year for asymptomatic men? (Select all that apply.) A. A fecal occult blood stool test B. A prostate-specific antigen test C. A Papanicolaou test D. A digital rectal examination E. A pelvic examination F. A colonoscopy
A. A fecal occult blood stool test B. A prostate-specific antigen test D. A digital rectal examination Evidence supports that proactive and timely cancer screening reduces the likelihood of developing cancer. Cancer diagnosed at a lower stage has a greater likelihood of cure. A fecal occult blood stool test and a prostate-specific antigen test are recommended annually. The digital rectal examination is recommended annually. The Papanicolaou test and pelvic examination are tests for women's health. A colonoscopy is recommended every 10 years for low-risk patients.
A patient presents to the clinic for her annual mammogram. She asks the nurse what actions she can take to reduce her risk for breast cancer. Which actions are most appropriate? (Select all that apply.) A. Limit intake of fatty foods. B. Abstain from alcohol consumption. C. Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water each day. D. Consume at least three servings of fruits and vegetables each day. E. Participate in moderate exercise for at least 30 minutes most days of the week.
A. Limit intake of fatty foods. B. Abstain from alcohol consumption. E. Participate in moderate exercise for at least 30 minutes most days of the week. Breast cancer has been linked to high-fat diets. High alcohol intake is associated with breast cancer. Moderate exercise 30 minutes in length helps maintain a healthy weight and reduces breast cancer risk. Adequate hydration does not reduce the risk for breast cancer. Three daily servings of fruit and vegetables are inadequate (five servings are recommended).
The nurse is caring for a patient who is experiencing severe chemotherapy-induced nausea. Which actions can the nurse take to try to reduce the patient's nausea? (Select all that apply.) A. Instruct the patient to limit intake of spicy foods. B. Instruct the patient to avoid room temperature foods. C. Determine the best time for the patient to eat and drink. D. Encourage the patient to take small, frequent sips of water. E. Administer sedatives as ordered while antineoplastic drugs are being administered.
A. Instruct the patient to limit intake of spicy foods. C. Determine the best time for the patient to eat and drink. D. Encourage the patient to take small, frequent sips of water. E. Administer sedatives as ordered while antineoplastic drugs are being administered. Spicy foods can exacerbate nausea and should be avoided. Certain patients experience less nausea when eating at specific times, either before or after treatment. Small, frequent sips of water throughout the day help to reduce nausea and maintain hydration. Sedatives are sometimes ordered in conjunction with antineoplastic medications so the patient can sleep and to decrease the amount of time the patient is awake and nauseated. Patients should eat food at room temperature and should avoid extremely hot and cold foods.
Benign and malignant tumors are alike in that both: 1. Press on normal tissues an compete with normal cells for nutrients 2. Usually grow very rapidly 3. Invade nearby tissue or disperse cells to colonize distant parts of the body 4. Contain cell that closely resemble the tissue of origin
1. Press on normal tissues an compete with normal cells for nutrients Benign and malignant tumors are alike because both press on normal tissue and compete with normal cells for nutrients. Benign tumors usually grow slowly, while malignant tumors typically grow rapidly but may grow slowly. Benign tumors may enlarge and expand but do not invade nearby tissues or disperse cells or colonize distant parts of the body like malignant tumors do. Benign tumor cells closely resemble those of the tissue of origin, whereas malignant tumor cells are not readily identifiable to the tissue of origin.
A chemical, viral, or radioactive substance that can cause cancer is called a _______________.
The nurse is teaching a class on healthy living. Select the dietary recommendation(s) believe to reduce the risk of some cancer that should be included in the lesson plan. (Select all that apply) 1. Limit alcohol consumption 2. No dairy products or red meat 3. High fiber, low fat, and low calories 4. Variety or fruits and veggies 5. Limited smoked and nitrate-preserved foods
1. Limit alcohol consumption 3. High fiber, low fat, and low calories 4. Variety or fruits and veggies 5. Limited smoked and nitrate-preserved foods Dietary recommendations believed to reduce the risk of some cancers include limited alcohol consumption; high-fiber, low-fat and low-calorie diet; a variety of fruits and vegetables; and limited smoking and consumption of nitrate-preserved foods. Ingesting dairy products and red meat does not have an increased risk for cancer.
A pt's blood level of the oncofetal antigen CA-125 has continued to rise during 6 months of chemo for ovarian cancer. What is the most likely explanation? 1. The chemo is effectively destroying the cancer cells 2. The pt is having an adverse response to the chemo 3. The cancer is continuing to grow despite chemo 4. The pt's immune system has been strengthened
3. The cancer is continuing to grow despite chemo Oncofetal antigens or tumor markers are substances found on fetal cells and the surface of cancer cells. Elevations of these antigens are associated with certain cancers. They are often used to monitor response to cancer treatments. Blood levels will continue to rise if the cancer is still growing despite chemotherapy. If the levels continue to rise with chemotherapy, it means that the chemotherapy is not effective. This antigen level does not have any relationship to an adverse response to chemotherapy, nor does it reflect a strengthening of the patient's immune system.
When working with a pt who has an internal radiation source, safety precautions include which of the following? (Select all that apply) 1. Always wear a lead apron when providing direct care to the pt with internal radiation 2. If the radiation source comes out of the pt's body, gloves should be worn to pick it up 3. When not providing direct care, stay at least 3 feet from source 4. No pregnant visitors or staff should enter the pt's room 5. Pt must be in private room
1. Always wear a lead apron when providing direct care to the pt with internal radiation 4. No pregnant visitors or staff should enter the pt's room 5. Pt must be in private room Safety precautions when caring for a patient with an internal radiation source include always wearing a gown when giving direct care to the patient, not allowing pregnant visitors or staff to enter the patient's room, and keeping the patient in a private room. If the radiation source comes out of the patient's body, then immediately notify the physician and the radiation safety personnel and do not touch it with bare hands. Forceps and a lead container are always kept in the patient's room to retrieve and contain the source. When not providing direct care, the amount of radiation exposure is reduced by limiting the amount of time spent in the room and by working as far as possible from the radiation source and not at least 3 feet away.
Adverse effects of radiation therapy commonly affect the bone marrow, hair follicles, and GI tract. What makes these tissues especially sensitive to the effects of radiation? 1. They have inadequate defenses against harmful substances 2. These tissues attract radioactive substances 3. These tissues have very poor circulation 4. These tissues regenerate rapidly
4. These tissues regenerate rapidly Radiation therapy adversely affects bone marrow, hair follicles, and the gastrointestinal tract because these tissues regenerate rapidly. These tissues do not have a special inadequate defense against harmful substances, and do not attract radioactive substances. Also, sensitivity of these tissues to the adverse effects of chemotherapy is not related to the circulation within these tissues.
A pt asks why she is receiving a CSF as part of her cancer tx. Which replies by the nurse are accurate? (Select all that apply) 1. CSFs stimulate the production of WBCs by the bone marrow 2. With CSFs, the dosage of chemo drugs can be reduced 3. CSFs reduce the risk of anemia that commonly occurs with chemo 4. CSFs eliminate the need for bone marrow or stem cell transplantation 5. CSFs reduce the nausea and vomiting associated with chemo
1. CSFs stimulate the production of WBCs by the bone marrow 3. CSFs reduce the risk of anemia that commonly occurs with chemo Colony-stimulating factors (CSFs) are also called hematopoietic growth factors. Because antineoplastic drugs suppress the bone marrow, CSFs can be used to stimulate the bone marrow to produce platelets, red blood cells, and white blood cells in patients receiving chemotherapy. CSFs help to reduce the risk of infection by shortening the period of neutropenia, when white blood cells are low, and reducing the risk of anemia that is also associated with chemotherapy. CSFs do not have any effect upon the dose of chemotherapy given, nor do they reduce the need for bone marrow or stem cell transplantation. CSFs have no antiemetic properties to reduce nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy.
To monitor pts who are taking antineoplastic drugs, the nurse must be aware that the most dangerous adverse effect is: 1. GI bleeding 2. Increased intracranial pressure 3. Bone marrow suppression 4. Nausea and vomiting
3. Bone marrow suppression Bone marrow suppression is the most dangerous side effect of antineoplastic drugs. Nausea and vomiting are likely to be the most distressing to patients because antineoplastic drugs simultaneously irritate the lining of the digestive tract and stimulate the vomiting center in the brain. Gastrointestinal bleeding is not a significant side effect of these drugs. Neurotoxic effects of these drugs are mostly associated with numbness and tingling of extremities, paralytic ileus, and loss of deep tendon reflexes but do not increase the patient's intracranial pressure.
Which of the following describes the action of BRMs? 1. Treat mental depression that is common during cancer tx 2. Promote the body's natural defenses against cancer cells 3. Immunize pts against some type of cancer 4. Prevent the spread of cancer cells before metastasis occurs
2. Promote the body's natural defenses against cancer cells Biologic response modifiers (BRMs) are used to promote and boost the body's existing defenses against cancer cells. BRMs act directly on malignant cells or stimulate the immune system to act against them. They are most effective if the immune system is functioning adequately. A skin test can be performed to evaluate the immune response before therapy is started. Examples of BRMs are interferons and interleukins. Generalized side effects of BRMs include flu-like symptoms. BRMs have no actions that can help treat mental depression or immunize patients against certain types of cancer. BRMs also do not prevent any metastasis of cancer.
3 pts at a urology clinic received dx of prostate cancer. All were in an early stage and had similar expectations of cure. Mr. A asked many questions and started to plan his work schedule around his tx. Mr. B stalked out of the office and slammed the door. Mr. C was stunned and seemed unable to take in any more info at the time. Which of these pts responses would be considered "normal" in this situation. 1. Mr. A's 2. Mr. B's 3. Mr. C's 4. They are all normal reactions
4. They are all normal reactions All of these patients are experiencing normal reactions to grief. Normal reactions to grief include being sad or tearful, verbalization of feelings of loss, talking about the loss and looking at or touching the affected part, asking many questions, and planning a personal schedule around treatments. Some patients exhibit anger and others are stunned and unable to accept any more information.
Which of the following normal cells are most sensitive to radiation? (Select all that apply) 1. Nail beds 2. GI/GU tract lining 3. Respiratory tract lining 4. Skin 5. Lymph tissue 6. Ovaries 7. Kidney's 8. Lungs 9. Testes 10. Hair follicle 11. Bone marrow
2. GI/GU tract lining 5. Lymph tissue 6. Ovaries 9. Testes 10. Hair follicle 11. Bone marrow
Due to damage to the most sensitive cells during radiation therapy, which are the related side effects of therapy? (Select all that apply) 1. Bone marrow suppression 2. Alopecia 3. Anorexia 4. Heart failure 5. Liver failure 6. Nausea and vomiting
1. Bone marrow suppression 2. Alopecia 3. Anorexia 6. Nausea and vomiting
Regardless of the site treated with radiation therapy, which 2 common side effects occur? 1. Dry mouth 2. Skin changes 3. Diarrhea 4. Fatigue 5. Esophagitis
2. Skin changes 4. Fatigue
Which of the following are warning signs of cancer? (Select all that apply) 1. Nausea and vomiting 2. nagging cough and hoarseness 3. Change in bowel and bladder habits 4. Heart palpitations and tachycardia 5. Sores that do not heal 6. Dyspnea and trouble breathing 7. Change in warts of moles
2. nagging cough and hoarseness 3. Change in bowel and bladder habits 5. Sores that do not heal 7. Change in warts of moles
There is a limited spread of cancer in the local areas, usually to nearby lymph nodes
B. Type II
The malignant cells are confined to tissue of origin; there is no invasion of other tissues
A. Type I
The cancer has metastasized to distant parts of the body
D. Type IV
The tumor is larger or has spread from site of origin into nearby tissues, or both; regional lymph nodes are likely involved
C. Type III
High fat diets
C. Cancers of breast, colon, and prostate
B. Cancers of the colon, breast, prostate, gallbladder, ovary, and uterus
High alcohol intake
D. Cancers of oral cavity, larynx, esophagus, liver, colon, and breast
Diets high in salt-cured, smoked, and nitrate-cured foods
A. Esophageal and stomach cancers
Which are included in the recommended diet for health promotion and prevention of cancer? (Select all that apply) 1. Low fat 2. Decreased fiber 3. Limited smoked and nitrate-preserved foods 4. 2 servings of fruits and veggies daily 5. Decreased calories
1. Low fat 3. Limited smoked and nitrate-preserved foods 5. Decreased calories
What is the 2nd most common cause of death in the US? 1. Heart disease 2. Cancer 3. Accident 4.Stroke
2. Cancer
What is the effect on cells and tissue when DNA of a normal cell is exposed to a carcinogen and irreversible changes occur in the DNA? 1. The cell appears abnormal but continues to function normally 2. The cell is in a latent period before increased growth forms tumors 3. A tumor develops 4. Transformed cells relocated to remote sites
1. The cell appears abnormal but continues to function normally
A pt whose primary tumor has grown and spreads to regional lymph nodes, but not to distant sites is staged? 1. T1N2M1 2. T2N1M0 3. T0N3M1 4. T4N0M0
2. T2N1M0
A pt has cancer that has been stages T1N0M0. The nurse would interpret this info as: 1. Minimal size and extension of tumor 2. No sign of tumor 3. Malignancy in epithelial tissue nut not in basement membrane 4. Progressively increasing size and extension
1. Minimal size and extension of tumor
A tx likely to be curative when tumors are confined to one area is; 1. radiotherapy 2. chemotherapy 3. immunotherapy 4. surgery
4. surgery
Radiation has immediate and delayed effects on cells; the immediate effect is: 1. cell death 2. alteration of DNA, which impairs cell's ability to reprodude 3. interruption of clotting cascade 4. cell starvation
1. cell death
Which side effect occurs in pts undergoing radiotherapy and also in pts taking antineoplastic drugs? 1. Phlebitis at infusion site 2. Erythema and peeling of skin 3. Alopecia 4. Cardiomyopathy
3. Alopecia
The highest rate of death from prostate, colon, and breast cancer occurs among: 1. Caucasians 2. Latinos 3. Native Americans 4. African Americans
4. African Americans
What is the most dangerous side effect of antineoplastic drugs? 1. Alopecia 2. N&V (nausea and vomiting) 3. Electrolyte imbalance 4. Bone marrow suppression
4. Bone marrow suppression
A drug that boosts the body's natural defenses to combat malignant cells is: 1. Vincristine 2. Interferon 3. Doxorubicin (Adriamycin) 4. Paclitaxel (Taxol)
2. Interferon
Invasive procedures are minimized in pts with: 1. Leukopenia 2. Thrombocytopenia 3. Anemia 4. Agranulocytosis
2. Thrombocytopenia
Compromised host precautions may be needed for pts with: 1. Leukopenia 2. Thrombocytopenia 3. Anemia 4. Weight loss
1. Leukopenia
Which tumor is malignant? 1. Fibroma 2. Lipoma 3. Melanoma 4. Myoma
3. Melanoma
Which diagnostic procedure is used to detect cancer of the CNS, spinal column, and joints? 1. MRI 2. CT 3. PET 4. Contrast radiograph
1. MRI
Of the following drugs, which types of antineoplastic drugs are frequently used in chemo? (Select all that apply) 1. Diuretics 2. Bronchodilators 3. Hormones 4. Mitotic inhibitors 5. Narcotics 6. Alkylating agents 7. Antithyroid drugs 8. Antiemetics 9. Sedatives 10. Antihypertensives 11.Antitumor antibiotics 12. Hypnotics 13. BRMs (biologic response modifiers)
3. Hormones 4. Mitotic inhibitors 6. Alkylating agents 11. Hypnotics 13. BRMs (biologic response modifiers)
Which are major systemic side effects of antineoplastic rugs? (Select all that apply) 1. Dry mouth 2. Bone marrow suppression 3. Urinary retention 4. Sedation 5. N&V 6. Constipation 7. Dizziness 8. Alopecia 9. Electrolyte imbalance
2. Bone marrow suppression 5. N&V 8. Alopecia
The nurse observes that a female pt with breast cancer is experiencing alopecia, as a side effect of her chemo. Which is a correct response the nurse should say to the pt? 1. Increase protein in your diet to encourage new hair growth 2. increase fluid intake so new hair growth will not be dry 3. examine your scalp for bleeding, which may be a temporary response to chemo 4. Your new hair may be different color and texture
4. Your new hair may be different color and texture
A pt with cancer is complaining of N&V associated with chemo. Which food and beverages should the nurse recommend for this pt? (Select all that apply) 1. Clear broth 2. Coffee 3. White rice 4. Crackers or pretzels 5. Yogurt 6. Cooked broccoli
1. Clear broth 3. White rice 4. Crackers or pretzels 5. Yogurt
A pt is receiving radiation tx to her head and neck. Which is a special problem for this pt, putting her at risk for infections of the gums and teeth? 1. Dry mouth (xerostomia) 2. N&V 3. Bone marrow suppression 4. Anorexia
1. Dry mouth (xerostomia)
A pt receiving Andriamycin for tx of cancer is experiencing signs of cardiomyopathy. Which finding should the nurse report to the health care provider, if experienced by the pt? 1. Dehydration 2. Dyspnea 3. Alopecia 4. Urinary retention
2. Dyspnea
A cancer pt has the lower abd irradiated. Which is a priority nursing activity for the pt? 1. Monitor pt for edema 2. Increase fluid intake and have pt empty bladder often 3. Encourage pt to eat food high in iron 4. Observe pt for palpitations, pallor, and excessive fatigue
2. Increase fluid intake and have pt empty bladder often
Which pt should be placed in a private room? 1. Pt with internal radiation 2. Pt with external radiation 3. Pt with chemotherapy 4. Pt requiring standard precautions
1. Pt with internal radiation
A pt experiences erythema and peeling of the skin while receiving radiation therapy. Which are appropriate nursing interventions for this pt? (Select all that apply) 1. Increase fluid intake 2. Use lotions 3. Watch for excessive bruising and bleeding 4. Report fever 5. Keep skin moist 6. Wear cotton clothing
1. Increase fluid intake 3. Watch for excessive bruising and bleeding 4. Report fever 6. Wear cotton clothing
The outcome criterion of a pt's completion of essential activities without dyspnea or tachycardia is related to pts with: 1. Alopecia 2. Loss of body parts 3. Anemia 4. Denial
3. Anemia The outcome criterion for a patient with anemia is the patient's completion of essential activities without dyspnea or tachycardia. The remaining three answers are not related to the patient's ability to complete essential activities without dyspnea or tachycardia.
The priority care for pts experiencing neurotoxicity from antineoplastic drugs is to: 1. Monitor for edema 2. Protect pt from infection 3. Protect extremities from injury 4. Asses skin turgor
3. Protect extremities from injury The priority care for patients experiencing neurotoxicity from antineoplastic drugs is to protect extremities from injury. Monitoring for edema (1), protecting the patient from infection (2), and assessing for skin turgor (4) are all related to the care of patients receiving antineoplastic drugs, but they are not related to the side effect of neurotoxicity
What is appropriate teaching for the pt who is having external radiation therapy? 1. "The tx may be painful for the first 5 minutes, but the pain will subside" 2. "You will be radioactive as long as the machine is turned on" 3. "Skin marking made by the radiologist are used to mark areas that be not be irradiated" 4. "Skin over the area being treated may become discolored and irritated"
4. "Skin over the area being treated may become discolored and irritated"
Which are characteristics of malignant tumors? (Select all that apply) 1. Usually slow growth rate 2. Invade surrounding tissue 3. Cells closely resemble those of tissue of origin 4. Recurrence is common after removal 5. Frequent metastasis 6. Little tissue destruction
2. Invade surrounding tissue 4. Recurrence is common after removal 5. Frequent metastasis
The nurse is assisting with a staff education program on common oncologic emergencies. Which are common oncologic emergencies? (Select all that apply) 1. Superior vena cava syndrome 2. Pulmonary edema 3. Hypertension 4. Hypercalcemia 5. Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) 6. Spinal cord compression 7. Disseminated intravascular coagulation
1. Superior vena cava syndrome 4. Hypercalcemia 5. Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) 6. Spinal cord compression 7. Disseminated intravascular coagulation
A pt receiving chemo has a WBC count og 2000/mm3. The nurse anticipates that the pt will be placed on: 1. Airborne precautions 2. Contact precautions 3. Neutropenic precautions 4. Droplet precautions
3. Neutropenic precautions
A pt has received a radiation implant. Which teaching point should the nurse emphasize with this pt? (Select all that apply) 1. "You will be placed in a private room" 2. "Do not wash off the skin markings made by the radiation therapist" 3. "Visitors and staff are restricted in the amount of time they can spend in your room" 4. "Your skin over the irradiated area may become irritated" 5. "Staff and visitors will maintain some distance from you while they are in your room"
1. "You will be placed in a private room" 3. "Visitors and staff are restricted in the amount of time they can spend in your room" 5. "Staff and visitors will maintain some distance from you while they are in your room"
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