Measuring the Criminal Justice System Impacts of Marijuana Legalization Essay Example
The global debate on the drug marijuana has led to extensive discussions among nations and stakeholders. As a result, the criminal justice system is experiencing some relief from arresting minor drug dealers, but this has caused overcrowding problems in prisons and jails worldwide. Economists propose that legalizing marijuana would not only save resources and money for the federal government but also decrease the time spent by the criminal justice system on prosecuting offenders. Research indicates that marijuana has been prohibited in many countries for an extended period.
The use of marijuana as a drug has led to criminal charges against individuals, sparking controversy over its legalization in many countries. Initially, opposition to legalizing the drug stemmed from its association with criminals and negative societal influences. However, proponents now argue that if properly regulated within the context of
...criminal law, marijuana can have positive effects on society. In several countries, including the United States where twenty-three states have legalized it, marijuana is believed to serve various purposes within medical facilities. The United States stands out as the first nation to carefully consider the potential benefits of marijuana for both the public and justice system before taking action (Gies & Grant, 2015).
The United States has seen a rise in the use of marijuana by offenders and its connection to the criminal justice system. This drug is considered a minor offense, resulting in numerous arrests and overcrowding in correctional facilities. By legalizing marijuana, the number of people arrested for these minor offenses would decrease, therefore reducing the prison population. Moreover, legalization would save time and resources within the criminal justice system by eliminating the need to prosecute these individuals
Ultimately, these offenders would be legalized, leading to time and resource savings within the criminal justice system.
The criminal justice system and police can restore their reputation through the legalization of marijuana. Numerous Americans believe that black individuals are unfairly targeted, leading to a higher number of arrests for marijuana use in predominantly black neighborhoods. As a result, allegations of racism have arisen, causing a negative perception of law enforcement and the criminal justice system. However, by legalizing marijuana, trust and respect can be reestablished between these institutions and the public (Gies & Grant, 2015).
Legalizing drugs within the criminal justice system can have significant economic benefits, including generating revenue and creating job opportunities for the unemployed. Several states have experienced substantial growth after drug legalization, prompting others to consider enacting similar laws. In hospitals, Cannabis sativa (marijuana) is currently used as a painkiller and chemotherapy medication. The use and legalization of marijuana in the United States have had positive effects on the criminal justice system, such as reducing arrests of minor offenders and saving resources that would otherwise be spent on prosecuting them (Gies & Grant, 2015). By legalizing marijuana, we can effectively address economic challenges within the criminal justice system by regulating illicit drug trafficking on our streets.
Colorado, a state in the United States, has created over 10,000 jobs for the youth through a newly established company that is legally mandated to produce and manufacture marijuana. In addition to job creation, marijuana sales have generated significant revenue for the federal government. This revenue has been used to fund various programs such as education, sports, and the criminal justice system. The positive effects of marijuana legalization
on the justice system are evident in the decrease in arrests among young people involved in street violence. These positive impacts highlight the benefits of legalizing marijuana and its contribution to state programs like the criminal justice system.
- Gies, T. P., & Grant, G. D. (2015). Legalization of Marijuana: What It Means for Employer Drug Testing. Employee Relations Law Journal, 41(1), 35-46.