Marketing chpt 11, chapter 11 continued – Flashcards

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In the context of adopters who participate in the diffusion process, a difference between early adopters and the early majority is that the early majority are_________________________ a. likely to collect more information and evaluate more brands b. self-confident, and they rely less on group norms c. more likely to be opinion leaders.
a. likely to collect more information and evaluate more
which of the following is a characteristic of products produced by multinational corporations? a. products are developed to cater to local markets b. products are developed to meet unique market requirements whenever possible c. products are not subjected to test marketing
b. products are developed to meet unique market requirements whenever possible
which of the following is an advantage of simultaneous product development? a. it ensures that product development occurs in highly structured stages. b. it eliminates the need for conducting laboratory tests on product prototypes c. it eliminates the need for test marketing d. it shortens the development process and reduces costs
d. it shortens the development process and reduce costs
identify a true statement about the product life cyle? a. a product spends the same amount of time in the different stages of the life cycle. b. the plc for a product form is longer than the PLC for any one brand c. the PLC dictates the marketing strategy to be used for a product
b. the plc for a product form is longer than the PLC for any one brand
_______________________________ the degree to which a product can be sampled on a limited basis
which of the following is an objective of focus group interviews? a. to stimulate insightful comments through group interaction b. to get recommendations of product ideas from outside consultants c. to directly involve customers in test marketing
a. to stimulate insightful comments through group interaction
which of the following statements is true of the development stage of the new product development process? a. it involves examining the feasibility of manufacturing a product at an acceptable cost. b. costs decrease dramatically once a product idea enters the development stage c. it involves evaluating a new product idea before creating any prototype
c. making a prototype
which of the following statements is true of a customer innovation center? a. it is used in the business analysis stage of the new product development b. it promotes status conscious advertising among customers c. it is an approach to reposition a company's products d. it is a forum for meeting with customer's and directly involving them in the innovation
d. it is a forum for meeting with customers' and directly involving them in the innovation
in the context of the rate of adoption, relative advantage is defined as the degree to which: a. the benefits of using a product can be communicated to target customer b. a new product is consistent with existing values and product knowledge, past experiences, and current needs. c. a product can be tried on a limited basis d. a product is perceived as superior to existing substitutes
find answer a is not right
which of the following statements best describes simultaneous product development a. it is used to determine the reactions of potentional customers b. it is a strategy the provides general guidelines for generating, screening, and evaluating new product ideas. c. it is a strategy the links the new product development process with the objectives of the marketing department, the business unit, and the corporation d. it is the process where all the involved areas work together rather than sequentially during a product's development
d. it is the process where all the involved areas work together rather than sequentially during a product's development
Hakimo corp. a manufactor of audio equipment has developed a unique wireless speaker system that runs on solar power. The speakers can operate for sixteen hours after being exposed to the sun for two hours. The new product which is radically different from anything currently available in the market would fall in the new product category of a______________________________________
new and improved product
rodger, an affluent graduate, buys gadgets on the first day of their launch in the market. he reads expert reviews and he is not influenced by family and friends while choosing products. Rodger would fall under the category of ______________ in the diffusion process.
a. early adopter
in the context of the product characteristics that can be used to predict and explain the rate of acceptance and diffusion, the degree of difficulty involved in understanding and using a new product is know as?
in which of the following ways does the product life cycle concept help marketing managers? a. it informs marketers about the duration of a product in the various stages of the life cycle b. it tells managers the length of a product's life cycle c. it dictates the marketing strategy to be used for a product d. it can be used to analyze a brand, a product form or a product category.
d. it can be used to analyze a brand, a product form, or a product category
What are the five product characteristics used to predict and explain the rate of acceptance and diffusion of a new product?
complexity compatibility relative advantage observability trialability
the degree of difficulty involved in understanding and using a new product. The more complex the product the slower its diffusion
the degree to which the new product is consistent with existing values and product knowledge, past experiences and current needs. Incompatible products diffuse more slowly than compatible products
relative advantage
the degree to which a product is perceived as superior to existing substitutes.
the degree to which the benefits or other results of using the product can be observed by other and communicated to target customers.
the degree to which a product can be tried on a limited basis.
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