Marijuana Essay Example
Marijuana Essay Example

Marijuana Essay Example

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  • Pages: 14 (3801 words)
  • Published: December 30, 2018
  • Type: Case Study
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The use of marijuana, also known as cannabis sativa, has evolved alongside societal changes, much like in American history. Its presence can be traced back to ancient China around 2700 B.C., as documented in historical manuscripts.

According to the Grolier Electronic Encyclopedia (1995), the cultivation of marijuana dates back to around 1611 with the Jamestown settlers. At the time, they utilized hemp derived from the marijuana plant for rope, canvas, and clothing due to its strength. These applications aligned with the prevailing social climate of prioritizing survival rather than seeking psychoactive effects.

While prohibition was in effect, marijuana gained popularity since alcohol was scarce. However, even after the repeal of prohibition, marijuana remained banned for over 75 years. This unequal treatment may be explained by the desires of those in power. Prohibition impacted many Americans, regardless of age, including influe


ntial members of society.

The impact of marijuana prohibition on Americans and its influence in positions of authority was relatively minor. The only comparable prohibition experience was that of marijuana, which around sixty million Americans have violated since 1965. However, the majority of marijuana users are young and do not hold significant influence (American Heritage, pg. 47). The decision to repeal alcohol prohibition while retaining marijuana prohibition was not grounded in scientific evidence demonstrating alcohol's lower harm compared to other psychoactive substances. Instead, it reflected the biases and preferences of the majority of Americans (American Heritage, pg. 47).

The government implemented the Marijuana Tax Act in 1937, which required a tax of one dollar per ounce on marijuana. This act also enforced penalties such as fines up to $2,000 and potential imprisonment for possessing drugs without paying the tax (Grolier

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Wellness Encyclopedia, pg. 54). Consequently, marijuana usage seemed to decline in the late 1930s in the United States. Additionally, the ban on marijuana during that same year was seen as a way to suppress Mexican laborers who migrated across the border during the Great Depression. The justification behind this prohibition was based on claiming that it negatively affected racially inferior groups, using hemp plant as an alleged reasoning (Schaffer, pg.).

During the 60's, there was a resurgence in marijuana use, which had several causes. One of the main causes was the youth rebellion against the Vietnam War, with marijuana being used as an escape from war to peace. At that time, it was commonly portrayed as a benign substance with fewer harmful effects compared to legal drugs like alcohol and nicotine. This perception was due to the lack of sufficient scientific research conducted during that period (Grolier Wellness Encyclopedia, pg. 54).

One possible reason for the use of marijuana is the discovery of THC, which is the psychoactive component of marijuana. Users have noticed a correlation between dosage and effects (Grolier Electronic Publishing, 1995). At present, doctors are able to prescribe synthetic marijuana (THC) known as Marinol, which is pure and standardized. This medication is utilized for treating nausea caused by cancer chemotherapy. Additionally, although there is no scientific proof supporting the benefits of marijuana in treating glaucoma, it may help slow down visual loss progression. Marijuana has the potential to reduce intraocular eye pressure, along with alcohol and other substances.

Customizing medication for each individual is crucial to prevent further eye damage. Throughout history, the uses of marijuana have evolved and it has been utilized for various

purposes. Determining the original use of marijuana is challenging, but evidence from ancient civilizations indicates that one of its earliest applications may have been hemp fiber. Chinese remnants dating back to 4000 B.C. suggest the utilization of cannabis.

Hemp and rope made from Turkestan dating back to 3000 B.C. have been discovered alongside stone beaters used to pound hemp fiber and pottery imprinted with hemp cord in ancient sites in Taiwan. Hemp fabrics from the late eighth century B.C. have also been found in Turkish locations, as well as a potentially controversial sample of Hemp in an Egyptian tomb dating back three to four thousand years. Furthermore, the text mentions a picture map illustrating the spread of Cannabis, which originated in central Asia and has since extended worldwide, except for Arctic regions and areas of wet tropical forests. Africa quickly incorporated Cannabis into its native pharmacopoeias, while the Spaniards introduced it to Mexico and Peru, the French to Canada, and the English to North America.

Introduced into northern Europe in Viking times, it is believed that the Scythians were the ones to first bring Cannabis to China. The Indian Vedas described Cannabis as a divine nectar with the power to grant good health, long life, and visions of the gods. The Zend-Avesta, written around 600 B.C., mentions an intoxicating resin, while the Assyrians used Cannabis as an incense as early as the ninth century B.C. Inscriptions from the Chou dynasty in China, dating back to 700-500 B.C., associate Cannabis, symbolized by the ancient character Ma, with its stupefying properties.

Since this idea obviously predated writing, the Pen Tsao Ching, written in A.C. 100 but going back to a

legendary emperor, Shen-Nung, 2000 B.C., may be taken as evidence that the Chinese knew and probably used the hallucinogenic properties at very early dates. It was said that Ma-fen (Hemp fruit) if taken to excess, will produce hallucinations literally, 'seeing devils'. If taken over a long term, it makes one communicate with spirits and lightens one's body.

During the fifth century B.C., a Taoist priest mentioned the use of Cannabis and Ginseng by necromancers to manipulate time and reveal future events. In that era, Cannabis was associated with Chinese shamanism as a hallucinogen. However, when Europeans made contact with China, shamanism had waned and the inebriating properties of Cannabis were forgotten. Instead, it mainly served as a fiber source. Nonetheless, Hemp cultivation has been practiced in China since Neolithic times, suggesting that Cannabis may have originated there around 500 B.C., rather than central Asia.

The Scythians, a group of aggressive horsemen who roamed from the Transcaucasus in the east to the west, were described by Herodotus, a Greek writer. According to him, they constructed a booth using three inclined sticks placed in the ground and surrounded them with tightly fitted woolen pelts. Within this booth, they would place a dish on the ground filled with hot stones and hemp seeds. The addition of stones would immediately create a vapor that was more intense than any Greek vapor bath. The Scythians would express their joy by shouting. Recently, archaeologists discovered frozen Scythian tombs in central Asia dating from 500 to 300 B.C., which contained tripods, pelts, braziers, and charcoal with remnants of cannabis leaves and fruit. It is widely believed that central Asia was where cannabis originated and

that it was spread westward to Europe by the Scythians. While Greeks and Romans may not have commonly used cannabis for intoxication purposes, there are indications that they understood its psychoactive effects. Democrats reported occasional consumption of cannabis with wine and myrrh to induce visionary states. Galen also mentioned it during his time around A.D.

It was mentioned in the first century A.C. that it was sometimes customary to give Hemp to guests to promote hilarity and enjoyment. Cannabis arrived in Europe from the north. In classical Greece and Rome, Hemp was not cultivated for its fibers, but Romans were able to obtain fiber for ropes and sails from Gaul as early as the third century B.C. The Roman writer Lucilius mentioned it in 120 B.C., and Pliny the Elder outlined the preparation and grades of hemp fibers in the first century A.C. A Roman site in England dated A.D. contained hemp rope.

There is uncertainty surrounding the Vikings' usage of Hemp rope, but evidence from palynology shows a significant increase in Hemp cultivation in England. This increase occurred from the early Anglo-Saxon era to the late Saxon and Norman periods (400-1100). Henry VIII actively encouraged Hemp cultivation in England, especially due to England's maritime dominance during the Elizabethan era, which created a higher demand for Hemp. The cultivation of Hemp also started in the British colonies of the New World, beginning with Canada in 1606 and later Virginia in 1611. Eventually, the Pilgrims introduced Hemp cultivation to New England in 1632.

During pre-Revolutionary times in North America, Hemp was commonly used for creating work clothes. Interestingly, Hemp was also introduced independently into Spanish colonies in America, including

Chile in 1545 and Peru in 1554. It is clear that the production of hemp fiber served as one of the earliest applications of Cannabis. However, it is possible that people were consuming the edible akenes of hemp as food even before discovering the usefulness of its fiber. These akenes are highly nutritious, and it is unlikely that early humans, who were constantly searching for sustenance, would have overlooked this beneficial resource. Archaeological discoveries of Hemp akenes in Germany, approximately from 500 B.C., provide evidence of the nutritional use of these plant products.

From ancient times to the present, Hemp akenes have been used as food in Eastern Europe, and in the United States as a major ingredient of bird food. The folk-medicinal value of Hemp, which is often indistinguishable from its hallucinogenic properties, may even be its earliest role as an economic plant. The Chinese emperor-herbalist Shen-Nung, who lived five thousand years ago, recommended Cannabis for various ailments such as malaria, beriberi, constipation, rheumatic pains, absent-mindedness, and female disorders. Another ancient Chinese herbalist called Hoa-Glio suggested using a mixture of Hemp resin and wine as an analgesic during surgery. In ancient India, this plant, considered a gift from the gods, was extensively utilized in folk medicine for its believed abilities to enhance mental alertness, prolong life, improve judgment, reduce fevers, induce sleep, and cure dysentery.

Due to its psychoactive effects, Cannabis was considered more valuable than medicines that only had physical benefits. Various Indian medicine systems held Cannabis in high regard. In the medical text Sushruta, it was stated to have the ability to treat leprosy. The Bharaprakasha, written around A.D. 1600, described it as having

antiphlegmatic, digestive, bile affecting, pungent, and astringent properties. It was recommended for stimulating appetite, enhancing digestion, and improving the voice.

In India, Cannabis had multiple medicinal uses, such as controlling dandruff and providing relief from headaches, mania, insomnia, venereal disease, whooping cough, earaches, and tuberculosis. Its reputation as a medicine spread to Africa where it was used for treating dysentery, malaria, anthrax, and fevers. Presently in use by the Hotentots and Mfengu is Cannabis for snake bite treatment while Sotho women smoke Hemp before childbirth to induce partial stupefaction. In medieval Europe, although not employed as a hallucinogen, Cannabis was highly valued for its therapeutic advantages with its utilization tracing back to early classical physicians like Dioscorides and Galen.

Medieval herbalists distinguished manured hemp (cultivated) from bastard hemp (weedy) and recommended using the latter for treating nodes and wennes and other hard tumors. They suggested using the former for a variety of purposes such as alleviating cough and jaundice. However, they advised caution against excessive use, as it could potentially cause sterility and dry up the seeds of generation in men and the milk in women's breasts. In sixteenth-century England, manured hemp was locally known as Angler's Weed, and it was poured into earthworm holes to lure them out, providing a helpful trick for fishermen and anglers to bait their hooks. The medicinal value of Cannabis has long been associated with its euphoric and hallucinogenic properties, which may have been recognized as early as its use for fiber production.

Primitive man likely discovered the potent hallucinogenic effects of Hemp while experimenting with various plant materials for sustenance. This intoxicating experience led them to view Hemp as a divine

gift, a sacred conduit to connect with the spiritual realm. While Cannabis is now widely recognized as a hallucinogen, its historical use primarily as a narcotic seems to be limited to Asia. However, its euphoric qualities were acknowledged in ancient times. In Thebes, Hemp was transformed into a beverage believed to possess opium-like properties.

Galen observed that excessive consumption of Hemp-infused cakes could result in intoxication. This practice of using Hemp for its intoxicating effects was spread by central Asian barbarian tribes, particularly the Scythians, to both eastern and western regions. These tribes had a significant cultural impact on early Greece and eastern Europe. Additionally, India has a long-standing history of associating Hemp with intoxication, as seen in their deeply rooted mythological and spiritual beliefs surrounding the plant. An example of this is Bhang, a sacred preparation believed to protect against evil, bring good luck, and cleanse individuals of their sins.

According to ancient beliefs, stepping on the leaves of the holy plant could lead to harm or disaster. Hemp was utilized for binding sacred oaths. Indra, the god of the sky, preferred a drink made from Cannabis. The Hindu god Shiva commanded the repetition of the word Bhangi during different stages of cultivating and harvesting the holy plant. Eventually, knowledge and usage of its intoxicating properties spread to Asia Minor.
Hemp was also employed as incense in Assyria during the first millennium B.C., indicating its potential use as a mind-altering substance.
Although Hemp is not explicitly mentioned in the Bible, there exist enigmatic passages that may indirectly allude to the effects of Cannabis resin or Hashish.
It is believed that within religious contexts, Cannabis preparations held significant hallucinogenic purposes

primarily in India's Himalayas and on Tibet's plateau.

Bhang is a mildly prepared substance, where dried leaves or flowering shoots are combined with spices to create a paste that can be consumed as candy, known as maajun, or in tea form. Ganja is derived from the resin-rich dried pistillate flowering tops of cultivated plants. These tops are pressed into a compact mass and kept under pressure for several days to induce chemical changes. Most Ganja is smoked, often with Tobacco. Charas is the resin itself, which typically appears as a brownish mass and is commonly used in smoking mixtures. The Tibetans held Cannabis in high regard, considering it sacred. According to a Mahayana Buddhist tradition, as Buddha went through the six steps of asceticism on his path to enlightenment, he sustained himself by consuming one Hemp seed per day. Buddha is often depicted with Soma leaves in his begging bowl, and there have been occasional associations made between the mystical narcotic Soma and Hemp.

Cannabis is highly valued in Tantric Buddhism in the Himalayas of Tibet. It is used in meditative rituals to enhance awareness and facilitate deep meditation. The plant is considered a daily necessity for both medicinal and recreational purposes in this region. According to folklore, Hemp was brought to Persia by an Indian pilgrim during the reign of Khrusu (A.D. 531-579), while Assyrians used Hemp as an incense during the first millennium B.C. Although initially prohibited among Islamic peoples, Hashish eventually spread westwards throughout Asia Minor.

In 1378, authorities attempted to eradicate Hemp from Arabian territory by implementing harsh punishments. As early as 1271, the consumption of Hemp was well-documented, with Marco Polo describing its

use among the secret order of Hashishins, who used the narcotic to explore the rewards awaiting them in the afterlife. The spread of Cannabis was facilitated by Islamic influence, but the use of Hemp was not limited to Muslim regions. There is also a belief that Hemp was introduced by slaves from Malaya. Known as Kif or Dagga in Africa, the plant became ingrained in primitive native cultures for social and religious purposes. For centuries, the hotentots, Bushmen, and Kaffirs have used Hemp both as a medicine and as a means of intoxication.

During a tribal ceremony in the Zambesi Valley, participants would inhale vapors from a smoldering pile of Hemp. The ceremony later evolved to include reed tubes and pipes, where the Hemp would be burned on an altar. The Kasai tribes in the Congo have revived an old Riamba cult, replacing ancient fetishes and symbols with Hemp as their god for protection against physical and spiritual harm. Treaties are sealed using calabash pipes, where puffs of smoke are involved. Cults that involve smoking Hemp and snuffing Hashish can be found in various parts of east Africa, particularly near Lake Victoria.

Hemp has become widespread in the New World, but it has not made a significant impact on many native American religious beliefs and ceremonies, with some exceptions. One such exception is the Tepecano Indians of northwest Mexico, who occasionally use Hemp, known as Rosa Maria, when Peyote is not available. It has recently been discovered that Indians in the Mexican states of Veracruz, Hidalgo, and Puebla carry out a communal healing ritual using a plant called Santa Rosa. This plant, identified as Cannabis Sativa, is

considered both a plant and a sacred intercessor with the Virgin. While the ceremony is mostly based on Christian elements, the plant is revered as an earth deity and is believed to be alive and symbolize a part of God's heart.

According to the participants of this cult, they hold the belief that the plant could be hazardous. They also believe that the plant has the ability to transform into a person's soul, causing illnesses, anger, and even death. Approximately sixty years ago, Mexican workers brought the practice of smoking marijuana to the United States, where it quickly gained popularity in the southern region. By the early 1920s, its usage had become established in New Orleans, primarily among impoverished individuals and minority groups. The ongoing diffusion of this custom throughout the United States and Europe has led to an unresolved controversy. Cannabis Sativa was officially included in the United States Pharmacopoeia until 1937 and was recommended as a mild sedative for various disorders.

Although it is no longer considered an official drug, there is currently active research exploring the medical potential of certain constituents of cannabis or their semi-synthetic analogues. This research is particularly focused on the side effects of cancer therapy. The psychoactive effects of cannabis preparations can vary greatly depending on factors such as dosage, preparation method, type of plant used, method of administration, user's personality, and social/cultural background. One common effect is a dream-like state, where long-forgotten events are often recalled and thoughts occur in unrelated sequences. Time perception and occasionally space perception may also be altered. The use of high doses can lead to visual and auditory hallucinations.

The use of Cannabis as a

intoxicant has become popular in Western society, particularly in the United States and Europe. It can induce euphoria, excitement, inner happiness, and often leads to hilarity and laughter. Although impulsive behavior may occur, it rarely results in violence or aggression. However, some individuals may experience a final mood of depression. This widespread use of Cannabis has raised concerns among law-making and law-enforcing circles, as well as causing social and health issues.

There is still a lack of consensus on the scale of these problems or how to solve them. People's opinions are divided into two camps: those who believe that Cannabis use is a severe societal, moral, and health threat that must be eradicated, and those who view it as a harmless and enjoyable activity that should be legalized. It may take a while before we fully understand the truths about the use of this ancient drug in our modern times and society. Therefore, it is important for us to examine the history and perspectives of cultures that have long utilized this plant, as it can contribute to better managing the situation in contemporary society. We should learn from Cannabis's role in humanity's past and determine whether it should be restricted in our urbanized and industrialized lives or made widely available. This is because Cannabis is likely to remain a part of our lives for a considerable period.

A fifteenth-century manuscript of Marco Polo's travels shows that the Persian nobleman Al-Hassan ibn-al-Sabbah, also known as the Old Man of the Mountain, found pleasure in the fabricated paradise of Hashish eaters. His followers, who were called ashishins, would consume large quantities of Cannabis resin to boost their bravery

while carrying out acts of killing and looting on behalf of their leader. The terms assassin and hashish were derived from the name of this group. The Cuna Indians of Panama regard Cannabis as a sacred plant. This mola, created through applique work, illustrates a Cuna council gathering.

The text describes an orator speaking to two headmen while they relax in hammocks and attentively listen. One of the headmen smokes a pipe as he swings. Spectators come and go, and one man is seen sleeping on a bench. The Cora Indians from the Sierra Madre Occidental in Mexico incorporate Cannabis into their sacred ceremonies. It is uncommon for indigenous religious rituals to adopt foreign plants, but it appears that the Cora of Mexico and the Cuna of Panama have started to smoke Cannabis during their rituals, despite the fact that it was introduced by early Europeans in both regions. During the 19th century, a select group of European artists and writers turned to psychoactive substances in an attempt to achieve what is now known as mind expansion or alteration. Many people, including the French poet Baudelaire, believed that the use of Cannabis greatly enhanced creative ability.

Baudelaire actually wrote vivid descriptions of his personal experiences while under the influence of Cannabis. On the upper left side, there is Gustave Dore's painting Composition on the Death of Gerard de Nerval, which was probably inspired by the use of Cannabis and Opium. On the upper right side, there is a contemporary American cartoon that humorously represents the recurring belief (depicting cavemen around a fire, with one saying, "Hey, what is this stuff? It makes everything I think seem profound.").

This belief in psychoactive substances raising expectations was not limited to just the French literary community. In 1845, French psychiatrist Moreau de Tours published a scientific monograph called Du hachisch et de l'alienation mentale, which investigated Hashish as a fundamental subject.

Moreau de Tours conducted a scientific study on the impacts of Cannabis. In his research, he investigated its use as a hallucinogen in Egypt and the Near East, personally experimenting with it as well as other psychoactive plants. He reasoned that its effects bore semblance to specific psychiatric disorders and proposed that they could be employed to induce simulated psychosis. This extraordinary occurrence often feels as though it results from a higher and imperceptible force exerting influence on the individual from outer sources.... This pleasurable and unique state...surfaces unexpectedly.

It is as surprising as a ghost, a sporadic haunting that should lead us, if we are wise, to the assurance of a superior life. This sharpness of thought, this excitement of the senses and the spirit must have seemed to humans throughout history as the initial bliss. English Essays

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