Lifespan-Ch. 11 and 12 – Flashcards

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Describe how cognitive-developmental, biosocial, and social learning theories attempt to describe the acquisition of gender roles
Biosocial theory focuses on the ways in which biological events influence the development of boys and girls, but also ways in which early biological developments influence how people react to a child. This theory suggests that these social reactions have much to do with children's assuming gender roles Social learning theory ( explains that children learn masculine and feminine identities, preferences, and behaviors through two processes. The first is differential reinforcement which is when children are rewarded for sex-appropriate behaviors and are punished for behaviors considered more appropriate for the other sex. The second is observational learning which is when children adopt the attitudes and behaviors of same-sex models. The cognitive-developmental theory states that children everywhere progress through three stages as they acquire gender constancy- 1. basic gender identity established at 2 or 3 2. age 4- children acquire gender stability-they come to understand that gender identity is stable over time 3. age 5-7 children achieve gender consistency and realize their sex is stable across situations
The "big fish little pond effect" suggests that a student's academic self-concept is less positive when students are a. gifted b. in a school with a lot of high achievers c. mentally retarded d. in a school with a lot of low achievers
in a school with a lot of high achievers
self concept is best defined as a. positive or negative perceptions of your unique attributes b. the ability to recognize one's self in a mirror c. an overall evaluation of your self-worth d. the goodness-of-fit between self and environment
positive or negative perceptions of your unique attributes
The most accurate description of a dispositional trait is that it is a. a unique life event b. a situation-specific way of acting c. the cultural in which we live d. a relatively enduring dimension of personality
a relatively enduring dimension of personality
Research on gender portayals of characters in elementary school books found that a. age-old sexist portrayals of men and women are now virtually nonexistent b. in most books, mothers are absent from families c. female characters are often still portrayed as passive and helpless d. male characters tend to promote non-violent solutions to problems
female characters are often still portrayed as passive and helpless
Overgeneralizations about attributes for each sex are called a. sex differences b. gender identities c. androgyny d. gender-role stereotypes
gender role stereotypes
Research by Kagan and his colleagues concluded that behavioral inhibition is _____ rooted. a. biologically b. subconsciously c. socially d. cognitively
In general, gender roles a. are more differentiated during adolescence than they are among newlyweds b. become more traditional and differentiated in a married couple following the birth of a child c. tend to remain constant across the adult years d. are more pronounced for couples when both partners are working
become more traditional and differentiated in a married couple following the birth of a child
Which best illustrates gender segregation? Select one: a. The fact that boys are better at spatial abilities than girls b. Seeing one group consisting of all girls playing at one end of a gym and an all-boy group playing at the other end c. The fact that girls are more emotional than boys d. Seeing a sign that says both boys and girls can try out for the dance team
Seeing one group consisting of all girls playing at one end of a gym and an all-boy group playing at the other end
Difficult temperament is characterized by Select one: a. low irritability and negative reactions to change in routine b. high irritability and negative reactions to change in routine c. low irritability and positive reactions to change in routine d. high irritability and positive reactions to change in routine
high irritability and negative reactions to change in routine
In comparing the views of Freud and Erikson with regard to personality development, it is most accurate to say that Erikson placed more emphasis on _____ than did Freud. a. the impact of early life experiences b. social influences on the development of the rational ego c. the impact of harsh parenting practices d. sexual urges
social influences on the development of the rational ego
The initial awareness that you are either a boy or girl is referred to as Select one: a. gender identity b. gender intensification c. gender segregation d. gender stability
gender identity
The average newborn appears to have Select one: a. no sense of self b. self-recognition but not self-awareness c. self-awareness but not self-recognition d. both self-awareness and self-recognition
no sense of self
Holding a negative image (stereotype) of aging a. may reduce the risk of cardiovascular events in adulthood b. can lead to physically slower behavior in older adulthood c. tends to lead to improvements in memory in old age as people know they need to try harder d. does not appear to have any measurable impact on adult physical or mental status
can lead to physically slower behavior in older adulthood
Which best summarizes the research on the "midlife crisis"? Select one: a. Most males experience a significant midlife crisis, but few females have such an experience b. Most females experience a significant midlife crisis, but few males have such an experience c. Most middle-aged people experience a significant midlife crisis d. Most middle-aged people experience some questioning of self during midlife, but few experience a true midlife crisis
Most middle aged people experience some questioning of self during midlife, but few experience a true midlife crisis
Adults are asked to interact with an unknown infant. Half of the adults are told that the infant is "Steve" and the other half are told that the infant is "Stacy". What are you likely to observe of these interactions? Select one: a. At such a young age, there are not likely to be any differences in how adults treat the infant in the two conditions b. Adults will treat the infant similarly until it begins to act in stereotypical ways, and then there will be differences in the adults' reactions to the infant c. Adults will be able to detect the real biological sex of the infant, regardless of whether they are told the infant is "Steve" or "Stacy" d. Adults are likely to rate "Steve" as strong and brave and "Stacy" as soft and cuddly
Adults are likely to rate "Steve" as strong and brave and "Stacy" as soft and cuddly
Gender intensification involves an increased Select one: a. desire to be viewed as androgynous b. intolerance of any deviation from proscribed gender roles c. drive to affiliate with one's parent d. experimentation with sexual orientation
intolerance of any deviation from proscribed gender roles
Children who are high in self-esteem have parents who Select one: a. have few rules and generally let children decide for themselves what is best b. make decisions for their children so they are not burdened with making choices c. have a "warm" and democratic parenting style d. do not discipline their children
have a warm and democratic parenting style
A significant change in self-description that appears at about age eight is a shift from descriptions focusing on Select one: a. physical characteristics to descriptions focusing on social qualities b. inner qualities to descriptions focusing on action statements c. subjective to objective self-evaluations d. action statements to physical characteristics
physical characteristics to descriptions focusing on social qualities
The Big Five traits Select one: a. are expressed only in individuals in Western societies b. are thought to be genetically influenced c. emerge late in life d. are not considered to be dispositional traits Feedback
are thought to be genetically influenced
The theory that becoming parents pressures males to be more "masculine" and females to be more "feminine" is referred to as the Select one: a. androgyny shift b. double standard c. parental imperative d. gender segregation
parental imperative
In what way might culture OR ethnic identity impact self-concept across the lifespan?
Culture has a lot of impact on an individuals self-concept. If one is raised in an individualistic culture, the individual is more like to be independent and self-reliant throughout their lifespan. However, in a more collectivist culture, their is a lot of emphasis on the people important in your life and how their goals are more important than the individuals. This would translate into an individual being more interdependent throughout their lifespan.
Agency is to communality as Select one: a. masculine is to feminine b. heterosexual is to homosexual c. sex is to gender d. attitude is to behavior
masculine is to feminine
The social learning perspective assumes that a. there are universal stages in the development of personality b. personality is best described in terms of trait dimensions c. personality traits have a strong genetic basis d. personality development is highly influenced by environmental experience
personality is highly influenced by environmental experience
Mia has just become concerned with how she compares to her peers. For example, she wants to know if she can kick a soccer ball farther or read better than her friends. Mia is in which of Erikson's psychosocial stages? Select one: a. Autonomy versus shame and doubt b. Industry versus inferiority c. Initiative versus guilt d. Identity versus role confusion
Industry vs inferiority
According to Marcia, adolescent identity can be classified into one of four statuses that are based on the key issues of a. crisis and commitment b. conscientiousness and comparison c. commitment and conscientiousness d. comparison and crisis
crisis and commitment
Which is true regarding common gender stereotypes? Select one: a. There is solid research evidence that females generally have better visual/spatial skills than males b. There is consistent research support for the fact that males are more aggressive than females c. Females are more vulnerable to diseases and disorders than males d. There are no gender stereotypes that are consistently supported by research
There is consistent research support for the fact that males are more aggressive than females
The debate concerning successful aging in old age involves the _____ debate. Select one: a. nature-nurture b. activity-disengagement c. continuity-discontinuity d. foreclosure-diffusion
Eagly's social-role hypothesis argues that gender-role stereotypes Select one: a. result from biological differences between males and females b. are driven by the social context in which males and females find themselves c. are seldom unfounded d. tend to be more negatively biased against males
Are driven by the social context in which males and females find themselves
The process by which children become aware of the fact that they are either male or female and that there are different cultural expectations concerning the pattern of behavior for the two sexes is called Select one: a. androgenizing b. sexual orienting c. gender-role stereotyping d. gender typing
gender typing
Which of the following accomplishments is typically the LAST to occur? Select one: a. Recognition of self-image in the mirror b. Engaging in joint attention with an adult c. Recognition of self as physically distinct from others d. The influence of social feedback on the sense of self
The influence of social feedback on the sense of self
17) The term "categorical self" involves classifications based on these three social categories _______ , ________ , and ________ ? a. Ethnicity, age, and sex b. Age, sex, and other visible characteristics c. Gender, culture, and other visible characteristics d. Gender, ethnicity, and sex
age sex and other visible characteristics
Which personality dimension of the "Big 5" involves self-consciousness and vulnerability? a. Agreeableness b. Extroversion c. Neuroticism d. Conscientiousness
19) What is the period during high school and college years when a person is relatively free of responsibilities and can experiment with different roles to find themselves? a. Foreclosure period b. Moratorium period c. Diffusion period d. Identity Achievement period
Moratorium period
Identity achievement is associated with ________ and _________ . Psychological well-being, high self-esteem Mental well-being, ability to reach goals High self-esteem, ability to reach goals Psychological well-being, parental support
Psychological well-being, high self-esteem
21) How do adults maintain a positive self-image? a. They maintain a healthy gap between the ideal self and real self b. They adjust their standards of self-evaluation c. They compare themselves to others their age d. All of the above
all of the above
Which of the following examples would you not typically find in an individualistic culture? a. Jake scoring himself high on a self-esteem test for his school's guidance department. b. Courtney telling her friends that her relationship with her parents is important to who she is. c. Stuart answering the question "Who are you?" with "I am an American." d. Caroline moving across the country to a new town where she knows no one.
b. Courtney telling her friends that her relationship with her parents is important to who she is.
What are the two broad aspects of self esteem that preschool children distinguish? a. Competence and social adequacy b. Scholastic competence and social acceptance c. Scholastic competence and athletic competence d. Physical appearance and social acceptance
competence and social adequacy
As children transition from elementary school to middle school, their self esteem: a. Drops b. Increases c. Does not change for most children d. Drops for girls but increases for boys
Which of the following is NOT one of the three aspects of self understanding? a. Personal memories b. Representations of the self c. Self-perceptions d. Theories of the self
self perceptions
Which of the following is NOT apart of the big five personality traits Altruism Conscientiousness Extraversion Agreeableness
Preschoolers most often describe themselves in terms of their: cognitive traits Physical characteristics friends and family sociocultural perspective
physical characteristics
what is the difference between sex and gender? a. sex is biological and gender is what you identify with b. gender and sex are same c. gender is biological d sex is who u r attracted to
sex is biological gender who u identify with
during adolescence why do gender roles increase? a. treatment from parents b. expectations seen in media c. the importance of dating and peer influence d. adolescents label themselves as male or female during this time
c. the importance of dating and peer influence
what is gender schema theory?
the way children acquire sets of info regarding differences between males and females
who developed biosocial theory
money and ehrhardt
It has been stated that female fetuses that are exposed to testerone while in womb, were tomboys and began to date later than other girls. what theory is this an example of? a. cognitive developmnetal b. biosocial c. gender schema d. gender itensification
what age of adolescents are most flexible in regards to gender roles?
middle school
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