Levi jeans commercials produced by Bartle, Bogle, and Hegarty in the 1980’s Essay Example
Levi jeans commercials produced by Bartle, Bogle, and Hegarty in the 1980’s Essay Example

Levi jeans commercials produced by Bartle, Bogle, and Hegarty in the 1980’s Essay Example

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  • Pages: 1 (236 words)
  • Published: July 12, 2017
  • Type: Essay
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Denim jeans, which were first produced in San Francisco during the gold rush, have significantly influenced popular culture. A major contributor to the production of jeans in the city during the 1860s was Levi Strauss & Co.

Levi Strauss founded the company in 1853 with his brother-in-law in San Francisco, initially as a seller of dry goods. In the 1860s, he revolutionized the industry by introducing durable, brown canvas material for work trousers sold directly to miners. As demand increased, the company started using metal rivets to reinforce stress points of the garments in the 1870s. The company expanded and later moved to 250 Valencia Street in the Mission District in the early 20th century


where it still operates today as a working clothes factory and museum.

In the 1980's, Levi jeans experienced a significant decline in sales, attributed to other companies claiming their qualities such as quality, durability, and Americaness that Levi's was known for. It seemed that Levi's had 'Sold Out', causing them to focus on appealing to the younger generation of males aged 13-25.

Levi's enlisted the help of Bartle, Bogle, and Hegarty to create a set of TV ads that would effectively reach a new generation of consumers, embodying the themes of youth, defiance, and fun that would draw them in and make a lasting impression. The ads would serve as a powerful marketing tool to win over a broad audience

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