Integrated Marketing Communications Analysis Argumentative Essay Example
Creative strategies can be classified into two types: informational appeals and transformational appeals. Advertisers frequently utilize appealing or well-known figures, such as celebrities, as spokespersons to increase attention and memory recall. As communication channels become increasingly fragmented and cluttered, selecting effective communication methods becomes more difficult. Personal communication channels involve direct interaction, person-to-audience communication, telephone conversations, or email exchanges. In contrast, non-personal communication channels facilitate one-to-many communication without the need for face-to-face interaction.
It includes the following: - Media - Sales Promotions - Events and experiences - Public Relations
05::: Establish the Total Marketing Communications Budget: The different methods or techniques are: The Affordable Method Percentage of Sales Method Competitive Parity Method Objective and Task Method
06::: Deciding on the Marketing Communications Mix: Each communication has its own unique characteristics and costs too:
Advertising: Advertising has the follo
wing qualities: Pervasiveness Amplified expressiveness Impersonality
Sales Promotion: It possesses the 3 following distinctive benefits: Communication Incentive Invitation
Public relations and publicity: Its appeal is based on 3 distinct qualities: High credibility Ability to catch buyers off guard Dramatization
Each communication has its own unique characteristics and costs too:
Events and Experiences: 3 distinctive characteristics: Relevant Involving Implicit Direct
Personal selling possesses three distinctive characteristics: personal interaction, cultivation, and response. To measure the results of communication, senior management should be aware of the outcomes and revenues gained from communication investments. Factors such as reach, frequency, recall and recognition scores, persuasion changes, and cost-per-thousand calculations are employed to monitor and comprehend the return on investment. The impact of communication is established through a formal measurement involving the aforementioned factors and more. Managing the integrated marketing communications process is crucial. This concept recognizes the added value
of a comprehensive plan and evaluates the strategic roles of various communication disciplines. With a wide range of communication tools, messages, and audience, it is imperative for companies to adopt integrated marketing communications. Rather than focusing solely on individual parts, IMC emphasizes looking at the entire process. The IMC Plan encompasses IMC for small businesses and entrepreneurs, internet marketing integration tools, evaluating an integrated marketing program, trade promotions, consumer promotions, personal selling, and database marketing.
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